Session Information
14 SES 02 A, Schooling in Rural/Urban Settings (Part 2)
Paper Session: continued from 14 SES 01 A
”Status quo is not an option”, like Kearns (2009) put it in their work. The ongoing study will focus on preconditions for the living on the Finnish countryside in a phase, where the near services are either preserved, give way or recur.
“Changing role of the village school…” -study (1.1.2013 - 31.10.2014, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest) is coordinated by the Brahea Centre at the University of Turku. Other partners are Ruralia Institute (University of Helsinki) and Institute of Migration.
Accumulated experiences, news and studies have brought up the local fates, special characteristics and countermoves of small schools. Most are universal, because of the effects of a population structure, society and ways of life (Tantarimäki 2010; Karlberg-Granlund 2009; Kucerova 2012; Haartsen & Wissen 2012; Irwin & Seasons etc). Rural school research has been concentrated on causes and effects of abolishments, because of remarkable shutdown tempo during the decades: In Finland, nearly 450 small schools have been wound up during the ten last years. Statistically defined small school means under 50 pupil's comprehensive schools (Statistics Finland 2014).
News, and discussions and experiences from the Finnish field have brought up also positive changes met by the small schools. Following findings have aroused the study interest: new village school of Ihastjärvi (Town of Mikkeli), Suttila (new, under construction, Town of Huittinen), Valpperi (new, under planning, Municipality of Nousiainen), Piispanlähde (new comprehensive school, City of Kaarina), refugee children in Pohjaslahti (Town of Mänttä-Vilppula) and in Kiertola (Municipality of Punkalaidun), and traditional village school network in Town of Virrat.
These positive phenomena and woken interests can be grouped as four themes:
- Vitality connected to the multiculturalism: why multiculturalism is seen as possibility in rural environment, although the urban experiences are nearly opposite? Simplification: Population loss vs. socio-economic problems, school shopping (e.g. Bernelius 2014; Walker & Clark 2010).
- Attraction of a new school building and service concept: why new school buildings are built instead of sealing the school network?
- Cooperation of a municipality, schools and villages: what can be reached when designing of the school network will be cooperated instead of dispute? (e.g. Tantarimäki 2011; 2012; 2014; Onescu 2012; Cummings 2007).
- Village as a synonym of communality: how the understanding of “village” can change along the changing municipality field? Simplification: consolidation of municipalities creates new rurban cities and towns, especial in Finland.
In a wider perspective aim is to find out how these individual but conscious choices are connected both with the municipal strategies, programs and plans, and to national definitions of rural and education policies. Happening by chance or more target-oriented?
Besides, in Finland multiculturalism is still quite unknown and a minor phenomenon both in rural areas, in rural development and in rural research (e.g. Saartenoja 2009; Heikkilä 2012; Martin 2013; Komulainen 2012). This “novelty” with “newcomers” is seen as a potential resource for the regressive countryside. This study will give a rural school point of view to this urban phenomenon. New school building is also quite a rarity, and it interests how much is thought in advance the whole life cycle, multi-functionality, variability and even mobility of the school building (e.g. Utti 2014; Lytton 2011). Population structure with service needs will change along the time.
Knowledge is still needed so that it will be understood the factors, which lead to the school network spiral with multiplier impacts on teaching and communality. It is a question of supporting the decision-making, so that the overall picture of the municipality will remain, although the municipality, service and population structures might change.
Expected Outcomes
Bernelius, V. 2013. Eriytyvät kaupunkikoulut. Helsingin peruskoulujen oppilaspohjien erot... Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus, Tutkimuksia 2013:1, 221 s. Cummings, C., Dyson, A., Muijs, D., Papps, I.,Pearson, D., Raffo, C., Tiplady, L., and Todd, L. 2007. Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative: Final Report. Haartsen, T. & Van Wissen, L. (2012). Causes and consequences of regional population decline for primary school. Tijdschift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol 103:4, 487-496. Heikkilä, E. 2012. Maahanmuuttajien alueellinen sijoittuminen ja maaseutualueiden rooli. Teoksessa: Yhteisöllisyydellä hyvinvointia ja palveluja maaseudulle. Maaseutupolitiikan yhteistyöryhmän julkaisuja 1/2012, 109–117. Irwin, B & Seasons, M (2012). School closure decision making process: problems and prospects. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, Vol 21:2, 45-67. Karlberg-Granlund, G. 2009. Att förstå det stora I det lilla. Byskolan som pedagogik... Åbo Akademis förlag. Åbo. Kearns, R.A., Lewis, N., McCreanor, T. ja Witten, K. 2009. `Status quo is not an option`: Community impacts of school closure in South Taranaki, New Zealand. Journal of Rural Studies 25, 131–140. Komulainen, S. 2012. Porvarillisen idyllin vai pikku-Moskovan lapset? Monikulttuurisuuden vaikutus suomalaisperheiden koulupaikan valintana Turussa. Siirtolaisinstituutti, Tutkimuksia A 39. Kucerova, S., 2012. Promeny uzemni struktury zakladniho skolstvi v Cesku. Edice Geographica, sv 8. Lytton, M (2011). Have all the costs of closing a school been considered? CELE Exhange 2011/8. Martin, A., Mäntylä, M. ja Pakkanen, M. 2013. Maahanmuuttajien kotouttaminen maaseudulle kolmen sektorin yhteistyönä. Vaasan yliopisto Levon-instituutin julkaisuja 136. Oncescu, J & Giles, Audrey R. (2012). Changing relationships: the impacts of a school´s closure on rural families. Leisure/Loisir, Vol 36:2, 107-126. Rantanen, M. ja Hyyryläinen, T. 2012. Vapaa-ajan asukkaiden palvelujen kysynnän ja tarjonnan kohtaaminen Kouvolassa. Teoksessa: Palvelujen saavutettavuus muutoksessa –Raportteja 8, 82–105. Saartenoja, A., Träsk M., Tantarimäki S. ja Mattila M. 2009. Maaseudun maahanmuuttajat. Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutin raportteja 41. Tantarimäki, S. 2011. Mitä lakkautuksesta opimme? Turun yliopiston koulutus- ja kehittämiskeskus Brahean julkaisuja B:2. Tantarimäki, S. 2012. Kuinka voit kuntaseni? – Kouluratkaisujen vaikutukset kuntaan yhteisönä. Teoksessa: Yhteisöllisyydellä hyvinvointia ja palveluja maaseudulle. Maaseutupolitiikan yhteistyöryhmän julkaisuja 1/2012, 51–65. Tantarimäki, S., Komulainen, S., Rantanen M. ja Heikkilä, E. 2014. Kyläkoulun muuttuva rooli muuttuvassa kuntakentässä. Kasvatus 2/2104. Utti, Jaana 2014. Helpompi arki. Meille kaikille. Lähipalvelukeskus. Koulu kylässä – kylä koulussa -hankkeen julkaisu. Mikkeli. Witten, Karen, McCreanor, Kearns, Robin ja Ramasubramanian, Laxmi (2001). the impacts of a school closure on neighbourhood social cohesion: narratives from Invercargill, New Zealand. Health & Place 7, 307-317.
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