Session Information
23 SES 12 C, Education Policies and the Politics of Equity
Paper Session
This paper aims to analyze educational priority policies developed in Portugal in the past decades. While identifying its singularity within Europe underlies a growing convergence with priorities established for European education and training. This approach will focus on the following dimensions:
a) European Union governing forms and characteristics in relation to education and training in the first decades of the XXI century;
b) Evolution regarding conceptions and strategies of positive discrimination in Portugal (grounds, goals, target-publics and intervention strategies);
c) National and European logics of action and policy making processes in priority education.
From this perspective, we intend to bring light to the comprehension of Portuguese education policies’ specificities and convergences, namely in what concerns the topics of equity and priority education.
The analysis finds support in the literature on the Europeanization and globalization processes carried out in Portugal and in other European contexts, as well as on the transformations in education governing (Antunes, 2005; Ball, 1998, 2008; Lawn & Nóvoa, 2004, Teodoro , 2007 ) . In fact , in the past decade , the development of priority education policies in Portugal have been closely associated with the implementation of new forms of education governing: school autonomy contracts , goal-oriented school management, internal and external school assessment, and implication of education experts in the definition, implementation and evaluation of public policies.
The analytical focus concerns the impact of new political “orthodoxies” and “technologies” (Ball, 2008) in the fields of equity and social justice, considering that in a time when the appeal to other justices (entrepreneurial, commercial…) becomes more audible , school justice must also be questioned” (Estevão, 2011)
Moreover, European comparative studies in addition to the Portuguese research on the priority education policies (Bénabou, Kramarz & Prost, 2009; Canário , 2001; Demeuse, Frandji, Greger & Rochex, 2008; Dias, 2013 ; Power, Whitty ,Gewirtz, Halpin, Dickson, 2004, Lopes , 2012 ) are carefully considered. These studies, along with research studies on the Europeanisation of public policies (Antunes, 2005, Dias , 2008), suggest a growing detachment from the ideals of equity and participation., to the extent that priority is now given to the development of competitive economical systems and “social cohesion”.
The study shows the “hybrid” character of priority education policies implemented in Portugal since late XX century. In fact, there has been in our country both a confluence and tension between logics of education democratization, of education system modernization, and of goal adequacy with standards defined for education and training within Europe.
Expected Outcomes
Antunes, F. (2005). Globalização e europeização das políticas educativas. Percursos, processos e metamorfoses. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, nº 47, 125-143. Antunes, F. (2004). Globalização, europeização e especificidade educativa portuguesa. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 70, 101-125. Ball, S. (1998). Big Policies/Small World: An introduction to international perspectives in education policy, Comparative Education, vol. 34,2, 119-130. Ball, S. (2008). The education debate, Bristol: Policy Press Demeuse, M., Frandji, D., Greger, D., & Rochex, J. Y. (Eds.),(2008) Les politiques d’éducation prioritaire en Europe: Conceptions, mises en oeuvre, débats. Lyon: Institute National de Recherche Pédagogique. Bénabou, R., Kramarz, F., & Prost, C. (2009). The French zones d’éducation prioritaire: Muchado about nothing? Economics of Education Review, 28, 345-356. Canário, R., Alves, N., & Rolo, C. (2001). Escola e exclusão social: Para uma análise crítica da política TEIP. Lisboa: Instituto de Inovação Educacional. Dias. M (2013 ). Education and Equality in Portugal: The Role of Priority Education Policies . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences.,Vol 8 ,pp132- 143 Dias, M (2008) Educação e Formação , Lisboa : CIED Dubet, F. (2010). Les places et les chances. Repenser la justice sociale. Paris: Seuil. Estêvão, C.V. (2011). Justiça e educação. Justiça e educação na era dos mercados. Porto: Porto Editora. Coleção Educação e Formação Lawn , M & Nóvoa, A,(2004) (coords.), L'Europe Réinventée. Regards Critiques sur l'Espace Européen de l'Éducation Paris:L'Harmattan. Lopes, J. T. (2012). Escolas singulares. Estudos locais comparativos. Porto: Edições Afrontamento Power,S., Whitty, G., Gewirtz, S., Halpin, D., & Dickson, M. (2004). Paving a ‘third-way’? A policy trajectory analysis of education action zones. Research Papers in Education, 19 (4), 453-475. Sanches, M & Dias, M (2013) Policies and Practices of Schools in Educational Priority Territories: What Sustainability? In , Brunold , A., Ohlmeier , B (Eds.) (2012) School and Community Interactions : Interface For Political And Civic Education , Rotterdam: Sense Publishers ,pp 113-127 Teodoro, A. (2007). A Educação em tempos de Globalização. Modernização e hibridismo nas políticas educativas em Portugal. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 2007, 10, 13-26.
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