- Session: 00 SES 0.5 WS D (NW 07): Learning to talk in/with research: Recognition and power in consultation-conversational methodologies
- Time: 09:30 - 12:00
- Facilitator: Eunice Macedo
- Chairperson: Hanna Ragnarsdóttir
- Discussants: Sofia Almeida Santos and Ghazala Bhatti
To register: Please scroll down and click on the link in the green box
To choose or not to choose consultation-conversational methodologies, that is the question!
In terms of the structure, the session will start with a gathering moment by means of the 'my place' exercise. A Focus Group Discussion will follow on 'the conditions surrounding my research'; leading to dialogical exploration of the theoretical and procedural foundations of FGD and conversational learning, expressed ”in our own voice(s)”.
The session departs from the assumption of the essential role of communication/ consultation/ conversation as a research method that allows for deepening personal and joint production of data which goes beyond ’common-sense’. Deriving from the first assumption, we argue that the recourse to a communicational paradigm makes sense only and if only it stands on both the recognition of the value of human relations and of the asymmetries of power among researchers and the participant ”researchees” (and in between participant ”researchees”) and there is a conscious intent to find ways to reduce such verticality. This implies authentic and humanized communication(s) in which all the voices feel they have space to express, be heard and make a difference. Moreover, consultation-conversational methodologies may be of great use if you want to make the best of the interrelations between participants and focus on the cultures produced by means of their unique interaction within a unique research situation. The place attributed/recognized to participants as coauthors of the data produced and of the research as a whole has implications in the way(s) in which you lead you research with the due respect to your research agenda. Last but not least, we argue that the recognition of voices(s) has implications not only on the way(s) in which you collect and produce data but also in the way(s) we build your analysis so that all voices are accounted for and the currently silenced voices emerge and assert their place in the world. ”Conflict of interpretation”, dissense and the exploration of disagreement are at the core and in the horizon of consultation-conversational methodologies, such as focus group discussion, which will be explored.
Some points to be discussed are: How to resist the prejudice of the divisive dichotomy quantitative vs qualitative? What is the role of the researcher? What is the role of the participants? What is the place given to different voices? How to register and manage subjectivities and the intersubjective vision and cultures constructed through multiple dialogue? How to make sense of different levels of research and methodological options? What decisions need to be made in terms of the potential methodological complementarities and clashes? How to move from the theory as a thought trough method to the method as theory in action respecting the principles and values of a ’good’ and multiple expressive marriage?
Requirements - IMPORTANT:
- You are only eligible to attend this workshop if you are registered as participant of ECER.
- Please do NOT register for more than one workshop. We will cancel double bookings.
- Should you not be able to attend, please cancel your reservation, as there might be a waiting list.

Important Dates ECER 2024
01.12.2023 | Submission starts |
31.01.2024 | Submission ends |
01.04.2024 | Registration starts |
03.04.2024 | Review results announced |
15.05.2024 | Early bird ends |
26.06.2024 | Presentation times announced |
30.06.2024 | Registration Deadline for Presenters |
26.08.2024 | ERC First Day |
27.08.2024 | ECER First Day |

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