- Booking Name: Tuesday Morning Workshop B-A, B-B
- Time: 9:00 - 12:00
- Facilitator: Arnaud Dubois and Patrick Geffard
- Registration deadline: 15 August 2023
This workshop offers to experience a way to analyse professional practices through an approach oriented by psychoanalysis. The method we will use is inspired by Institutional Pedagogy (Vasquez & Oury, 1967), that authors of the proposal both practice since a few decades. The leaders of the device proposed in this workshop have been conducting this type of working group for more than twenty years with different publics in the field of education and training.
This workshop will run in four steps:
- First step: presentation of the ‘device-frame’ (Roussillon, 1995).
- The second step, individual writing: each participant will be invited to write the narration of a situation encountered at work, in a context of teaching or training. The text will be handwritten and in English, which will be the language of the exchanges.
- The third step, a time for exchanges based on free-associations (Freud, 1904): each writer will be invited to read his text and the participants to share what has come to their minds in association with the evoked situation and the way it is related.
- The fourth stage, a time of "meta-reflection" on the method: after having experienced this method, a moment will be devoted to a free discussion during which each participant will be able to talk about this experience of working in group. The leader of this session will be able to briefly present the origin of this method and give examples of its use in the field of education. One of the participants (if possible one of the convenors of Network 21) could be placed in an observer position to focus especially group phenomena during the workshop, i.e. the associative chains.
Freud, S. (1904). Die Freudsche Psychoanalytische Methode. In L. Löwenfeld Die Psychischen Zwangserscheinungen (p. 545-551). Wiesbaden: J.F. Bergman.
Oury, F. & Vasquez, A. (1967). Vers une pédagogie institutionnelle. Paris: Maspero.
Parsons, M. (2000). The dove that returns, the dove that vanishes. Paradox and creativity in psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.
Roussillon, R. (1995). Les fondements de la théorie du cadre. In P. Privat & F. Sacco. Groupes d’enfants et cadre psychanalytique (p. 15-22). Toulouse: Érès.
Winnicott, D.-W. (1971). Playing and Reality. London: Routledge
Requirements - IMPORTANT:
- You are only eligible to attend this workshop if you are registered as participant of ECER.
- Please do NOT register for more than one workshop. We will cancel double bookings.
- Should you not be able to attend, please cancel your reservation, as there might be a waiting list.
Important Dates ECER 2023
01.12.2022 | Submission starts |
31.01.2023 | Submission ends |
01.04.2023 | Registration starts |
01.04.2023 | Review results announced |
15.05.2023 | Early bird ends |
26.06.2023 | Presentation times announced |
30.06.2023 | Registration Deadline for Presenters |