EIPPEE offers free online training courses

Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE) is a two-year project, from March 2011 to Spring 2013. The project aims to further evidence informed policy and practice and increase the use of evidence in decision-making in education across Europe.

The information relates to policy-makers, practitioners, the media, public and other stakeholders who may be interested in or working in the area of evidence informed policy and practice in education.

Find out more about EIPPEE: (<link http: www.eippee.eu _blank external link in new>www.eippee.eu<link http: www.eippee.eu _blank external link in new>)

EIPPEE free online training courses  
Do you work with others to promote the use of research evidence in education?

Do you want to consider the best available evidence when planning and making decisions?
These courses will help you to question and evaluate educational practice, using findings from educational research. They will provide you with highly-sought after skills and knowledge to appraise and apply evidence to your own practice and involve educational policy-makers, practitioners and service users in doing and using research.


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