Session Information
09 SES 08 C, Teachers’ Roles in Assessment Practices
Paper Session
More and more countries adopt the Anglo-Saxon tradition of curriculum-based external examinations using standardized tests (Kellaghan and Greaney, 2001). If the major aims of these tests can be different (Blais, 2005; Bain, 1996), they always contribute, in one way or another, to regulate teachers’ assessment practices (Ntamakiliro & Tessaro, 2010).
Many North American and European studies have showed the effects of testing on teaching practices (eg, Mons, 2009). These effects are particularly significant when it comes to high stakes tests (Amrein & Berliner, 2002).
For school administration, external examinations are a good way to regulate teaching practices by forcing teachers -to some extent- to "complete the program" within time limits and to comply with the core curriculum (Bain, 1996). They also serve as a "didactic lever" about teaching practices (Bodin, Delory, Lafontaine and Wolf, 2001), especially when there is a change of curriculum. Finally, they inform teachers about the skill levels expected from their students.
Indeed, the level of learning objectives in curricula is often too general to guide teachers in assessing their students’ learning (Monseur & Demeuse, 2005; Scallon, 2004). Thus, translating objectives into tasks that reveal on the one hand the level of achievement and on the other hand the definition of evaluation criteria (Roegiers, 2010), can be arbitrary.
In agreement with Allal (2009) and Laveault (2009), and as indicated by teachers (Dierendonck, 2008; Soussi, Guilley, Guignard & Nidegger, 2009), we believe that teachers’ summative assessment practices -considered as a professional judgement (Allal, 2012)- and construction methods of standardized tests using theories of measurement (Blais, 2005), should not be hierarchical but seen as complementary.
Teacher’s professional judgment convenes various categories of information. This multireferentiality (Mottier Lopez & Allal, 2008) combines internal and external referents, some of which are common to all students and others balanced with regard to singular situations of students.
Like Slomp (2009), in a comprehensive and situated way, we try to understand the dimensions on which testing enforced by a school system can guide teachers’ assessment practices. We wish to study the forms of reasoning and interpretation as well as the modalities of action shown by teachers when they compare their judgments to standardized tests. We also intend to explore how they articulate them with their internal referents during a process of social moderation (Wyatt-Smith, Klenowski & Gunn, 2010), aimed at reducing differences between teachers and between schools and thus ensuring greater equity in summative assessment practices.
Our research therefore questions the alignment (Biggs, 1999) between assessment prescriptions as conveyed by testing and teachers’ summative assessments practices in the classroom.
Expected Outcomes
Allal, L. (2009). Pratiques évaluatives des enseignants face aux méthodologies des recherches évaluatives portant sur les systèmes scolaires. In L. Mottier Lopez & M. Crahay (Ed.), Évaluations en tension : entre la régulation des apprentissages et le pilotage des systèmes (pp. 29-45). Bruxelles : De Boeck. Allal, L. (2012). Teachers’ professional judgement in assessment: a cognitive act and a socially situated practice. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, DOI: 10.1080/0969594X.2012.736364 Amrein, A. L. & Berliner, D. C. (2002). High-stakes testing, uncertainity, and student learning. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 10(18). Biggs, J.B. (1999). What the student does: Teaching for quality learning at university. Buckingham: Open University Press. Bodin, A., Delory, C., Lafontaine, D. & Wolf, J.-L. (2001). Quelle évaluation externe des élèves pour quels socles de compétences ? Pédagogies, 14, 56-65. Bourassa, M., Bélair, L. & Chevalier, J. (2007). Les outils de la recherche participative. Education et Francophonie, XXXV (2), 1-11. Charters, E. (2003). The use of think-aloud methods in qualitative research. An introduction to think-aloud methods. Brock Education, 12, 68-82. Kellaghan, T. & Greaney, V. (2001). Using assessment to improve the quality of education. Paris : UNESCO. Mons, N. (2009). Les effets théoriques et réels de l’évaluation standardisée. Réseau Eurydice. Monseur, C. & Demeuse, M. (2005). Les évaluations externes permettent-elles une régulation efficace ? In M. Demeuse et C. Monseur (Ed.), Vers une école juste et efficace. Bruxelles: De Boeck. Mottier Lopez, L. & Allal, L. (2008). Le jugement professionnel en évaluation : un acte cognitif et une pratique sociale située. Revue suisse des sciences de l’éducation, 3, 465-482. Mottier Lopez, L., Tessaro, W., Dechamboux, L. & Morales Villabona, F. (2012). La modération sociale: un dispositif soutenant l’émergence de savoirs négociés sur l’évaluation certificative des apprentissages des élèves. Questions vives, 18. Ntamakiliro, L. & Tessaro, W. (2010). Vers plus d’épreuves externes : une standardisation de l’évaluation scolaire? In P. Gilliéron Giroud & L. Ntamakiliro (Ed.), Réformer l’évaluation scolaire : mission impossible ? (pp. 165-185). Berne: Lang. Roegiers, X. (2010). L’école et l’évaluation. Bruxelles: De Boeck. Scallon, G. (2004). L’évaluation des apprentissages dans une approche par compétences. Bruxelles : De Boeck. Soussi, A., Guilley, E., Guignard, N. & Nidegger, C. (2009). Evaluation des acquis des élèves à l’école obligatoire. Genève : Service de la recherche en éducation. Slomp, D. (2009). Limiting Literacy, Limiting Excellence? An Examination into the Consequences of Large-Scale Standardized Literacy Assessment. Requête au Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines du Canada. Wyatt-Smith, C., Klenowski, V., & Gunn, S. (2010). The centrality of teachers’ judgement practice in assessment: a study of standards in moderation. Assessment in Education : Principles, Policy & Practice,17(1), 59-75.
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