Session Information
11 SES 06 B, Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Quality of Education
Paper Session
The present study is aimed at investigating the students’ satisfaction with the tourism training offered by the Centre for Tourism Training (Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania). The present investigation is part of a permanent concern for enhancing a quality assurance framework for VET in tourism, which has become the focus of a Lifelong Learning project under the auspices of the LLP/PAR/2012/103 Leonardo da Vinci partnership project.
A brief history of quality assurance and evaluation in education reveals that the notion of quality has proven to be an extremely complex one, which can be approached from several perspectives (Harvey and Green, 1993). Thus, the documents of the European Council and the European Commission define the process of quality assurance as a generic term which stands for a continuous process and comprises: evaluating, monitoring, assuring, maintaining and improving the level of quality of a system, program, or institution (Standards and Guidelinesfor Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, 2005).
The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) asserts that providing a definition for quality assurance is a cumbersome task, on the one hand because the term covers a number of complex elements and, on the other hand, because each national education system has adopted its own views and definitions of these elements (ibid.). Harmonising the systems for quality evaluation, both with the existent reality and among themselves, is a fastidious challenge and a great opportunity for the global education system (Kohler, 2009), including VET.
Targeted at young people and adults, the importance of vocational education and training (VET) has been on the rise in the present dynamic social-economic society, especially starting with 2002. A proper quality assurance system for vocational education proved to be a challenging task (Șerban, 2013) and has become a priority of VET. The European Parliament and The European Council have created a number tools for VET (Irimiea, 2011) and established, in June 2009, a Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (QARF), which proposes a reference set of selected quality indicators for assessing quality in VET.
The scientist Karl Popper (1998) defines human rationality by the adequacy of one’s action to a specific situation as he perceives it. From another point of view, the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, (2007, 1984), representative of critical structuralism, admits that the actions that people undertake - position taken - are based on their dispositions, which result from the accumulation of their previous life experiences, their social and professional status. Based on these two perspectives, we can claim that the people’s perception on quality and their declared level of satisfaction is influenced by their accumulated experience of life.
Against this twofold conceptual background (quality in VET for tourism and human perception), the present study seeks to present the results of a questionnaire-based inquiry targeting the students who attended the travel agent and tourism manager courses at the Centre for Tourism Training of the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The investigation undertook to evaluate the degree of students’ satisfaction with the quality of their learning experience, pursuing the second quality indicator recommended by the QARF: Investment in training of teachers and trainers, in turn consisting of (a) share of teachers and trainers participating in further training and (b) amount of funds invested.
Thus, the research is based on two questions: is the students’ degree of satisfaction influenced by their accumulated learning experiences, and, if yes, which are the main influential issues.
Expected Outcomes
1. Bourdieu, P. (1984) Espace social et genèses des „classes”. In Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. Vol. 52 - 53, June 1984, pp. 3-14 2. Bourdieu, P. (2007) Regulile artei. Geneza şi structura câmpului literar / Rules of art. The Genesis and the structure of the literary field.. IInd edition. The Art Edictoial Group 3. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2005), European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Helsinki, , accessed on 29.07.2013 4. Harvey, L., Green, D. (1993) Defining quality. In Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Vol. 18 (1), pp. 9 – 34 5. Iluţ, P. (1997) Abordarea calitativă a socioumanului / Qualitative approaches in sociohuman sciences. Polirom, Iaşi 6. Irimiea, S. (2011), A CEDEFOP outlook on European VET Strategies and Achievements. (For the Emerging Skill Demand and Supply). In Irimiea, S., Albulescu, M., eds., (2011), Repere conceptuale și bune practicipentru învățământul vocațional în turism /Useful Concepts and Good Practices for Vocational Training in Tourism. pp. 55 – 62 7. Kohler, J. (2009) Quality in Higher Education. In Sadlak, J. et al (eds.), UNESCO Forum on Higher Education in the Europe Region: Access, Values, Quality and Competitiveness. Topical Contributions and Outcomes, CEPES, Bucharest, 2009, pp. 175 - 218 8. Popper, K. R. (1998) Mitul contextului / The Myth of the Context. Editura Trei, Bucureşti 9. Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training,, accessed in 10.09.2011 10. Rotariu, T., Iluţ, P. (2006) Ancheta sociologică şi sondajul de opinie. Teorie şi practică / Sociological Investigation and Survey. Theory and Practice Polirom, Iaşi 11. Strauss, A., Corbin, J. (1998) Basics of Qualitative Research. Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Sage Publication, New York 12. Șerban, A. (2013), Bariere de legitimate în evaluarea calității instituțiilor de învățământ superior musical din România / Barriers of Legitimacy in The Quality Assessment of Musical Higher Education Institutions in Romania. Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca
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