WS A - Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe

  • Session: 00 SES 0.5 WS A (NW01): Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe
  • Time: 9:30 - 11:00
  • Facilitators: Hannu L. T. Heikkinen; Michelle Helms-Lorenz; Eva Bjerkholt
  • To register: Please scroll down and click on the link in the green box

The induction phase is crucial for teachers' professional growth. A key approach to help support new teachers to enter the profession is mentoring, which supports teachers to cope with the complexity of their work. Today, mentoring is seen not just as a transfer of knowledge but as a dynamic process of peer learning and dialogue. This open workshop aims to reframe how mentoring is used and explored in contemporary teacher professional learning and development. The workshop is based on the "Ecosystems of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME)" project, launched in 2021 under the EERA Network 1 activities (Professional Learning and Development).

The workshop is a get-together for European educationalists interested in induction and mentoring, promoting networking and collaboration between researchers, and paving the way for future projects. This includes joint publications, symposia, meetings and the application for research funding for collaborative projects across Europe.

If professional learning and development for teachers is of particular interest to you, especially at the beginning of your career, you are warmly welcome to join us!

Requirements - IMPORTANT:

  • Participants should bring a laptop.
  • You are only eligible to attend this workshop if you are registered as participant of ECER.
  • Please do NOT register for more than one workshop. We will cancel double bookings.
  • Should you not be able to attend, please cancel your reservation, as there might be a waiting list.


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ECER'25, Belgrade
ECER'26, Tampere
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  • accommodation
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  • travel advice and visa information
  • bookable social and side events.

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