- Friday, 03 September 15:00 - 16:30 CET (Geneva) time
All ERC participants are warmly invited to attend this Emerging Researchers’ Conference (ERC) session which will bring the ERC to a close. This informal session will be facilitated by experienced academics and the ERG co-conveners who will help you understand the EERA structure and chart your way through the ECER conference program. This is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow ‘emerging’ researchers. Furthermore, the winner of the ERC Best Poster Award 2021 will be announced during the ceremony.
The following themes will be addressed within the session. The themes will be briefly introduced at the beginning of the session before participants will be split into breakout groups, for informal discussions pertaining to these themes with the experienced academics and the ERG co-convenor teams.
Doing Educational Research
We are pleased to announce that we will be joined by the Editors of ‘Doing Educational Research: Overcoming Challenges in Practice’. This SAGE/EERA book was developed as a result of feedback from PhD students and addresses challenges researchers have encountered in their projects. In this there are accounts of how experienced researchers handled entry into the research field, how they discussed and managed research result that posed problems when accounted back to the field, and how doing research in a second language, i.e. English, creates a complex set of challenges from interpretation to communication of your research.
Networks, Networking and Development Opportunities
Connect with experts in your field by identifying your network and attending their programs. We will discuss opportunities and strategies for building your network during ECER and beyond.
Converting your conference paper into a publication
Explore the unique opportunities afforded to participants after the Emerging Researchers’ Conference to maximize your publication success. We will discuss several possibilities the ERC offers to receive feedback on your work, for example during and after your conference-presentation.
ERG co-convenors
Meet the Emerging Researchers’ Group co-conveners who will share their recent experiences as Early Career Researchers and provide helpful tips for making the most of the conference experience.
Academics facilitating this session, and their representation, include:
- Joe O’Hara, EERA President and EERA Blog editor
- Maria Pacheco Figueiredo, EERA Secretary General, Network 11: Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance and EERA Network 27: Didactics - Learning and Teaching
- Andreas Hadjar, EERA incoming Treasurer and EERA Network 05: Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education
- Petra Grell, Networks' Representative on Council and EERA Network 06: Open Learning: Media, Environments and Cultures
- Jani Ursin, past Networks' Representative on Council and EERA Network 22. Research in Higher Education
- Ali Sameer, ERG co-Convenor and EERA Network 23: Policy Studies and Politics of Education
- Arnaud Dubois, EERA Network 13, Philosophy of Education: Education and Psychoanalysis
- Branislava Baranovic, Zagreb Institute for Social Research (ZISR) and EERA Network 33: Gender and Education
- Burcu Toptas, ERC Shadow co-Convenor and EERA Network 26: Educational Leadership
- Edwin Keiner, ERG Senior Fellow and EERA Network 17: Histories of Education.
- Hosay Adina-Safi, ERG co-Convenor and EERA Network 31. LEd – Network on Language and Education
- George Head, Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA), Outgoing ERG Senior Mentor and EERA Network 04: Inclusive Education
- Irina Usanova, 31. LEd – Network on Language and Education
- Lisa Bugno, ERG co-Convenor and EERA Network 07: Social Justice and Intercultural Education
- Marco Rieckmann, German Educational Research Association (GERA) and EERA Network 30: Environmental and Sustainability Education Research, ESER
- Marit Honerod Hoveid, ERG Senior Fellow and EERA Network 13: Philosophy of Education: Education and Psychoanalysis
- Natasha Ziebell, ERG co-Convenor and EERA Network 03: Curriculum Innovation
- ML White, EERA Network 10: Teacher Education Research and EERA Blog editor
- Paulina Korsnakova, Slovak Educational Research Society (SERS)
- Saneeya Qureshi, ERG Link Convenor and EERA Network 01: Professional Learning and Development
- Satu Perälä-Littunen, Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA) representative, ERG Senior Mentor and EERA Network 14: Communities, Families, and Schooling in Educational Research
- Xeniya Tursunbayeva, ERG co-Convenor and EERA Network 03: Curriculum Innovation
Important Dates ECER 2021
01.12.2020 | Submission starts |
31.01.2021 | Submission ends |
01.04.2021 | Registration starts |
01.04.2021 | Review results announced |
15.06.2021 | Early bird ends |
25.06.2021 | Presentation times announced |
01.07.2021 | Registration Deadline for Presenters |
02.09.2021 | ERC 2021, online |
06.09.2021 | ECER 2021, online |