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Thiel Platz H Th Dahlem Dorf Sim on Ot to v e tra ß so nS eg eW Subway Station hk U tsc Bus Stop Du Königin Luise Stra ße Legende: König traße Un Botanic Garden Way to Social Event (Botanic Garden) Way from U-Bahn to Main Bulding ise S in Lu nS t ra ße ste i ten Al H Parking
… Streaming of ECER Keynotes We will live stream the keynotes of Saskia Sassen, on Wed. 14. September 13.30 - 14.30 German Time at Elisabet Örn, on Thursay 15. September 13.30-14.30 h German Time…
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List of Reviewers in Network 9 for ECER 2011 The network is indebted to a growing number of scholars who support the network by participating in the review process for the ECER conferences. The Convenors of Network 9 would like to thank all reviewers listed below for volunteering their valuable