Session Information
09 SES 11 A, Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 3): Relationships in Multiple Domains
Symposium: continued from 09 SES 08 A and 09 SES 10 A
- There is increasing evidence that participating in numeracy and literacy activities during the preschool years has beneficial effects on children’s later acquisition of numeracy and literacy skills. In most European countries, research on parental engagement in early numeracy and literacy activities, has not played an important role over time, but the importance of providing children with basic mathematical and literal competencies in early years has increasingly been recognized (e.g. Furthermore, research shows that the socio-economic and cultural capital of students’ home substantially influence the way parents support their children (e.g. Bodovski 2010), such as reading or counting with the child. Based on the unique dataset of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011 combined (Martin & Mullis, 2013), this paper focus on parental engagement of early numeracy and literacy at home before primary school.
The research questions are:
- Comparing the parents according to their areas of engagement, what patterns can be found across the different European countries that participated in TIMSS/PIRLS 2011 combined?
- Are there patterns across the areas of engagement, and if so, then:
- How does their occurrence differ across the European countries?
- Do they differ in terms of their socio-economic and cultural capital?
Expected Outcomes
Bodovski, K. (2010). Parental practices and educational achievement: social class, race, and habitus. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(2), 139-156. Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.). Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (pp. 241-258). New York: Greenwood. Ehlich, K. (1983). Erzählen im Alltag (pp. 11-26). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Gasteiger, H. (2012). Fostering Early Mathematical Competencies in Natural Learning Situations. Foundation and Challenges of a Competence-Oriented Concept of Mathematics Education in Kindergarten. In: Journal for Didactics of Mathematics, 33(2), 181-201. Günther, K. B. (1986). Ein Stufenmodell der Entwicklung kindlicher Lese- und Schreibstrategien (pp. 32-54). In: Brügelmann, H. (Hrsg.) ABC und Schriftsprache. Konstanz: Faude. Grüßing, M. (2009). Mathematische Kompetenzentwicklung zwischen Elementar- und Primarbereich. Zusammenfassung und Forschungsdesiderata (pp. 53-58). In: Heinze, A. & Grüßing, M. (Hrsg.). Mathematiklernen vom Kindergarten bis zum Studium. Kontinuität und Kohärenz als Herausforderung beim Mathematiklernen. Münster: Waxmann. Hausendorf, H. & Quasthoff, U. (1996). Sprachentwicklung und Interaktion. Eine linguistische Studie zum Erwerb von Diskursfähigkeiten. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag GmbH. Klann-Delius, G. (1999). Spracherwerb. Sammlung Metzler, Bd. 321. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler. Mannhaupt, G. (2001). Lernvoraussetzungen im Schriftspracherwerb. Eine Studie zur Entwicklung der Schriftsprach- und ihrer Teilfertigkeiten sowie deren Voraussetzungen im Vor- und Grundschulalter. Köln: Kölner Studien-Verlag. Martschinke, S., Kirschhock, E.-M. & Frank, A. (2002). Diagnose und Förderung im Schriftspracherwerb. Der Rundgang durch Hörhausen. Erhebungsverfahren zur phonologischen Bewusstheit. Donauwörth: Auer. Martin, M. O. & Mullis, I.V.S. (2013). TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships Among Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement at the Fourth Grade—Implications for Early Learning. Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College. Mullis, I.V.S., Martin, M.O., Foy, P., & Arora, A. (2012a). TIMSS 2011 International Results In Mathematics. Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College. Mullis, I.V.S., Martin, M.O., Foy, P., & Drucker, K.T. (2012b). PIRLS 2011 international results in reading. Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College. Vygotskij, L. S. (1969). Denken und Sprechen. Frankfurt: Beltz.
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