A Critical Evaluation of Education Research and Scholarship
Chairperson: Theo Wubbels
Place: BCONF
Date/ Time: 11 September, 14:00 - 15:00
Miller (1999) asserts that “all disciplines produce lax or ineffective research, but some academics say that education scholarship is especially lacking in rigor and practical focus on achievement… Research on the effectiveness of (education) reforms is often weak, inconclusive, or missing altogether.” There is an ongoing discussion on whether or not education is a “typical science” in terms of its methodology, theory building, and ability to address practical problems of society and schools. In this respect, this keynote address is intended to be a critical evaluation of education scholarship.
Miller, D.W. (1999). The Black Hole of Education Research, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 6, 1999.
Biographical Note

Hasan Şimşek is a professor of educational administration and leadership. He is currently the vice president and provost at Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul. He was invited to deliver keynote addresses at the JTET Conference (2008), the 18 th and 19th Educational Sciences Conferences (2009 and 2010; the largest educational event in Turkey), ENIRDELM Conference (2012). He also gave the 2011 academic year opening lecture at the Turkish Academy of War in Istanbul.