Session Information
22 SES 01 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Paper Session
This study aims to understand the perceptions of teachers and students about teaching, learning and assessment in higher education, particularly in Portuguese Universities.
Following the Bologna Process changes occurred in the organization and functioning in higher education, which led to a new approach to the teaching, learning and assessment, even assuming the existence of a paradigm change, from teaching to learning. It was expected that teachers could use more active teaching methodologies accompanied by a formative evaluation. In this sense, it is important to know, from the perspective of teachers and students, if teachers are to use active teaching and learning methodologies and practices of formative assessment or if, on the contrary, continue to use a more transmissive teaching and summative assessment practices based on tests and exams where the students develop a memory-based learning.
Expected Outcomes
Vaz-Rebelo, M. P., Barreira, C., Pessoa, T. (2011). A docência universitária: Contributos para a elaboração de um mapa conceptual e identificação de dilemas profissionais. In Livro de Actas do XI Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués de Psicopedagoxía (pp. 2205-2210). Universidade da Coruña: Facultade de Ciencias da Educación Campus de Elviña: ISSN 1138-1663. Barreira, C., Bidarra, G., Vaz-Rebelo, M. P., & Monteiro, F. (2012). Processos e práticas da avaliação das aprendizagens no Ensino Superior. In C. Leite & M. Zabalza (Coords.), Ensino Superior: Inovação qualidade na docência (pp. 971-984). Universidade do Porto: FPCE: ISBN 978-989-8471-05-5. Bidarra, G., & Barreira, C., Vaz-Rebelo, P., Monteiro, F., & Alferes, V. (2013). Percepções de docentes e estudantes face à avaliação das aprendizagens no ensino superior – Análises preliminares das respostas ao questionário AVENA. III Congresso Internacional de Docencia Universitária (III CIDU). Universidad de Vigo: Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais (España) (no prelo, 4 páginas). Bidarra, G., & Barreira, C., Vaz-Rebelo, P., Monteiro, F., & Alferes, V. (2013). Percepções de alunos face à avaliação das aprendizagens no ensino superior – Análises preliminares das respostas ao questionário AVENA. In M. Elisa Chaleta et al. (Coords.) Actas da II International Conference “Learning and Teaching in Higher Education” and “Learning Orchestration in Higher Education” (pp. 147-155). Universidad de Évora ISBN 978-989-96656-4-4.
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