Session Information
Description: Designing a high quality teaching and learning in Higher Education must inevitably involve an innovative institutional program for professional development. The University of Alicante (Spain) is enacting an ambitious project to constitute professional teaching identity through collaborative research networks. Started in 2001-2002 involving 22 research networks and 176 members, it has reached 72 networks and 703 university educators this year. These networks are creating new educative models closer to the principles of Bologna and the European Higher Education Area. The program's final aim is to improve learning quality so as to highly satisfy students; for that reason it intents to transform the present curriculum design and the dominant educative strategies, incorporating communication technologies, e-learning resources, hypertexts, and visual media (Begg, 2003; Biggs, 2003; Gornitzka, 2005; European Commission, 2005).
Methodology: The key objective of this investigation is to evaluate that institutional program, to find out its weak and hard points both in its design and in its enaction. From the assumption of the indispensable need of precision and systematicity in education research, our design has used the instruments developed on the qualitative paradigmatic landscape. Firstly, the objective, quantitative data referred to the participants'evolution is studied: status, gender, age, departamental affiliation and other significant attributes. Secondly, the research projects' topics of each network are analysed. Ulteriorly, with the computer program Aquad Five we evaluate and categorize the participants' self-accounts and self-evaluations: steps forwards and achievements, obstacles and active oppositions hindering curricular novations.
Conclusions: Participants insist on the appropriateness of this program as an alternative to the primordial problem of altering conceptions, capacities and practices of university teachers. The analysis of the qualitative data on both positive and negative aspects of the program evidence that 72% of the assertions reafirm its positive dimensions and that 28% are referred to its weak points, obstacles and constrictions. Positive evaluations refer to its effective contribution to professional development, attesting epistemological and methodological changes in professional thought. Furthemore, 56% of the assertions underline the benefits obtained by their students, while 16% of them enfasize the gains in the students' support.
The emergent codes obtained from self-accounts and self-narratives focus on disposition to collaborative work, participants' compromise, intercommunication, convexity-confrontation and consensus, research team consolidation and cohesion, shared knowledge creation, interdisciplinary and interdepartmental action, improvement on learning results and students' satisfaction, methodological change and innovation, students' implication, e-learning and research results dissemination. As a counterpoint, the main codes on the weak points and obstacles point out time constrictions, meeting difficulties, insufficient resources and lack of communication among networks. Besides, participants have proposed different alternatives to improve the program related to continuity, extern evalution, opportunities for networks' interaction and contacts with other universities, institutional support and material resources.
The quantitative data analysis evidence there has been an unexpected increase in participation, which inequivocally attests the material and moral commitment of the university community towards educative quality. But the most relevant fact is the participants' conviction that educative quality depends on the collaborative researchers' work. To the moment, the research networks' results are acting as a feedback which makes educators collaborate intensively to improve university education.
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