Promoting Emerging Researchers

EERA promotes emerging researchers and PhD students with a conference, awards, bursaries, a summer school, mentoring opportunities and more. Within EERA their interests are represented by the Emerging Researchers' Group, whose convenor is a co-opted member of the EERA Council. The current link convenor is Lisa Bugno.

EERA's activities for Emerging Researchers

Emerging Researchers' Group

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The Emerging Researchers' Group fulfils two main EERA objectives: to develop research training in Europe by generating methodology seminars and workshops and to provide support for young researchers on issues of career development, promoting collaborative work - including presentations.

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Emerging Researchers' Conference

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The Emerging Researchers' Conference (ERC) precedes ECER and is organised by EERA's Emerging Researchers' Group. Emerging researchers are uniquely supported to discuss and debate topical and thought-provoking research projects in relation to the ECER themes, trends and current practices in educational research year after year.

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ERC Best Paper Award

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EERA’s Best Paper Award is part of EERA’s strategy to promote emerging researchers and support high quality research in the field of education. The award is specifically designed to motivate young researchers to turn their conference presentations into full papers suitable for publication in research journals.

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ERC Poster Awards

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During the Emerging Researchers' Conference, the convenors of the Emerging Researchers' Group select the best poster presented during the interactive poster sessions. The winner is invited to the following year's ECER.

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ECER Conference Bursaries

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Each year, EERA offers financial support to promising emerging researchers from Eastern European and other Low GDP countries to enable their conference participation. The ECER conference bursary consists of free entrance to ECER and ERC and a 550 Euro travel bursary. Local bursaries, including free entrance to ECER and ERC are offered to students and recent graduates from the country hosting the conference.

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Mentoring Emerging Researchers

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The Emerging Researcher Group offers 3 types of mentoring during which Emerging Researchers receive feedback and guidance from experienced academics: 1) reviewing submissions to the Best Paper Award, 2) reviewing submissions to the Emerging Researchers’ Conference, 3) chairing sessions at the Emerging Researchers’ Conference.

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Season Schools / Workshops

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The annual EERA Summer Schools bring together about 70 emerging researchers from 20 – 30 countries, who are tutored and advised by experienced researchers. Additionally EERA networks conduct subject-specific season schools.

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The Emerging Researchers' Group runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to erg-subscribe(at)