
ECER and Accessibility

EERA/ECER welcomes everyone, regardless of disability, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, neurodiversity, ethnicity or religion. We aim to provide an accessible and inclusive conference experience for all.

Due to the fact that ECER takes place in a different city/country and at a different venue each year, the support available will change from year to year. You will find below specific information on the current ECER as well as more general information.

General information:
If you would like to bring a person to the conference to support you (e.g. sign language interpreter, sighted guide) please contact us to organise a free entry for this person. dow(at)

ECER 2024, Nicosia – new campus

  • Almost all areas on campus are wheelchair/mobility aid accessible and there are accessible elevators/lifts in all buildings. If you use a wheelchair, please let us know (dow(at) so we can make sure your presentation is in an appropriate room (a very few rooms are not accessible for presenters).
  • There are accessible restrooms on each floor. Look for the universally recognised symbol of a wheelchair.


  • There is tactile paving on the main path leading to the teaching areas and in front of the main library.
  • There is tactile signage in the lifts.


  • The rooms do not have hearing loops/audio induction loops.


  • There will be a designated Quiet Room. You can find the details in the Venue Booklet.

Dietary requirements

  • There will be vegetarian, vegan, lactose free, gluten free options available at the Welcome Reception and during the coffee breaks. If you booked ERC or ECER lunches, you have the opportunity in the booking system ( to submit dietary requests by 30 July.


Contact Us

Please contact the EERA Office for additional questions regarding ECER and accessibility.