Network: 09. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
09 SES 01 A, Findings from Large-scale Assessments: Roles of Curricula and Opportunities to Learn
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 13:15-14:45, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- The DIF Analysis of TIMSS 2011 Mathematics Items and Mathematics Curricula in Grade 4 – Five European Countries Comparison
- What Effects Did the New Project Maths Syllabus Have on the Performance of Students in Ireland on PISA 2012 Mathematics?
- Cross-Cultural Differences in Opportunities-to-learn and Achievement in Reading: a Methodological Study
- How Do Students Value the Importance of 21st Century Skills?
Jelena Radišić Aleksandar Baucal
Gerry Shiel Brian Merriman Rachel Perkins Jude Cosgrove
Dominique Lafontaine Svenja Vieluf Baye Ariane Monseur Christian
Arto K. Ahonen Päivi Kinnunen
09 SES 01 B, Developmental Perspectives on Literacy
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 13:15-14:45, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Inga Arffman
- Assessment For Learning: Growth In Literacy
- Differential Effects of Early Phonological Training as a Function of the Child’s Socio-Economic Background
- Reading Comprehension of Czech Students in Lower Secondary School
Marion Meiers
Ulrika Wolff Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Karel Stary David Greger
09 SES 01 C, Using the TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 International Databases for Secondary Analysis (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 13:15-14:45, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Plamen Mirazchiyski
- Using the TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 International Databases for Secondary Analysis
Plamen Mirazchiyski Andres Sandoval-Hernandez
09 SES 02 A, Findings from PISA: Performance In and Attitudes Towards Mathematics
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 15:15-16:45, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Anabela Serrão
- Mediating Effects of Grade Repetition in the Explanation of Mathematical Literacy Performance from PISA 2012 Perspective
- Mathematics Anxiety in Serbia: Comparison of 2003 and 2012 PISA Cycle
Pou-seong Sit Kwok-cheung Cheung Wai-cheong Cheong Soi-kei Mak Man-kai Ieong
Jelena Radišić Aleksandar Baucal Marina Videnović
09 SES 02 B, Investigating Conditions of School Choice and Selection
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 15:15-16:45, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Monica Rosén
- Mechanisms of school choice at the primary level – findings from the Czech Longitudinal Study in Education
- The Predictive Accuracy and the Predictive Validity of Academically Oriented Teachers' Recommendations for Students of Different Socio-economic Status
- Changes in Upper Secondary School Market Geography in Sweden between 1994 and 2013
Jana Strakova Jaroslava Simonová
Denisa-Felicia Dudas Wilfried Bos
Kajsa Yang Hansen Anna-Maria Fjellman
09 SES 02 C, Using the TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 International Databases for Secondary Analysis (Part 2)
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 15:15-16:45, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Andres Sandoval-Hernandez
- Using the TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 International Databases for Secondary Analysis (part 2)
Plamen Mirazchiyski Andrés Sandoval-Hernández
09 SES 03 A, Comparing Large-Scale Assessments across Countries and Domains: Issues in Interpretation and Adaptation Procedures
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 17:15-18:45, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Jana Strakova
- A Comparison of Mathematics and Science Performance in TIMSS 2007 and PISA 2009 of Countries Participating in Both Surveys
- Comparison Between Finland’s Finnish and Swedish PISA Test - How Comparable Are They?
- Options and Practice in National Assessment Design
Elisa Caponera Valeria Damiani Laura Palmerio Cristina Lasorsa
Inga Arffman
Rod Johnson Sandra Johnson
09 SES 03 JS, How to Tame Monsters: Encounters Between Standards and Deviants
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 17:15-18:45, Room: B116 Sala de Aulas, Chair: Radhika Gorur
- How to Tame Monsters: Encounters between Standards and Deviants
- Managing Monsters with Mathematics
- Manufacturing Monsters: Media Translations of PIAAC
- Standardisation and the Monsters of Diversity
- The Neglected Situation: Standardised Testing, Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis and the Monster of Difference
Radhika Gorur Mary Hamilton Camilla Addey Bryan Maddox Paolo Landri
Radhika Gorur
Mary Hamilton
Camilla Addey
Bryan Maddox
09 SES 03 C, Methodological Issues in Tests and Assessments
Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 17:15-18:45, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Jan-Eric Gustafsson
- Mode Effects In Student-exam Correction: A Comparison Of Computer-based And Paper-pencil Testing
- Comparisons between Partial Credit and Rating Scale Rasch models: Perception Scale of Child Well-being
Claudia Krille Eveline Wuttke Jens Siemon Nordstrand Vibeke Paul Oliver Seifried Jürgen
Enrique Navarro Eva Expósito Casas Esther López Bianca Thoilliez
09 SES 04 A, Methodological Issues in Large-Scale Assessments
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 09:00-10:30, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Eugenio Gonzalez
- The Issue Of Item Dependencies In Problem Solving Assessments
- Do TIMSS and PIRLS measure only a single general cognitive ability?
- Evaluation of item parameter recovery estimation by ACER ConQuest software
Ronny Scherer Johan Braeken
Benjamin Euen Heike Wendt Wilfried Bos
Luc Le Raymond Adams
09 SES 04 B, Assessments in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 09:00-10:30, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Ariane S. Willems
- The Use of Rubrics in Higher Education and Competencies Evaluation. Scientific Study About Characteristics of Rating Scales Used by Professors
- Gender Inequalities In Test Performance Of Medical Students
- How Wrong is Wrong? (Selected) Insufficient Solutions to Test Items in Engineering Mechanics and their Didactical Potential
Juan-Carlos Tójar Leticia Velasco Martínez
Lilith Roggemans Bram Spruyt
Andreas Saniter Frank Musekamp
09 SES 04 C, Developing and Evaluating Screenings and Assessments for Students with Special Educational Needs
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 09:00-10:30, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Wen-Hui Lu
- Screening for Specific Learning Disorders - cultural adaptation and validation of the Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory for European Portuguese
- Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) As A Reliable Measurement Of Progress Monitoring? Results Of An Experimental Study Comparing Two DBR-scale Formats
María José Buceta Cristina Rubianes Vieira
Christian Huber
09 SES 05 A, Towards Understanding Academic Resilience: Exploring the Roles of Individual and Group Level Factors
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 11:00-12:30, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Kajsa Yang Hansen
- Predicting Academic Resilience with Mathematics Learning and Problem Solving Variables: Comparing Macao, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Canada, Estonia and Finland
- Importance Levels Attributed by Resilient and Low-Achieving Students for Teacher-Related Factors in PISA 2012
- Academic Resilience Of Minority Students
Kwok-cheung Cheung Pou-seong Sit Man-kai Ieong Soi Kei Mak
Ilker Kalender Görkem Aydın
Ksenia Tenisheva Daniel Alexandrov
09 SES 05 B, Assessing Language and Literacy: Written Composition and Second Language Acquisition
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 11:00-12:30, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Heidi Harju-Luukkainen
- Gender Differences in narrative texts composition in a Spanish writing class of Primary Education
- What can the teachers do for improve the students Performance in English as Second Language? A European Perspective
- Mapping Tests: Comparing Upper Secondary Students' Reading Skills in L1 and L2
María Jesús Fernández Manuel Lucero Manuel Montanero
Eva Expósito-Casas Enrique Navarro Asencio Esther López-Martín María Castro Morera
Lisbeth M Brevik
09 SES 05 C, Competencies and Attitudes of Teachers (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 11:00-12:30, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Rolf Strietholt
- TIMSS 2011: The importance of School Emphasis on Academic Success on Teacher Motivation and Quality of Instruction. Two-level SEM approach
- Cross-cultural Comparability of Survey Data: Case of Nordic-Baltic Comparative Study
- Factors Related to Teacher Competence and its Variation Between Schools and Municipalities
Trude Nilsen Jan-Eric Gustafsson Anne-Catherine Lehre Ole Kristian Bergem
Alena Ponomareva Elena Kardanova Evgeny Osin
Åse Hansson
09 SES 05.5 PS, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 12:30-14:00, Room: Poster Area E (in front of B001-B003), Chair:
- Assessment of Territorial Representations in Geography Textbooks: A Tool Called “Topographical Names Map”
- Hostile And Benevolent Sexist Attitudes According To Sex, School Year, And The Characteristics Of The Center
- Educational Research In Practice
- Inequalities in Achievement in Croatian Primary Schools: Their Relation to Developmental, Social and Educational Level of School Surroundings
- Validation of the Verbal Test of Scientific Imagination
Silvie Rita Kucerova Jan Hatle Katerina Novotna Miroslav Sifta
Elisabeth Malonda Anna LLorca Mestre Ana Tur-Porcar Vicenta Mestre Paula Samper
Michaela Spurna
Josip Burusic Toni Babarovic Marija Sakic Velic
Ying-Yao Cheng Chia-Chi Wang Hsiao-Chi Ho Chih-Ling Cheng Hung-Lin Chiu
09 SES 06 A, Findings from PISA: Resilience and Diversity
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 15:30-17:00, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Daniel Scott Smith
- Modelling profiles of resilient students: European comparison
- Resilient Portuguese Students in PISA
- The Educational Performance of Finnish Immigrant Students in PISA 2012
Helena Carvalho Patrícia Ávila Magda Nico Pedro Pacheco
Anabela Serrão Carlos Pinto-Ferreira
Heidi Harju-Luukkainen Kari Nissinen Sari Sulkunen Jouni Vettenranta
09 SES 06 C, Competencies and Attitudes of Teachers (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 15:30-17:00, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Åse Hansson
- Parents' perception of teachers' competences in Italy.
- The Prime Importance of the Teacher’s Personality: What is Everybody talking about?
- Development Of An Assessment-Center For Trainee Teachers: The PArcours
Giulia Cavrini Liliana Dozza
Jessika Bertram Sabine Gruehn Sylvia Rahn
Martina Hechinger
09 SES 06 JS, Addressing the Challenges at the Interface of Curriculum Innovation and Evaluation
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 15:30-17:00, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- Addressing The Challenges At The Interface Of Curriculum Innovation And Evaluation
- Curriculum Innovation And Assessment: Issues From A Dutch Perspective
- Linking Assessment Design And Curriculum Innovation: Use Of Computer-based Tasks To Assess Rational Number Understanding
- Assessment Enhanced Teaching And Learning
Caroline Long Wilmad Kuiper Leslie Nabors Olah Pekka Antero Kupari Mark Priestley Nienke Nieveen Jan Berkvens Tim Dunne Johann Engelbrecht
Wilmad Kuiper Nienke Nieveen Jan Berkvens
Leslie Nabors Olah
Caroline Long Tim Dunne Johann Engelbrecht
09 SES 07 A, Findings from Large-Scale Assessments: Students' Socio-Cultural Background and Deviant Behavior as Challenges for Assessments and Education
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 17:15-18:45, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Sarah Howie
- Discriminating economic and cultural capital of students. Findings with an enhanced scale for possessions and activities in students’ homes
- Educational Differentiation Policies and the Performance of Disadvantaged Students Across OECD Countries
- Effective Schools and Violence Among Students
Tobias C. Stubbe Martin Goy
Alba Castejon-Company Adrian Zancajo
Marjeta Doupona
09 SES 07 B, Students’ Perceptions, Values and Aspirations at the Transition to Upper Secondary Education
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 17:15-18:45, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Marion Meiers
- The Students’ Transition Experience As A Ground For School Improvement
- Prior Achievement And Educational Track As Predictors Of The Development Of School Value Across The Transition To Upper Secondary Education
Ana Cristina Torres Ana Mouraz Preciosa Fernandes
Markku Niemivirta
09 SES 07 C, Assessments and Evaluations in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 17:15-18:45, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Sonja Nonte
- Developing A Self Efficacy Scale Toward Using Rubric
- Evaluation Of The Transfer Of Teacher Education: The Process Of Developing A Questionnaire
- The training of future education professionals in child abuse: Construction and validation of a measuring instrument
Perihan Güneş Belma Türker Mirac Yılmaz
Joana Neto Maite Fernandez Magda Fonte Elena Cano Teresa Pessoa
Diana Priegue Caamaño María del Carmen Cambeiro Lourido Alexandre Sotelino Losada
09 SES 08 A, Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 1): Modeling Trends and School Effects in Mathematics and Reading Achievement
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 09:00-10:30, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Modeling Trends and School Effects in Mathematics and Reading Achievement
- Evaluating Degrees of Similarity Across 7 IEA Mathematics Studies: A Feasibility Study for a Linking Study That Covers 47 Years
- School composition and student achievement in Germany: Another look at TIMSS/PIRLS 2011
- Modelling Trends in Reading Motivation in Germany from 2001 to 2011: A Multilevel Multi-Group Comparison Using PIRLS Data
Martin Goy Sonja Nonte Daniel Scott Smith Stefan Johansson Jennifer Lorenz Wilfried Bos Eugenio Gonzalez Rolf Strietholt Monica Rosén Heike Wendt Daniel Kasper Tobias C. Stubbe
Stefan Johansson Rolf Strietholt Monica Rosén
Daniel Scott Smith Heike Wendt Daniel Kasper
Sonja Nonte Jennifer Lorenz Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 08 B, Assessing Expectations Towards and Achievements in Vocational Education and Training
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 09:00-10:30, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Antra Ozola
- Predicting students’ aspirations and expectations in general education: What can we learn from their future educational and occupational plans?
- Determinants of Academic Achievement in Accountancy – A Panel Study
- Evaluating the net treatment effects of a continuing vocational training programme (evidence from Slovakia)
Marina Trebbels
Christoph Helm
Miroslav Štefánik
09 SES 08 C, Teachers’ Roles in Assessment Practices
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 09:00-10:30, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Caroline Long
- External Examinations As Referents For Teachers’ Summative Assessment Practices
- Changing Assessment Practices: Tensions between Individual and Institutional
- Italian Teachers’ Representations of Formative Assessment: A Call for Educational Research and Teacher Training
Walther Tessaro
Leonor Santos Jorge Pinto
Serafina Pastore Monica Pentassuglia
09 SES 09 A, Network 9 Keynote: Education in the Information Society - Assessment, Evaluation and other Challenges
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 11:00-12:30, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Wilfried Bos
09 SES 09.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 12:45-13:45, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Network Meeting
Wilfried Bos
09 SES 10 A, Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 2): Relationships in Reading Achievement
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 15:30-17:00, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Monica Rosén
- Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies. Symposium Session 2: Relationships in Reading Achievement
- What Makes a Difference in Reading Achievement? An Exploration of the Between-Community Inequality in Belgium in PISA 2009
- What Does High Family Socio-Economical Background Tell Us About Students’ Reading Achievement in PISA? Findings from the Baltic Sea Region
Martin Goy Antra Ozola Jan Van Damme Bo Ning Andrejs Geske Monica Rosén Sarah Howie Wim Van Den Noortgate Sarah Gielen Andris Grinfelds
Jan Van Damme Bo Ning Wim Van Den Noortgate Sarah Gielen
Andrejs Geske Antra Ozola Andris Grinfelds
09 SES 10 B, Impact and Perceptions of Assessment
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 15:30-17:00, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Sirkku Kupiainen
- Testing, testing 1 2 3… Impact of frequency of student assessment and assessment methods on students’ academic performance.
- Educational assessment of cooperative learning in the CL/LC Program: cooperating to learn, learning to cooperate
Cay Gjerustad Vibeke Opheim
Mila Naranjo Verónica Jiménez
09 SES 10 C, Assessments as Opportunities for Learning and Instruction
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 15:30-17:00, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Paulina Korsnakova
- Stimulating Self-regulated Learning In Upper Primary Education By Means Of Formative Assessment
- Structuring Peer Assessment to enhance Product Improvement and Feedback Quality: A Multilevel Approach
Kelly Meusen Desirée Joosten- ten Brinke H. P. A. Boshuizen
Mario Gielen Bram De Wever
09 SES 11 A, Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 3): Relationships in Multiple Domains
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- Symposium Session 3: Relationships in Multiple Domains
- Multi-Competence Proficiency Profiles of Grade 4 Learners–A European Comparison based on TIMSS/PIRLS 2011 Combined
- What do parents do? Patterns of early literacy and numeracy activities before school based on TIMSS/PIRLS combined – a European comparison
Martin Goy WD WD WD WD Tjeerd Plomp Jana Strakova
Heike Wendt Daniel Kasper Bos Wilfried
Maike Hoeft Michael Schurig Heike Wendt Anke Walzebug
09 SES 11 B, School and Class Composition Effects in Assessments
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Luc Le
- Students' Reasoning Skills In The Context Of Educational Environment In Primary School
- Group-Level Variation of 6th Graders' Time Investment in a Low-Stakes Assessment
- Class-size and students’ transversal skills and learning–related attitudes in the Finnish comprehensive school
Ekaterina Enchikova Elena Kardanova Petr Nezhnov
Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen Natalija Gustavson Sirkku Kupiainen Jukka Marjanen Jarkko Hautamäki
Sirkku Kupiainen Ninja Hienonen
09 SES 11 C, Developmental Trajectories of Attitudes and Competencies in the Course of Lower Secondary Education
Thursday, 2014-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- Change And Transformation Of Academic Self-concept And Academic Motivation During The New Middle School
- How Student Motivation Evolves Throughout The Middle school And Where Do The Sources Of Changes In Evolutionary Patterns Come From?
- Linking Mathematics Learning Growth and students' motivation characteristics
Mariella Knapp Corinna Geppert Michaela Kilian Tamara Katschnig
Nadia Leroy
Daniela Jiménez María José García-Zattera
09 SES 12 A, Investigating Regional Differences with Large-Scale Data
Friday, 2014-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Heike Wendt
- A Comparative Study on the Effect of Rurality on Learner Achievement in Reading and School Conditions
- Differential school effects: findings from Portugal and Brazil
- Areal Distribution of Students’ Reading Literacy Performance and School Grades in Finland.
Sarah Howie
Maria Eugenia Ferrao
Jouni Vettenranta Heidi Harju-Luukkainen
09 SES 12 JS, Systemic Approaches in Educational Monitoring
Friday, 2014-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: B012 Anfiteatro, Chair: Samuel Gento
- Evaluation of the Early Years Foundation Phase in Wales
- Describing and linking assessment practice and policy in Flemish secondary schools
- Schools'’ External Evaluation Process: analysis focused on schools’ satisfaction
Chris Taylor Mirain Rhys Samuel Waldron Rhys Davies Sally Power
Jan Vanhoof Lotte Portael Sven De Maeyer
Elisabete Gonçalves Carlinda Leite Preciosa Fernandes
09 SES 12 C, Current Issues in Assessments and Evaluations
Friday, 2014-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Jennifer Lorenz
- Social Impact of Educational Research: the INCLUD-ED case and its implications for Research Impact Assessment
- Immigrant population’s satisfaction with Social Services: does the frequency of attendance with Social Services play a role?
Òscar Prieto-Flores Sandra Racionero-Plaza Aitor Gómez Joan Cabré
Agustin Godás Otero Mar Lorenzo Moledo Murillo Ánxela
09 SES 13 A, Analyzing Peer Group Effects
Friday, 2014-09-05, 11:00-12:30, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Plamen Mirazchiyski
- Peer Influence In Emphasized Teaching – The Development Of Cognitive Competencies And Trust In Own Abilities In General And Emphasized Classes
- Estimating Peer Effects on Achievement Inequality in Sweden
- Does Popularity Matter? Effects of Social Integration on Mathematics Achievement and Self-Efficacy
Satu Koivuhovi Markku Niemivirta
Kajsa Yang Hansen Monica Rosén Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Jennifer Lorenz Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 13 JS, Assessing Language Competencies – Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Testing
Friday, 2014-09-05, 11:00-12:30, Room: B006 Anfiteatro, Chair: Joana da Silveira Duarte
- Assessing Language Competencies – theoretical considerations and empirical testing
- Testing Languages within the a Multilingualism Framework
- Assessing speaking skills of young learners of English as a foreign language – theoretical background, sample tasks and research results
- Assessing Multilingual Adolescents
- Advances in the Technology-Based Assessment of Language: Examples from Reading Assessment
Joana Duarte Ingrid Gogolin Andrea Haenni Hoti Sybille Heinzmann Agten Marion Döll Frank Goldhammer Piet Van Avermaet Ulf Kröhne Carolin Hahnel
Ingrid Gogolin Joana Duarte
Andrea Haenni Hoti Sybille Heinzmann Agten
Marion Döll
Frank Goldhammer Ulf Kröhne Carolin Hahnel
09 SES 13 C, Evaluating Science Education
Friday, 2014-09-05, 11:00-12:30, Room: B009 Anfiteatro, Chair: Marjeta Doupona
- Laboratory of Thinking – a Long Term Studies on Polish Students’ Skills
- What Do Teachers Find Problematic With Non-traditional Scientific Test Content?
- Evaluating European Inquire-Based Education Projects Through The Lens Of Evaluation Capacity Building
Marcin M. Chrzanowski Krzysztof Spalik Piotr Walicki Barbara E. Ostrowska
Maria Åström
Fabio Dovigo Vincenza Rocco
09 SES 14 A, Findings from Large-Scale Assessments: Relating Teaching and Teacher Characteristics to Student Achievement
Friday, 2014-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: B010 Anfiteatro, Chair: Andres Sandoval-Hernandez
- Relations between teachers’ educational level and fourth grade students’ reading achievement between 2001 and 2011 in Sweden
- The Effect of Teachers on Students’ Achievements
- What Teaching Practices Are Behind A High Achievement In Science
Eva Myrberg Stefan Johansson Monica Rosén
Matild Sagi Krisztián Széll
Imbi Henno Priit Reiska
09 SES 14 JS, Checking Effectiveness by Evaluating Schools
Friday, 2014-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: B231 Sala de Aulas, Chair: Martin Goy
- The impacts of School Evaluation Processes – Schools’ Perspectives on School Evaluation
- School reforms based on external accountability, standards, and external support in Chile: improving what and for whom?
- Contributions of the Quality Management Systems ISO 9001 in Schools Organization and its Results.
Carla Figueiredo Carlinda Leite Preciosa Fernandes
Alejandro Carrasco Ernesto San Martin Blanca Barco
Jorge A. Arribas Díaz Catalina Martínez-Mediano
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