Network: NETWORK 22: Research in Higher Education
, Managed Learning Environments and E-learning
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Jani Ursin
- Enhancing Quality in E-learning in Higher Education. The Development of a Research-Based Quality Matrix
- Time Management in Postgraduate Studies by E-learning
Erika Lofstrom Anne Nevgi
Marios Vryonides
, New Challenges in Higher Education (1)
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Barbara Zamorski
- Specific Knowledge for Professional Activity
Janja Crcinovic Rozman Majda Psunder
, Motivations, Identity Threat and Achievement in Educational Settings: Social Psychological Perspectives. Part 1
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Gabriel Mugny
- The Role of Goal Difficulty in Achievement Goal Effects
- Can Gender Differences be Reduced in Pupils' Performances in National Evaluations?
- Performance-Approach and Performance-Avoidance Goals: when Uncertainty Makes a Difference
- Autobiographical Inhibition and Students' Performances in Statistics: Experimental Illustrations in Two Different University Courses
Corwin Senko
Marie-Christine Toczek
Celine Darnon Judith Harackiewicz
Felice Carugati Patrizia Selleri Maria Christina Matteucci Carlo Tomasetto
, New Challenges in Higher Education (2)
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 13:30-15:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Kari Smith
- The Impact of External Forces on Academic Identity
- Modernising the Publicly-Funded University: Changing Perspectives on Leading the Transformation of Higher Education
- The Dilemmas of Teaching in "Efficiency" University
Laurie Lomas Simon Lygo-Baker
Rosemary Deem
Arto Jauhiainen Annukka Jauhiainen Anne Laiho
, Motivations, Identity Threat and Achievement in Educational Settings: Social Psychological Perspectives. Part 2
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 13:30-15:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Gabriel Mugny
- Self-Competence, Interaction Style and Expert Social Influence: the Correspondence Hypothesis
- Being Polite or not Polite at school? The Question of Academic Consequences of Student's Politeness
- Distribution of Information During Peer Learning at University: Competence Threat Versus Informational Dependence
- An Integrative Approach of Academic Grades and Psychological Disengagement among Arabic French Adolescents
Gabriel Mugny Armand Chatard Alain Quiamzade
Laurence Filisetti Eric Depret
Celine Buchs Fabrizio Butera
Isabelle Regner Florence Loose
, Work-based Learning & Learning in Professional Contexts
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 13:30-15:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Paul Riddy
- Methodologic Supports of an Action Focused to the Improvement
- Building Firm Foundations: an Evaluation of a Work-Based Foundation Degree Programme for Mental Health Workers
- The Role of Higher Education in Transforming Knowledge
Purificacion Perez-Garcia Jesus Domingo-Segovia Enriqueta Molina Ruiz Antonio Burgos Garcia
Chris Kubiak Anita Rogers Anthea Harris
Ralph Catts
, Higher Education and the Wider Society: Developing Critique and Citizenship
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 15:30-17:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Graham Badley
- Knowledge and Learning at the Close of the Mechanical Age: Research Methodology and Practices
- Student Influence in Higher Education - The Case of Sweden
Milan Jaros
Christina Segerholm Asa Bergenheim
, Higher Education Reform: Moving into Inter - disciplinarity
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 15:30-17:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
- From 'Pedagogik' to Educational sciences? Higher Education Reform, Institutional Settings and Disciplinary Formations of Educational Sciences in Sweden
- Transdisciplinary Research in Higher Education Institutions: Possibilities and Resistances
- Understanding Complexity - Facing Future Perspectives Coping with Different Modes of Knowledge in an Interdisciplinary Study Program
Daniel Sundberg
Martha Abrahao Saad Lucchesi Eliana Branco Malanga
Matthias Barth Jasmin Godemann
, Innovation in Higher Education Curricula
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: 1170, Chair: Barbara Zamorski
- Education.Zip vs Learning.Zip: the Impact of the Creative Knowledge Economy on the Construction of Degrees Within Higher Education.
- Obligatory Literature in Curricula of Educational Studies
Bernadette Walker-Gibbs Richard Smith
Ritva Jakku-Sihvonen Satu Uusiautti
, International Co-operation
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: 1193, Chair: Mary Thornton
- First Steps Towards European Frameworks for Educational Development: NETTLE, Results so Far.
- Graduate Studies for Excellence and Entrepreneurship in a Globalised World - a Swedish - Chinese Comparative Study
- Towards a Standardized System for the Research Evaluation in Social Sciences
Paul Riddy
Ingrid Nilsson Christina Segerholm Jorgen From Carina Holmgren
Lidia Cabrera-Perez Luis Carro
, The Bologna Process in Process (1)
Wednesday, 2006-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: 1160, Chair: Rosemary Deem
- The Bologna Process in Process - Stories Told and Translated in Four European Countries. Part 1: the Translation and Interpretation of European Policy Documents at National Levels
Jani Ursin Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne Andreas Fejes Judith Litjens
, Developing Academic Practice
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Rhonda Wynne
- The Role of a Teacher in a Knowledge-Creation Process
- Time, Narrative and the Conceptualisation of Reflective Practice in the Development of Higher Education Practitioners
Elina Ora-Hyytiainen Elina Rajalahti
Saranne Weller
, Pedagogical Forms Influencing Curricular Outcomes
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Guy Tchibozo
- Educational Learning Outcomes and Expected Professional Competence in Engineering
- Exploring the Role of PowerPoint in Supporting Knowledge Transformations
- A Study on Constructing Text of Applied Mathematics Practicable for Current University Students
Piotr Szybek Asa Lindberg-Sand Nina Reistad Thomas Ohlsson
Deesha Chadha Ian M. Kinchin
Michiko Tsubaki Tatsuro Aoyama
, The Bologna Process in Process (2)
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Rosemary Deem
- The Bologna Process in Process- Stories Told and Translated in Four European Countries. Part 2: how is the "Bologna process" enacted in institutional and professional contexts?
Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne Paul Riddy Mira Huusko Oili-Helena Ylijoki
, Poster Presentations
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 09:00-00:00, Room: Exhibit Area, Chair:
- Influence of Perceived Social Climate on the Motivation of University Students
- Why Do Mastery-Oriented Achievement Goals Seldom Predict Course Grades?
- Bridging the Gap: Changing Learning Conceptions in Higher Education as Shapers of Knowledge
Philippe Genoud
Corwin Senko Kenneth Miles
Zarina Charlesworth
, Developing Shared Understanding of Curricula
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Jani Ursin
- Structures and Objectives of the Curricula of Teachers' Pedagogical Studies for Subject Teachers - Comparisons and Reflections between the Curricula and the Tuning Project
- Transforming University Teaching Knowledge through Research Networks: a Case Study
- Research and Teaching: a Maturing Relationship or a Marginalised Pursuit?
Varpu Tissari
Maria A. Martinez Ruiz Narcis Sauleda Vicente Carrasco
Barbara Zamorski
, Graduate Employability
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
- A Study About Women's Employment Among the University's Graduates: Case Study Mazandaran University
- Graduate Work and Employability in the 'Knowledge Economy': a Review of the Evidence
- Higher Education and Employment in the Risk Society - Insights on the Portuguese Case
Ebrahim Salehi
Michael Tomlinson
Mariana Gaio Alves
, Postgraduate Teaching & Learning
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Palmira Juceviciene
, A Transition from Higher Education to Working Life
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 15:30-17:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Graham Badley
, Lifelong Learning, Widening Participation and Knowledge Creation
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 15:30-17:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Mary Thornton
- Higher Education and Knowledge Transformation - Adult Perspectives on Lifelong Learning
- Procedures to Assess and Credit Prior Learning: a Review Study
- Fit and Future: the Experience of an Adult Education Centre in a Traditional University Environment
Ana Luisa Oliveira Pires
Wim Jochems Desiree Joosten-ten Brinke Dominique Sluijsmans Saskia Brand-Gruwel
Bairbre Fleming Rhonda Wynne
, Student Mobility and Europeanisation
Thursday, 2006-09-14, 15:30-17:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Ingrid Miethe
- Adjusting to Global Educational Demands: the Ipso Facto Programme Revisited
- Education and Europeanization: Higher Education Policy and the Case of Portugal
- Quality in Internationalizing Higher Education - a Pedagogical Issue that Needs to be Addressed from a Pedagogical Perspective
Jonas Stier
Paula Branco da Cunha
Monne Wihlborg
, Academics as Teachers: Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
Friday, 2006-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Barbara Zamorski
- Diverse Outcomes - Different Approaches to Teaching? An Exploration of Lecturers' Perceptions
- University Lecturers Reflecting on their Teaching Situations and Teaching Experiences
- The Influence of Teaching and Assessment Styles of University Professors on how University Students Learn
Hazel Lawson Mary Pittman
Mari Karm
Bernardo Gargallo Lopez Cruz Perez Perez Amparo Fernandez March Francesc Sanchez Peris
, Student Retention and Motivation
Friday, 2006-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
- Keeping Hold of Them: Retention of First Year Students
- From Evaluation to Intervention for Student Success. A Study of the University of Lisbon
- Narratives of University Students' Experiences of Changing Major Subject
Dianne Gereluk Carrie Winstanley Jo Peat
Ana Paula Curado
Mirka Makinen
, Students as Learners
Friday, 2006-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Elina Ora-Hyytiainen
- Students' Questions and Conceptions of Learning
- Emotions and Education
Maria Helena Pedrosa De Jesus Patricia Almeida
Luigina Mortari
, Academics as Learners
Friday, 2006-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1160, Chair: Barbara Zamorski
- Developing Pedagogical Awareness in Higher Education Web-based Instruction
- Transforming Knowledge about Writing: Writing Groups for University Teachers
- University Teacher as a Learner
Erika Lofstrom Anne Nevgi
Graham Badley
Palmira Juceviciene
, Challenges of Higher Education Reform: Student Choices
Friday, 2006-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1170, Chair: Jani Ursin
- The Choice between University and Polytechnic and the Realisation of Young People's Educational Goals
- What Does a Degree Cost and what is it Worth? Pricing Undergraduate Courses in the England
- Classification of Learning Styles of University Students After Quality Improvement of Lesson Using Latent Class of Structural Equation Modeling
Paivi Vuorinen
Helen Carasso
Michiko Tsubaki Daisuke Kobayashi Hiroki Shiina
, The Influence of Higher Education Environments on Students Study Strategies
Friday, 2006-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: 1193, Chair: Mariana Gaio Alves
- The Messages University Teachers Send to Students about Knowledge and Teacher/Learner Roles
- The Effect of Cultural Background on Time to the Completion of a Master's Degree
- University Newcomers: between Social Constraints and Individual Projects
Barbara Steh Jana Kalin
Satu Merenluoto
Maria Manuel Vieira
, Academics as Teachers: Developing Quality
Friday, 2006-09-15, 14:45-16:15, Room: 1160, Chair: Zarina Charlesworth
- University Professors' Conceptions of Teaching as Mediated Action. A Theorical Framework of the Work of Making Sense Grounded on Semiotic Materiality of Utterances Produced During Interviews.
- The Academics' Perspective on the 'Quality Teaching' Agenda: how to Meet all the Demands on their Time and Maintain Personal Equilibrium and Sound Practice?
- Teaching Styles of University Professors
Frederic Saussez
Shelleyann Scott Kathryn Dixon Rosemary Kerr Robert Dixon
Bernardo Gargallo Lopez Pedro Garfella Esteban Miguel Angel Jimenez Rodriguez Silvia Ines Ferriols Jorge
, Crossing Borders: Widening Participation
Friday, 2006-09-15, 14:45-16:15, Room: 1170, Chair: Barbara Zamorski
- Working-Class Men and Academic Spaces: Changing Attitudes Seen from a Life-Course Perspective
- What is Generic Good Practice in Successfully Teaching Heterogeneous Cohorts of Students in Higher Education and what Might be Appropriate Criteria for Judgement?
- Crossing Borders and Navigating Fields: Exploring 'Disadvantaged Mature Students' Experience of University Life Through their Voices and Images
Mandy Winterton
Mary Thornton
Jon Prosser Andrew Loxley
, Learning Contexts and Knowledge Production
Friday, 2006-09-15, 14:45-16:15, Room: 1193, Chair: Kari Smith
- Becoming Participants in their Training: Transformation of the Relation to Knowledge of First Year Nursing Students
- Academics' Ways of Experiencing Scientific Knowledge: Epistemological Plurality in the University
- Designing Learning for the IPOD Generation - Investigating University Students' Prior Experiences of Technology and their Expectations of Using Technology in their Studies
Josiane Hernandez Maryvonne Charmillot
Maria Figueiredo Ana Moura Arroz
Amanda Jefferies Diana Kornbrot Nuzhat Quadri
, Academic Development: Changing Careers, Identities and Roles
Friday, 2006-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: 1170, Chair: Jani Ursin
- University Teaching Staff as Regards the Establishment of the European Higher Education Area
- The Scholarship of Teaching in the University of Granada
- Gender and the UK Research Culture: an Internet Revolution?
- New Professionals', New Technologies, Professional Development and Scholarship in Higher Education
M. Carmen Lopez-Lopez Antonio Burgos Garcia A Fernandez Herreria
Manuel Fernandez-Cruz Antonio Bolivar Luis Rico Fernando Justicia
Anne Manuel
Alison Hudson
, Developing Quality - in Teaching and Knowledge Innovation
Friday, 2006-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: 1193, Chair: Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
, The Relationship between Societies in Transition and Higher Education Systems
Friday, 2006-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: 1160, Chair: Barbara Zamorski
- The East German Arbeiter- und Bauern-Fakultäten (ABF) as a Large-scale Policy Experiment to Broaden Access to Higher Education?
- Anti-Semitism in the Academy: the Brain Drain from Russia
- Restructuring Reforms in Turkish Teacher Education: Modernization and Development in a Dynamic Environment
Ingrid Miethe
Irina Isaakyan
Pinar Onkol Gary Grossman Margaret Sands
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