Session Information
22 SES 05 D, Research Quality Assessment in Higher Education
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Anderson, G. (2005) In the Name of Diversity. Education and the Commoditization and Consumption of Race in the United States. The Urban Review 37 (5), 399-423. Ayalon, H. (2006) Non-hierarchical Curriculum Differentiation and Inequality in Achievement: A Different Story or More of the Same? The Teacher´s College Record 108 (6), 1186-1213. Berg, A. & Fink, G. (2008) Higher Education Policy, Enrolment and Income Inequality. Social Science Quarterly 89 (1), 217-235. Bauman, Z. (1993) Postmodern etik. Göteborg: Daidalos Bauman, Z. (1995). Skärvor och fragment. Essäer i postmodern moral. Göteborg: Daidalos. Biesta, Gert (2002): Bildung and modernity: The future of bildung in a world of difference. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 21, s 343 – 351. Biesta, Gert (2005): What`s the piont of lifelong learning if lifelong learning has no point? Invited presentation at the conference “Bildung & Lärande” at Örebro University, Sweden; 16th August 2005. Bruce, H. (2005). Personal, anticipated information need. Information Research, 10(3), 1-1. Bourdieu, P. (1988). Homo academicus. Cambridge: Polity Press. Bourdieu, P. (1992). Texter om de intellektuella. En antologi redigerad av Donald Broady. Stockholm/Stehag: Brutus Östling/Symposion. Bourdieu, P. (2004) Science of Science and Reflexivity. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Bruce, Christine (1996). The seven faces of information literacy. Blackwood: Auslib Press. Brophy, P., (2007). Communicating the library: librarians and faculty in dialogue. Library Management 28 (8/9), 515-523. Buzzeo, T (2002). Collaborating to meet standards. Teacher/library media specialists partnerships for K-6. Worthington: John Hopkins university press Charle, Chr., Schriewer, J. & Wagner, P. (2004). Transnational Intellectual Networks. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. Chouliaraki, L. & Fairclough, N. (1999) Discourse in Late Modernity- Rethinking critical discourse analysis. Edinburgh: University Press. Christiansen, Lars, Stombler, Mindy & Thaxton, Lyn (2004). A report on librarian-faculty relations from a sociological perspective. Journal of academic librarianship 30(2), 116-121 Clinch, Peter & Jones-Evans, Angela (2007). The Cardiff Handbook for Information Literacy teaching. A case study in sharing tariff materials. Journal of information literacy 1(3) [Elektronisk] Delanty, G. (2001) Challenging Knowledge. The University in the Knowledge Society. Buckingham: The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and Open University Press. De Vries, J. et al (2008) The Global Network on Dental Education: a new vision for IFDEA. European Journal of Dental Education 12(1), 167-175 Dewey, Barbara I. (2005). The embedded librarian. Strategic campus collaborations. I William Miller & Rita M. Pellen (eds.) Libraries within their institutions. Creative collaboration, pp 5-17. New York: The Haworth Information Press Donham, J (1999). Collaboration in the media centre. Building partnerships for learning. NASSP bulletin 83(605), 20-26 Eckhardt, F. (2004). Educational sciences, morality and politics: international education al congresses in the early twentieth century. Paedagogica Historica, 40(5-6), 757-784. Edwards, Richard., Armstrong, Paul & Miller, Nod (2001): Include me out: critical readings of social exclusion, social inclusion and lifelong learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 20(5), s 417– 428. Ekstrand, B., Johansson, K., Ohlsson, L. & Seebass, G. (2004a). Med samarbete och dialog som arbetsform och mål i ett projekt för utvecklad informationssökning och informationskompetens i en nätbaserad kurs. Artikel publicerad som rapport på Nätuniversitetet i Sverige. Se Ekstrand, B., Johansson, K., Ohlsson, L. & Seebass, G. (2004b). Ett gränsöverskridande projekt för utveklad informationskompetens. Tidskrift för Dokumentation/The Nordic Journal of Documentation, 59(2). Ekstrand, Britten & Seebass, Gunhild (2005). Utveckling av informationskompetens vid den beteendevetenskapliga institutionen. En idéskiss förankrad i ledningsgruppen den 7 juni 2005. Kristianstad: Högskolan Kristianstad (Opublicerat arbetsmaterial) Ekstrand, B. & Seebass, G. (2006). Kursdeltagares reflektioner i anslutning till undervisning för ökad informationskompetens- ”som att gå i en djungel bakom en vägvisare som hugger fram en stig med en machete”. Stockholm:Lärarhögskolan. Paper presenterat vid Högskoleverkets kvalitetskonferens 2006. Ekstrand, B. (2008) Databaser som verktyg för högre kvalitet i utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning. Nordisk Pedagogik (submitted) Ekstrand, B. (2008) Education and Inequality in scholarly journals 1900-2007. Paper presented at ISCHE 30. 30th Session of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education. Rutgers University, Newark. European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ESFRI. (2006). European roadmap for research infrastructures. Luxembourg: European Communities, Report 2006. Fritzell, C. (2003). Towards deliberative relationships between pedagogic theory and practice. Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(2), 92-103. Francisco, J., Cordeiro, P. & Miguel Carvalho, L. (2005). Educational journals and worldwide circulation of pedagogical knowledge: Brazil and Portugal (1921–1935). Paedagogica Historica 41(1-2), 131-141. Francisco, J. S. (2007) Gender Inequality, Poverty and Human Development in South East Asia. Development 50 (2), 103-114. Habermas, J. (1984) Vorstudien und Ergängzungen zur Theori des kommunikativen Handels. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Habermas, Jurgen (1995): Kommunikativt handlande. Texter om språk, rationalitet och samhälle. Göteborg: Daidalos. Hagerlid, J., (2007). Scholarly open access journals and libraries. I: Rundkvist. M. (ed). Scholarly journals between the past and the future. KVHAA Konferenser 65. Stockholm. Hentig von, Hartmut (1997): Bildning eller utbildning? Göteborg: Daidalos. Hirschowitz, R. & Orkin, M. (1997) Inequality in South Africa: Findings from the 1994 October Household Survey. Social Indicators Research, 41(1-3), 119-136. Hollander, Sharon A., Herbert, Barbra R & DePalma, Karen Stieglitz (2004). Faculty-librarian collaboration. APS Observer 17 (3). Ianuzzi, Patricia (1998). Teaching Information Literacy Skills. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Jacobs, Heidi L. M. (2008). Information literacy and reflective pedagogical praxis. Journal of academic librarianship 34(3) 256-262 Jarvis, Peter (2001): Twentieth century thinkers in adult and continuing education. (2 uppl). London: Cogan page. John-Steiner, V. Weber, R J & Minniss, M (1998). The challenge of studying collaboration. American educational research journal 35 (4) 773-783 Kemp, Peter (2005): Världsmedborgaren. Politisk och pedagogisk filosofi för det 21 århundradet. Göteborg: Daidalos Kotter, Wade R. (1999). Bridging the great divide. Improving relations between librarians and classroom faculty. Journal of academic librarianship 25 (4) 294-303 Lawn, M. & Keiner, E. (2006) Editorial. European Journal of Education, 41 (2), 155-167. Lin, Ch-H. (2007) Education Expansion, Educational Inequality and Income Inequality: Evidence from Taiwan, 1976-2003. Social Indicators Research, 80 (3), 601-615. Lindstrom, Joyce & Shonrock, Diana D. (2006). Faculty-librarian collaboration to achieve integration of information literacy. Reference and user services quarterly 46 (1) 18-23 Little, Angela (2003): Motivating Learning and Development of Human. Compare, 33(4), s 437-52. Lynch, K. (2001) Creating a dialogue between sociological and egalitarian theory in education. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 11(3), 237-260. Malmcolm, J. & Zukas, M. (2001). Bridging Pedagogic Gaps: conceptual discontinuities in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 6(1), 33-42. Madsen, P. Kongshøj (2005) Labour Market Policy, Flexibility, and Employment Performance: Denmark and Sweden in the 1990s. Fighting Unemployment, Febr 2005, 284-310. Marcum, James W. (2002).Rethinking information literacy. Library quarterly 72(1) 1-26 McGuiness, Claire (2006). What faculty think. Exploring the barriers to information literacy development in undergraduate education. Journal of academic librarianship 32 (6) 573-582 McGuiness, Claire (2007). Exploring strategies for integrated information literacy. From “academic champions” to institution-wide change. Communications in information literacy 1(1), 26-37 Merchant, Lucy & Hepworth, Mark (2002). Information literacy of teachers and pupils in secondary schools. Journal of librarianship and information science 34(2) 81-90 Miller, William & Bell, Steven (2005). A new strategy for enhancing library use. Faculty-led information literacy instruction. Library issues 25(5) 1-4. Montiel-Overall, Patricia (2005). Toward a theory of collaboration for teachers and librarians. School Library Media Research 8. Montiel-Overall, Patricia (2008). Teacher and librarian collaboration. A qualitative study. Library & information research 30(2) 145-155 Nüssbaum, M. (1995) Känslans skärpa, tankens inlevelse; essäer om etik och politik. Stockholm: Symposion. Owusu-Ansah, Edward K. (2007). Beyond collaboration. Seeking greater scope and centrality for library instruction. portal: Libraries and the Academy 7(4) 415-429 Persson, B. (2003). Exclusive and inclusive discourses in special education research and policy in Sweden. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7(3), 271-280. Pitkäniemi, H. (2003). Research on social studies teaching. Toward a holistic and integrative paradigm sketch. Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(2), 104-115. Reed, Maureen., Kinder, Don & Farnum, Cecile (2007). Collaboration between librarians and teaching faculty to teach information literacy at one Ontario University. Journal of information literacy 1(3) Rowlands, I., Nicholas, D. & Huntington, P. (2004). Scholarly communication in the digital environment: what do authors want? Learned Publishing 17(4), 261-273. Scales, Jane., Matthews, Greg & Johnson, Corvey M. ( 2005). Compliance, cooperation, collaboration and information literacy. Journal of academic librarianship 31(3), 229-235 Schriewer, J. & Tenorth, H-E. (1998) Preface, in P. Drewek & C. Lüth (Eds) History of Educational Studies. Gent: C.S.H.P. Sundberg, D. (2004) From Pedagogik to Educational Sciences? Higher Education Reform, Institutional Settings and the Formation of the Discipline of Educational Science in Sweden. European Educational Research Journal 6(4) 393-410. Teddlie, C., Stringfield, S. & Burdett, J. (2003). Internationel Comparisons of the Relationships among Educational Effectiveness, Evaluation and Improvement Variables: An Overview. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 17(1), 5-20. Ten Dam, G. & Volman, M. (2001). The leeway of qualitative educational research: a case study. Internationel Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 14(6), 757-769. Thórsteinsdóttir, Gudrun (2002). Distance learners’ information channels. Significance and usabiblity. I Hannesdóttir, S. K.., Global issues in 21st century research librarianship. Helsingfors: NORDINFOs 25th anniversary publication, pp. 60-89 Viadero, D. (2003). Online Research Journals Taking Off. Education Week, 23(15), 1-13. Wallace, Amy (2007). Information literacy and the academic library. One stop on a life-long journey. Journal of information literacy 1(3) Wellington, J. & Nixon, J. (2005). Shaping the Field: The Role of Academic Journal Editors in the Construction of Education as a Field of Study. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26(5), 643-655. Willinsky, J. (2005). Scientific Research in a Democratic Culture: Or What's a Social Science For? Teacher College Record, 107(1), 38-51. Willinsky, J. (2006). The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship. Cambridge: MIT Press. Winch, C. (2001). Accountability and Relevance in Educational Research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 35(3), 443-459.
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