
Authors:Arto K. Ahonen (presenting); Kati Mäkitalo-Siegl; Päivi Häkkinen; Sanna Järvelä; Piia Näykki; Teemu Valtonen; Erkko Sointu
Network: NW 10. Teacher Education Research
Poster Title: PREP21
Preparing Teacher Student for 21st Century Learning Practices
Ways of Working and Thinking
<link file:2051 _self poster ahonen>Poster pdf

Authors:Kendra Geeraerts (presenting); Jan Vanhoof; Piet Van den Bossche
Network: NW 01. Continuing Professional Development: Learning for Individuals, Leaders, and Organisations
Poster Title: Dead wood or untapped expertise? Intergenerational knowledge brokerage in school teams
Kendra Geeraerts is a PhD student at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). Her poster outlines a PhD trajectory about intergenerational knowledge brokerage (IKB) in school teams. IKB facilitates knowledge sharing between knowledge demands and knowledge supplies over generations. Besides describing the current processes and results of IKB, this study also explains differences in IKB. Three sets of influencing factors are distinguished: individual teacher, team, and school characteristics. A carefully designed multi method approach is used.
<link file:2050 _self poster geeraerts ecer a1>Poster pdf
Authors:Christoph Gantefort (presenting); Hans-Joachim Roth
Network: NW 31. LEd – Network on Language and Education
Poster Title: The Impact Of Language Proficiency On Academic Achievement Of German ‘Hauptschüler
<link file:2049 _self poster gantefort ecer>Poster pdf