Are you interested in publishing innovative, transdisciplinary educational research in partnership with the European Educational Research Association? If so, why not submit a proposal to the Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research Series?
This book series presents and discusses topical themes of European and international educational research in the 21st century. It provides educational researchers, policy makers and practitioners with up-to-date theories, evidence and insights in European educational research. It captures research findings from different educational contexts and systems and concentrates on the key contemporary interests in educational research, such as 21st century learning, new learning environments, global citizenship and well-being. It approaches these issues from various angles, including empirical, philosophical, political, critical and theoretical perspectives. The series brings together authors from across a range of geographical, socio-political and cultural contexts, and from different academic levels.
The book series works closely with the networks of the European Educational Research Association. It builds on work and insights that are forged there but also goes well beyond the EERA scope to embrace a wider range of topics and themes in an international perspective.
The series already has five original and influential volumes covering areas such as Partnerships in Education, Storied Doctorates, Wellbeing and Schooling, Children’s Rights, and Gender and Education and is now looking for further submissions.
Details on the submission process can be found at or you can send an email to series editor Prof Denis Beach at Dennis.Beach(at)