AGNÈS VAN ZANTEN is a sociologist and senior research professor at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). She works at the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement at Sciences Po in Paris and is the editor of the "Education and Society" collection for Presses Universitaires de France. She directed for several years the CNRS's network Réseau Analyse Pluridisciplinaire des Politiques Educatives (RAPPE) as well as the French Sociology Association's network on the sociology of education and training. Her main areas of interest in terms of research are related to the construction of social inequalities and segregations in schools, local educational dynamics, educational policies, comparison of local and national educational systems, and educational sociology research theories, methods, dissemination and reception. She is currently involved in research on elite education in France and from a comparative perspective as well as on transition to higher education in the US and in European countries.
Recent publications include: L'école de la périphérie, Paris, PUF, Coll. Quadrige (2012); Compétition et choix dans le champ scolaire. Un modèle statutaire d’analyse des logiques institutionnelles et sociales, Le Lien Social et Politiques n°66 (2011); Les politiques d’éducation, Paris, PUF, coll. Que sais-je ?, (2011) and Choisir son école. Stratégies familiales and médiations locales, Paris, PUF, coll. Le lien social (2009).