Session Information
09 SES 02 C, Summative and Formative Assessments in Primary and Secondary Education
Paper Session
Among the markers that can serve as referents for teachers’ summative assessment of student learning, external examinations are significant sources.
Indeed, if students’ results in these tests allow to identify learning needs, they are also often used as indicators to improve classroom practices (Rosenkvist, 2010). Besides their contents, including documents for students but also those intended for teachers, seem of great interest for their training and professional development. They may also contribute to practice harmonization.
If external examinations are generally intended to test learning objectives achievement, they also show teachers’ expected skill levels at a given time of school curriculum.
By observing European countries external assessment practices (Morris, 2011) it appears that tests sometimes fulfil several functions simultaneously. If their goals may be different, they contribute, in one way or another, to teaching practices regulation, results exploitation potentially taking place at school system, in-service training, school or classroom levels.
For some authors, external examinations can serve as a "didactic lever" and favor practices changes (Bodin, Delory, Lafontaine & Wolf, 2001), in particular by contributing to new teaching methods or a new curriculum implementation.
By completing the results of teacher-made tests, external assessment should ensure a greater equity. According to Allal (2009), if this equity is estimated by statistical indicators on a system scale, for teachers it is realized by carrying out the fairest possible assessment considering the often multiple information that they have at their disposal.
If external tests refer to theories of measurement and benefit from significant docimological work, teacher practices are characterized by professional judgement, considered both as a cognitive act and a social situated practice (Mottier Lopez & Allal, 2008). Several studies in school context have shown that teacher assessment judgment is a dynamic and complex process. It is considered as "professional" (Lafortune & Allal, 2008) when its practice reflects characteristics such as rigor, coherence and transparency. Multidimensional, the professional judgment integrates diverse and combined qualitative and quantitative sources of information.
In our paper, we will focus on teacher-made written tests elaboration and on student productions appreciation, which are two of the three levels of professional judgement in assessment defined by Allal (2013). For teachers participating in the research, these two levels concern (1) the construction of a summative assessment instrument (2) the assessment of their respective students work in the form of judgements such as manifested during marking and resulting decisions.
From documents produced by teachers and tools proposed by researchers in a longitudinal research conducted as part of a Swiss National Fund (Mottier Lopez, Tessaro & Filliettaz, 2012), as well as teacher verbalizations during marking and exchanges during social moderation meetings (Wyatt-Smith, Klenowski & Gunn, 2010), we have examined the role of external examinations as possible referents in the choice of curriculum objectives and task types proposed by teachers in constructing their own summative assessment instrument, as well as during judgement assessment processes resulting in grading.
Expected Outcomes
Allal, L. (2009). Pratiques évaluatives des enseignants face aux méthodologies des recherches évaluatives portant sur les systèmes scolaires. In L. Mottier Lopez & M. Crahay (Ed.), Évaluations en tension : entre la régulation des apprentissages et le pilotage des systèmes (pp. 29-45). Bruxelles : De Boeck. Allal, L. (2013). Teachers’ professional judgement in assessment: a cognitive act and a socially situated practice. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, (special issue: Moderation practice and teacher judgement), 20, 20-34. Bodin, A., Delory, C., Lafontaine, D. & Wolf, J.-L. (2001). Quelle évaluation externe des élèves pour quels socles de compétences ? Pédagogies, 14, 56-65. Lafortune, L. & Allal, L. (2008). Jugement professionnel en évaluation, Pratiques enseignantes au Québec et à Genève. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec. Laveault, D., Dionne, E., Lafontaine, D., Tessaro, W. & Allal, L. (2014). L’évaluation des compétences en salle de classe : régulations entre politiques et pratiques. In C. Dierendonck, E. Loarer & B. Rey (Ed.), L’évaluation des compétences en milieu scolaire et en milieu professionnel. Bruxelles : De Boeck. Morris, A. (2011) Student standardised testing : current practices in OECD countries and a literature review. OECD Education Working Paper No. 65. Mottier Lopez, L. & Allal, L. (2008). Le jugement professionnel en évaluation : un acte cognitif et une pratique sociale située. Revue suisse des sciences de l’éducation, 30(3), 465-482. Mottier Lopez, L., Tessaro, W. & Filliettaz, L. (2012). Etude des jugements d’évaluation des apprentissages des élèves et des pratiques de modération sociale. Requête acceptée par le FNS de la recherche scientifique : 100013_143453/1. Mottier Lopez, L., Tessaro, W., Dechamboux, L. & Morales Villabona, F. (2012). La modération sociale : un dispositif soutenant l’émergence de savoirs négociés sur l’évaluation certificative des apprentissages des élèves. Questions vives, 18, 159-175. Rosenkvist, M.A. (2010) Using student test results for accountability and improvement: A literature review. OECD Education Working Paper No. 54. Wyatt-Smith, C., Klenowski, V. & Gunn, S. (2010). The centrality of teachers’ judgement practice in assessment: a study of standards in moderation. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 17(1), 59-75.
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