Session Information
01 SES 04 B, Professional Learning
Paper Session
The presentation deals with intergenerational learning in the school. Researching intergenerational learning in school environments (in basic and secondary schools), we wish to explore non-formal and informal learning within school curricula and activities for teachers, within support mechanisms for novice teachers provided by experienced teachers or mentors as well as within mechanisms of everyday sharing and cooperation (i.e. beyond intergenerational learning between adults and children). The importance and appeal of researching the topic of intergenerational learning in school is the stronger for the fact that developing teacher expertise and acquiring a non-formal status of an expert teacher is a slow and difficult process requiring expertise maintenance and renewal throughout the teaching career (Švaříček, 2011). This is another reason why the question how the specific situation in school is shared between generations (Lazarová, 2011) must be answered. It thus presents us with a relevant research goal.
Intergenerational learning as a research topic has been a relatively new addition to the educational sciences discourse despite its being an inseparable part of learning and education in the occupational and profession-related context. Hatton and Yeo (European Approaches to Inter-generational Lifelong Learning, 2008, p. 3) define intergenerational learning as “a process through which individuals of all ages acquire skills and knowledge but also attitudes and values, from everyday experience, all kinds of sources and in all ways in their own ‘lived worlds’”. The importance of intergenerational learning has recently been emphasized by many factors: population ageing, increasing chances of healthy old age, and prolonged job careers create opportunities for several generations meeting in the workplace; knowledge in its turn economy increases the need for creating, expanding and sharing knowledge; etc.
Research project "Intergenerational Learning in Various Social Environments" is supported by Czech Science Foundation (GA13-07234S). The objective of the project is to describe and explain processes of intergenerational learning in the workplace, at school and in the community – in three environments with a significant potential for this type of learning. The findings will help to develop the knowledge base and the – so far underdeveloped – theory of intergenerational learning. The main research question of the research is: What and how do members of different generations learn and which opportunities for mutual learning do they get in situations in their work life?
Expected Outcomes
BERGMAN, M. M. The Straw Men of the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide and their Influence on Mixed Methods Research. In: Bergman, M. M. (ed.): Advances in Mixed Methods Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2008, p. 11-21. ISBN 978-1-4129-4809-8 (pbk). CRESWELL, J. W., PLANO CLARK, V. L. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2006. FISCHER, T. (Ed.) Intergenerational learning in Europe – policies, programes, practical guidance. Final report. [online]. Erlangen: University of Elangen-Nuremberg, 2008. 40 p.[last access 2009-15-04]. Available at: HATTON-YEO, A. The Eagle toolkit for intergenerational activities. [online].Erlangen: University of Elangen-Nuremberg, 2008. [last access 2011-19-12]. Available at: KRAGELUND, L. Netriviální teorie učení v praxi. [A substantive theory about learning in practice.] In Novotný, P. Pracoviště jako prostor k učení. [Working places as learning spaces] Brno: Masaryk university, 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-4918-5 LANGOVÁ, M. a kol.: Učitel v pedagogických situacích. [Teacher in educational situations] Prague: Karolinum, 1992. ISBN: 80-7066-613-7 LAZAROVÁ, M. a kol.: Pozdní sběr, o práci zkušených učitelů. [Late harvest: on work of experienced teachers.] Brno: Paidó, 2011, ISBN 978-80-7315-206-2. NOVOTNÝ, P. Učení pro pracoviště. Prostor pro uplatnění konceptu workplace learning v českém prostředí. [Learning for workplace: Scope for the applying the concept of workplace learning in Czech context.] Brno: MU, 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-5116-4. PINTO, T.A. Guide of Ideas for Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Project. Association VIDA, 2009. ISBN 978-989-8283-01-6 PINTO T. A. Generationology: A new discipline to accurate intergenerational learning. Intergenerational learning, 2011a, Volume 1, no. 1-2, 5-12. ISSN 1535-0770 RABUŠICOVÁ, M., RABUŠIC, L. (eds.). Učíme se po celý život? O vzdělávání dospělých v České republice. [Do we keep learning for whole lives? On adult education in the Czech Republic.] Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 339. ISBN 978-80-210-4779-2. RAMON, A. CH., TURRINI, M. Grandparents and Grandsons: poetics of an intergenerational learning experience. Barcelona: eLearning Papers, 2008. ISSN 1887-1542. 7 p. Available at: SPANNRING, R. Intergenerational learning in organisations. Summary of the literature report. Innsbruck: University Innsbruck. 2008. STATHAM, E. Promoting intergenerational programmes: where is the evidence to inform policy and practice?. [online]. Evidence & Policy, 2009, roč.5, č.4. s. 471-488. [last access 2011-04-12]. Available at: ŠVAŘÍČEK, Roman. Zlomové události při vytváření profesní identity učitele. [Breakthrough events in teacher identity development.] PEDAGOGIKA.SK, Trnava: SAV, Volume 2, no. 4, p. 247-274, 28 p. ISSN 1338-0982. 2011. YIN, R.K.: Case study research: design and methods. London: Sage, 2003. ISNB 9781412960991
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