Session Information
09 SES 12 JS, Systemic Approaches in Educational Monitoring
Paper Session, Joint Session NW 09 and NW 11
This proposal, focusing on the analysis of the effects of the external evaluation of schools, provides an insight on school managers’ degree of satisfaction with this process in Portugal.
In educational policies, evaluation, particularly schools’ self-evaluation, is associated to concepts such as efficacy, efficiency and quality. Expressed in the recommendations of several governments and international organizations is the idea that the crisis of education is the main cause of national economic and social crises, given that students’ poor school results are correlated with cases of exclusion. Having excellence and competitive edge in mind, so characteristic of economic rationality, we can wager that the efficacy and efficiency of educational systems are achieved by monitoring the results obtained by schools.
As such, the change of educational public policies’ regulation modes in Europe is not a strange matter. Due to the social, political and economic modernization of the past decades, European States have felt the need to create and/or strengthen their inspection systems. From the 90’s onward, there has been a significant rise in inspecting action on several European countries where the public sector is at stake.
International research on public policies of Educational Inspection stresses that the debate regarding school evaluation has become a central point. As a clear example of the inspecting action, Devos and Verhoeven (2003: 403) report that in Belgium, political deciders feared that a greater autonomy could lead to a deterioration of schools’ quality, hence the need to verify the achievement of the laid out goals – a job undertaken through inspection.
In addition, due to issues related to school management, or to materialize responsibilities assigned to schools, many EU countries have tried to implement self-evaluation systems. Schools are therefore provided with indicators or guidelines in order to undertake this self-evaluation process, although many times without the desired consequences. For example, Meuret and Morlaix (2003: 54), stress that although French schools are encouraged to develop an “evaluation culture”, only about 5 % of them actually use the tools provided.
In Portugal, the publication of Law no. 31/2002, December 20th, brought political and social visibility to schools’ external evaluation, and in 2007 the General Inspectorate of Education and Science, IGEC (Inspeção Geral da Educação e Ciência), launches the School External Evaluation Program, SEEP, which is based on processes presented with the intention of contributing to the improvement of school operations and education, articulating with the self-evaluation and the regulation of the educational system.
If we look at the typology of evaluation models proposed by Alaiz (2007), which reduces the multiplicity of existing reference frames, practices and procedures to two major types of external evaluation models, “structured” and “open”, we can posit that the proposal of Portuguese political-legal frame is closer to the first type of model (“structured”), from the outset by the clear reference to EFQM’s model as the basis of IGEC’s reference frame. Indeed, the SEEP is based on School Integrated Evaluation (a previous program in Portugal that lasted from 1999 to 2002), on EFQM’s model and on the Scottish model “How Good is our School”.
Expected Outcomes
ALAIZ, Vitor (2007) «Auto-avaliação das escolas? Há um modelo recomendável?», Correio da Educação, nº 301. Porto: Edições ASA BRAVO, Mª Pilar Colás; CATALÁN, Mª Angeles Rebollo (1994) Evaluación de Programas. Una guia práctica. Sevilla: Editorial KRONOS BARROS, Adil e LEHFELD, Neide (1986) Fundamentos de Metodologia. Edição: McGraw-hill CLÍMACO, Maria do Carmo (2002). A IGE e a Avaliação Integrada das Escolas, in CNE (Ed.), Qualidade e Avaliação da Educação, Lisboa: Conselho Nacional da Educação, pp. 35-46. COMISSÃO EUROPEIA, Eurydice (2004). L’évaluation des établissements d’enseignement obligatoire en Europe, Bruxelas: Eurydice. COMISSÃO EUROPEIA (2001). European Report on the Quality of School Education – Sixteen Quality Indicators, Luxemburgo: Office for Official Publications of de EC. DEVOS, Geert, & VERHOEVEN, Jef (2003). School self-evaluation – Conditions and Caveats. The case of secondary schools. Educational Management & Administration, 31 (4), 403-420. London: Sage. GHIGLIONE, Rodolphe; MATALON, Benjamin (2001) O Inquérito: Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta Editora. HILL, Manuela Magalhães; HILL, Andrew (2008) Investigação por questionário. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. LIMA, Licínio (2002). Avaliação e concepções organizacionais de escola: para uma hermenêutica organizacional, in Costa, Jorge Adelino, Neto-Mendes, António e Ventura, Alexandre (org.), Avaliação de Organizações Educativas, Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, pp. 17-29. MEURET, Denis, & MORLAIX, Sophie (2003). Conditions of Success of a School‟s Self-Evaluation: Some Lessons of an European Experience. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 14 (1), 53-71. NEWMAN, Isadore; BENZ, Carolyn R. (1998) Qualitative-Quantitative Research Methodology. Exploring the Interactive Continuum. USA: Southern Illinois University OLIVEIRA, Pedro Guedes; CLÍMACO, Maria do Carmo; CARRAVILLA, Maria Antónia; SARRICO, Cláudia; AZEVEDO, José Maria; OLIVEIRA, José Fernando (2006) Relatório final da actividade do Grupo de Trabalho para Avaliação de Escolas. Ministério da Educação PALLANT, Julie (2001) SPSS – Survival manual. Buckingham-Philadelphia: Open University Press SAINT-GEORGES, Pierre (1997). «Pesquisa e crítica das fontes de documentação nos domínios económicos, social e político», in Albarello, L. et al (1997). Práticas e Métodos de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva Publicações, p. 15-47 TASHAKKORI, Abbas.; TEDDLIE, Charles, (1998). Mixed Methodology. Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. California 91320: Sage Publications WEILER, Hans N. (1999). «Perspectivas Comparadas em Descentralização Educativa», in Sermento, M. J. (org.) (1999). Autonomia da escola. Porto: Edições ASA Others: Law No. 31/2002 of December 20th - Adopting the system of education and non-higher education, developing the scheme under Law No 46/86 of 14 October (Law on the Education System).
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