Session Information
01 SES 07 B, Professional and Organisational Learning
Paper Session
How do the new preschool teachers and their assistants describe their assumptions of each other’s competences, and what kind of impact may these assumptions have on the learning culture in preschool?
In this paper the authors focus on the complex relationship between preschool teachers and assistants in two different kindergartens. The roles and identities of these two occupational groups are examined through self-reported interviews. Our methodical approach is individual interviews with both preschool teachers and assistants in two different preschools. Each interview lasted approximately one hour and was taped, and the tapes transcribed. We address the inter-relationship between them by highlighting their positions and roles within the organization and the way they perceive each other. Data about their way of thinking about each other and their different educational levels and working conditions are vitally important to gain knowledge about the quality of the context and learning culture in preschools (Biesta 2010, 2011). Examples from the interviews are presented to demonstrate the difficulties between symmetry on the personal level and asymmetry concerning academic knowledge. Their assumption of each other‘s competences is analyzed and applied to their professional development and to the existing learning culture.
Expected Outcomes
Abrahamsen, G. & I.B. Espedal Tungland (2012): “Roles and Relationships among new preschool teachers and assistants and the impact it has on the learning culture in preschool”. Academic paper presentation at The International Conference on Research for Induction of New Teachers, 9th – 11th May 2012, Tallinn University, Estonia. Bae, B. (1988): Methodological Issues Concerning Naturalistic Observations in Pre-school Institutions. Barnevernsakademiet i Oslo. Bastiansen, A. (1985): Sluttrapport fra Førskolelærere og yrke. Oslo: Institutt for anvendt sosialvitenskapelig forskning. Bauman, Z. (1996): “From Pilgrim to Tourist – or a Short History of Identity”. In Hall, S. and P. Du Gay (eds.): Questions of Cultural Identity. London: SAGE Publications. Biesta, G. (2011): “From Learning Cultures to Educational Cultures: values and Judgements in Educational Research and Educational Improvement”. International Journal of Early Childhood, 43 (3), 199-210 Elkjaer, B. (2004): Organizational Learning. The “Third Way”. London: SAGE Publications. Elmholdt, C. (2008): “Learning Across Culture”. In E. Nielsen, S. Brinkmann, C. Elmholdt, L. Tanggaard, P. Musaens and G. Kraft (eds.): A Qualitative Stance. Essays in honor of Steinar Kvale. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. Hanssen, B., N. Helgevold (2010): «Å trå over dørstokken. Fra å lære å bli en lærer til å lære å være lærer». I T. Hoel Løkensgard, G. Engvik, B. Hanssen: Ny som lærer: sjansespill og samspill. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Haug, P. G.S. Steinnes (2011): “Educated kindergarten teachers, a prerequisite of quality in Norwegian kindergartens?” Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care –Effects and Challenges. Oslo 18th -20th May 2011. Honneth, A (2005): The Struggle for Recognition. The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kvale, S. (2007): Doing Interviews. London: SAGE Publications. Lave, J. & E. Wenger (1991): Situated Learning, Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: University Press. Marshall, C., G.B. Rossman (2011): Designing Qualitative Research. California: SAGE Publications. Mørkeseth, E.I. (2012): «Læringskultur i barnehagen i møtet mellom «folkelig» oppdragelseskultur og førskolelærernes fagkultur». I M. Alvestad og T. Vist (red): Læringskultur i barnehagen: flerfaglig forskningsperspektiv. Oslo: Cappelen. Nordin-Hultman, E. (2004): Pedagogiske miljøer og barns subjektskaping. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum. Nørregård-Nielsen, E. (2005): Pædagoger i skyggen: om børnehavepedagogernes kamp for faglig anerkjendelse. Odense: Syddansk universitetsforlag. Rubin, H.J. & I. Rubin (2005): Qualitative interviewing: the art of hearing data. Thousand Oaks California: SAGE. Silverman, D. (2004): Interpreting Qualitative Data. Methods for analysing talk, text and interaction.London: SAGE Publications. Tiller, P.O. (1987): «Barns livsverden». I Myklebust & Ommundsen (red.): Psykologiprofesjonen mot år 2000. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Urwin, C. & J. Sternberg (eds.) (2012): Infant Observation and Research. Emotional Processes in Everyday Life. London: Routledge.
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