Network: 09. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
09 SES 01 A, Findings from International Large-Scale Assessments: Trend Perspectives on Achievement and Inequalities
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Decline in Finland’s reading literacy performance from PISA 2000 to PISA 2012
- Trend in Educational Inequality in the Nordic countries between 2000 and 2009: Evidence from OECD PISA studies.
- Trends in Quality and Equity in Upper Secondary Education in the Czech Republic – Evidence from IALS and PIAAC
Inga Arffman Kari Nissinen
Kajsa Yang Hansen
Jana Strakova
09 SES 01 B, Formative Assessments in Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Jana Poláchová Vaštatková
- Case Study of Implementation of Formative Peer Assessment in Inquiry Based Elementary Mathematics
- Student Self Assessment For Capacity Building In Vocational Education
Iva Stuchlíková Iva Žlábková Alena Hošpesová Jana Kouřilová Yvona Mazehóová
Astrid Birgitte Eggen Hilde Witsø Per Einar Garmannslund Hanne Stousland
09 SES 01 C, Assessment Practice and Competency Development: Roles and Perceptions of Students and Teachers
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Mary-Anne Holfve-Sabel
- “We Have A Lot To Do, If We Are To Succeed”. Development Of Accessible And Reciprocal Assessment Practices
- Learning-to-Learn Competences in Lower Secondary Education – Findings of an Empirical Survey
Lisbeth Gyllander
Daniela Moser Erich Svecnik Hanns Jörg Pongratz Christa Bauer
09 SES 02 A, Findings from PIRLS and TIMSS/PIRLS Combined: Relating Achievement to Student, Home and School Variables
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Eva Myrberg
- Who takes Advantage: When Boys outperform Girls in Reading
- Factors Determining Student Reading Achievement - a Maltese case study
- What do parents do? Patterns of parental involvement during primary school based on TIMSS/PIRLS 2011 combined – a European comparison
Marjeta Doupona Heike Wendt Alenka Gril
Victor Martinelli Milosh Raykov
Maike Hoeft Daniel Kasper Heike Wendt
09 SES 02 B, Ascertaining Core Concepts and Practices of Empirical Educational Research: Reviews on Validity Theory and Qualitative Research Standards
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Sarah Howie
09 SES 02 C, Summative and Formative Assessments in Primary and Secondary Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Agnes Stancel-Piatak
- External Examinations As Teachers Professional Development Support In Their Summative Assessment Practices
- Bridging Summative And Formative Assessment
- Challenges in the Articulation Between Summative and Formative Assessment Practices
Walther Tessaro
Ragnar Thygesen Astrid Birgitte Eggen
Leonor Santos Jorge Pinto
09 SES 03 A, Findings from International and National Large-Scale Assessments: Relating Teacher Variables to Student Achievement
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Inga Arffman
- Changes in Effects of Formal Teacher Competence on 4th graders' Reading Achievement between 2001 and 2011 in Sweden
- The Importance of Teaching Styles and Curriculum in Mathematics: Evidence from TIMSS 2011
- Exploring Teachers’ Effect on School Effectiveness
Eva Myrberg Stefan Johansson Monica Rosén
Nadir Zanini Tom Benton
Matild Sagi Krisztián Széll
09 SES 03 C, Assessing Attitudes and Competencies in Primary and Secondary Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Trude Nilsen
- Students’ Achievement in All-Day Schools: Does Participating in Subject-specific Extracurricular Activities Influence the Competence Development of Students from Diverse Backgrounds?
- School Achievement and Peer Acceptance in Low-, Average- and High-Performing Classes
- Modified Attitudes Towards School, Teacher And Peers Are Found In Networks Of Mixed Ethnicity
Ariane S. Willems Heinz Günter Holtappels Wolfram Rollett Karin Lossen Katja Tillmann
Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen Natalija Gustavson
Mary-Anne Holfve-Sabel
09 SES 03 B, Investigating Adolescent and Adult Competencies in Their Relations to Educational Participation and Transition
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Jana Strakova
- Language Sensitive Competence Assessment As A Way To Promote Transitions of Young Refugees Into Vocational Education In Germany
- Adults on 'Literacy Level One' and their Participation in Adult Education (PIAAC Database)
- Hungarian Model For The Assessment And Validation Of Learning Outcomes Aquired In Non-formal Learning Environment
Nicole Kimmelmann
Anke Grotlueschen
Éva Farkas
09 SES 04 A, Findings from Large-Scale Assessments: School Composition and Frame-of-Reference-Effects
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Martin Goy
- Assessment of the Big Fish Little Pond Effect in the context of transition to academic track in the Czech Republic
- Study Of The Impact Of School Average Ability On Career Expectations
- School effect on pupils’ achievement: the case of public schools in a Portuguese area
David Greger Petr Soukup Petr Soukup
Virginie Dupont
Teresa Seabra Patrícia Ávila Helena Carvalho
09 SES 04 B, Assessments in Early Childhood and Preschool Settings
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Wen-Hui Lu
- Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment in Early Childhood Intervention: an Evaluation of its social validity in Portugal
- Development of a Scale based on Parents' Reports to Measure Sibling Rivalry of Preschool Children
- Agentive Perceptions And School Readiness Of Children
Pedro Lopes-dos-Santos Sílvia Alves Toni Toni Linder Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Mónica Silveira-Maia
Aysun Ata Özlen Demircan
James Ko
09 SES 04 C JS, Students’ Computer and Information Literacy from a European Perspective. Findings from ICILS 2013. (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Julia Gerick
- Students’ Computer and Information Literacy from a European Perspective. Findings from ICILS 2013. Part 1
- Computer and Information Literacy among Lower Secondary Students in Europe: Perspectives from ICILS 2013
- Possible Implications for Educational Policy in the Czech Republic based on ICILS 2013 National and International Analyses
- Out-of-School Use of New Technologies and its Relationship with Computer and Information Literacy in Europe– A SEM-Approach
Julia Gerick Julian Fraillon John Ainley Josef Basl Mario Vennemann Heike Wendt Paulina Korsnakova Birgit Eickelmann Christian Koop Daniel Kasper Ramona Lorenz Lucie Bird
Julian Fraillon John Ainley
Josef Basl Lucie Řezáčová
Mario Vennemann Birgit Eickelmann Christian Koop
09 SES 05 A, Findings from PISA: Relating Achievement to Student and Context Factors
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Kajsa Yang Hansen
- Reasons behind local variation in student’s educational outcome in PISA 2012 in Finland
- Evaluating Mathematical Skills through Second Language
Jouni Vettenranta Heidi Harju-Luukkainen
Maria Kela Päivi Portaankorva-Koivisto
09 SES 05 B, Assessment Practices, Performance Interpretations and Grades
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Sandra Johnson
- How to explain excellent grades: Differences between female and male students in attributing success to intelligence or effort
- The Impact Of Outcomes-Based Education On Assessment Practices In The Practical-Aesthetic Subjects: A Dilemma
- The Practice of Free-Formulated Learning Reports at Montessori-Schools – a Role-Model for an Improvement of Classroom Assessment at Traditional Schools?!
Anna-Carin Jonsson Monica Rosén
Elizabeth Oltedal Siv Måseidvåg Gamlem
Marius Diekmann Sabine Gruehn Jessika Bertram
09 SES 05 C JS, Students’ Computer and Information Literacy from a European Perspective. Findings from ICILS 2013. (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Julia Gerick
- Students’ Computer and Information Literacy from a European Perspective. Findings from ICILS 2013. Part 2
- Students’ Digital Literacy, ICT Self-Efficacy, Gender, Home Background and ICT Use: A Comparative Study for Norway, Denmark and Poland
- Assessment of Computer and Information Literacy: Multiple-Choice vs. Simulation-Based Tasks: Do Both Item Types Measure the Same Construct?
- Secondary Analyses on Gender Differences in the Computer- and Information Literacy Test
Julia Gerick Inger Throndsen Jan Marten Ihme Martina Meelissen Annemiek Punter Paulina Koršňáková Massimo Loi Greta B. Gudmundsdottir Ove Edvard Hatlevik Martin Senkbeil Frank Goldhammer
Inger Throndsen Massimo Loi Greta B. Gudmundsdottir Ove Edvard Hatlevik
Jan Marten Ihme Martin Senkbeil Frank Goldhammer Julia Gerick
Martina M.R. Meelissen R. Annemiek Punter
09 SES 06 A, Relating Assessment Policies and Performance Interpretations to School and Student Variables
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Monica Rosén
- Attaching Meaning to Grades and Other Banded Performance Indicators
- A Test of Learning, Certification or Accountability? Perceptions of Standardized Testing in Kazakhstan
- Opportunity To Learn And Student Outcomes On PISA: The Moderating Role Of Test-Based Teacher Evaluation Policies
Sandra Johnson Rod Johnson
Liz Winter Daniel Hernandez-Torrano Ros McLellan Madina Tynybayeva Arailym Soltanbekova
Leslie Hawley Betty-Jean Usher-Tate Sara E. Gonzalez
09 SES 06 C JS, Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Context of ICILS 2013. A European Perspective on School and Teacher Characteristics. (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Birgit Eickelmann
- Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Context of ICILS 2013. A European Perspective on School and Teacher Characteristics. Part1
- Teachers’ Attitudes and Beliefs towards ICT in Teaching and Learning in European Countries
- Status of Teaching Methods - Comparing Teaching Methods in five European Countries based on IEA-ICILS 2013 and IEA-SITES 2006 Data
- Does Hardware really matter? Allocating the Study of Cre@tive School Programme in Poland in the Context of ICILS 2013
- Collaboration between Teachers in Using ICT as a Facilitator in the Context of a Transition to the Digital Age
Birgit Eickelmann Jeppe Bundsgaard Kamil Sijko Kerstin Drossel Julian Fraillon Renate Schulz-Zander
Birgit Eickelmann
Jeppe Bundsgaard
Kamil Sijko
Kerstin Drossel Birgit Eickelmann Renate Schulz-Zander
09 SES 06 B, Using the International Large-Scale Student Assessments’ Databases for Secondary Analysis (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Plamen Mirazchiyski
- Using the International Large-Scale Student Assessments’ Databases for Secondary Analysis - Part 1
Plamen Mirazchiyski Eugenio Gonzalez
09 SES 07 A, Uses and Interpretations of Educational Data in System Monitoring and Evidence-based Governance
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Heike Wendt
- Data Use in Education—a Conceptual Literature Review
- Validity and reliability of indicator based educational reports. Theoretical considerations and empirical results from Germany.
- Exploring National Policymakers’ Understanding and Use of International Large Scale Assessments (ILSAs) in Kazakhstan
Tine Proitz Sølvi Mausethagen Guri Skedsmo
Björn Hermstein Ina Semper Sonja Abendroth Nils Berkemeyer Wilfried Bos
Jason Sparks David Rutkowski Duishon Shamatov
09 SES 07 B, Using the International Large-Scale Student Assessments’ Databases for Secondary Analysis (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Plamen Mirazchiyski
- Using the International Large-Scale Student Assessments’ Databases for Secondary Analysis - Part 2
Plamen Mirazchiyski Eugenio Gonzalez
09 SES 07 C JS, Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Context of ICILS 2013. A European Perspective on School and Teacher Characteristics. (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Birgit Eickelmann
- Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Context of ICILS 2013. A European Perspective on School and Teacher Characteristics. Part2
- School Typologies and Students Computer and Information literacy – The Role of School Characteristics for Student Achievement
- Do Students Learn Computer and Information Literacy at School? – The Role of Teachers’ Instructional Practice in an International Perspective
Birgit Eickelmann Ramona Lorenz Julia Gerick Heike Schaumburg Julian Fraillon Julia Kahnert Manuela Endberg Doreen Prasse
Julia Gerick
Heike Schaumburg Birgit Eickelmann Doreen Prasse
09 SES 07 D, Developing and Validating Instruments for Tests and Assessments
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 395. [Main], Chair: Petr Soukup
- Can Creativity and Critical Thinking be assessed as general constructs or as subject-specific skills?
- Assessing Mathematics Achievement Goals in a Sample of Italian Students from Sixth Grade
- Is it possible to measure attitudes toward Social Justice in Education? Development and validation of a scale.
Ourania Maria Ventista Robert Coe
Donatella Poliandri Stefania Sette Emanuela Vinci Sara Romiti
Reyes Hernández-Castilla F.Javier Murillo Nina Hidalgo Cynthia Martinez-Garrido Haylen Perines
09 SES 08 A, Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Tests and Assessments (Part 1)
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Eugenio Gonzalez
- Investigating the Impact of the Inclusion of Reasoning Items in Large-scale Cohort Testing of Students in Mathematics in the UAE
- Analysis of Differential Item Functioning on Some TIMSS 2011 Data for Ukraine
- Asymptotic Sampling distribution for a simple case of Coefficient Alpha
Frances Eveleigh
Tetiana Lisova Yuriy Kovalchuk
Rsshid Almehrizi
09 SES 08 B, Assessing Ethical Attitudes, Moral Development and Academically Delinquent Behavior
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Liz Winter
- Ethical Attitudes Among Young People In Late Modernity
- Measuring moral development
- Cheating on Matriculation Exams in the Arabic Sector Distribution methods and attitudes of students, teachers and parents
Mary-Anne Holfve-Sabel Kennert Orlenius Firouz Gaini
Hugo González González José Luis Álvarez Castillo Mariana Buenestado Fernández Gemma Fernández Caminero
Sliman Khaldy
09 SES 08 C, Findings from PISA: Research on Inequality and Resilience
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: David Miller
- Contribution of SES to Student Achievement at PISA: 2003-2012
- Interactions among Teacher Variables Influential on Achievement of Resilient and Non-Resilient Turkish Students in PISA 2012
Jelena Radišić Aleksandar Baucal Vitomir Jovanovic
Ilker Kalender Ayse Yönkul
09 SES 09 A, Network 9 Keynote: Performance Differences Between Age Cohorts as Reflectors of Differences in Quality of Education
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 238. [Main], Chair: Wilfried Bos
09 SES 09.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 12:45-13:45, Room: 238. [Main], Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Agenda for Network Meeting
Wilfried Bos
09 SES 10 A, Assessments in Second-, Bi- and Multi-Language Settings
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Heidi Harju-Luukkainen
- How Does Monitoring The Implementation Change The Outcome Of A Reading Programme?
- The Development Of A Curriculum-Based C-Test For Young EFL Learners
- Language Rich: Insights from Multilingual Schools
Susanne Seifert Lisa Paleczek Susanne Schwab Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera
Raphaela Porsch Eva Wilden
Stuart Shaw Sarah Hughes
09 SES 10 B, Developing and Validating Instruments for Teacher Assessments
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Ariane S. Willems
- Teacher Self-efficacy: Conceptual and Measurment Issues
- Development and Validation of First Aid Self-Efficacy Scale
- Development of Classroom Management Strategies Scale for Science Teacher Candidates: A Validity and Reliability Study
Emilie Martin Alejandra Alarcon Henriquez Julien Danhier Dirk Jacobs
Gülçin Gülmez-Dağ Yeşim Çapa-Aydın
Yeliz Temli-Durmuş
09 SES 10 C, Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 1): Factors of Educational Effectiveness in Multilevel and Trend Perspectives
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 1): Factors of Educational Effectiveness in Multilevel and Trend Perspectives
- Investigating the Relation between Quality and Equity at the School and Country Level: Secondary Analyses of PISA
- Changes in School Emphasis on Academic Success Related to Changes in Achievement at Country Level
- The Relation between Instructional Quality and Educational Outcomes for Low versus High Levels of Emphasis on Academic Success
Martin Goy Leonidas Kyriakides Jan-Eric Gustafsson Trude Nilsen Wilfried Bos Jana Strakova Charalambos Y. Charalambous Evi Charalambous Bert P.M. Creemers Ronny Scherer
Leonidas Kyriakides Charalambos Y. Charalambous Evi Charalambous Bert P.M. Creemers
Jan-Eric Gustafsson Trude Nilsen
Trude Nilsen Ronny Scherer
09 SES 11 A, Assessing Linguistic Competencies: Phonological Ability, Spelling and Writing
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Raphaela Porsch
- Structure of Phonological Ability at Age Four
- Does Triple Word Form Theory provide a useful framework from which to assess proficiency in spelling?
- Investigating the Most Appropriate Stimulus to Assess Student Ability in Writing – a case study using a criterion referenced marking rubric.
Ulrika Wolff Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Tessa Daffern Noella Mackenzie
Chris Freeman Dr. Jarrod Hingston Frances Eveleigh
09 SES 11 B, Mathematics and Physics Learning and Teaching: Synthesizing Findings and Developing Instruments
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Andrejs Geske
- Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Achievement (Turkish case)
- Item Development for Measuring Teachers’ PCK on Derivative
- Development and Validation of a Scale about Teachers’ Practices on Promotion of Metacognition (TPPoM)
Süleyman Nihat Şad Ali Kış Mustafa Demir Niyazi Özer
Beril Yılmaz Senem Fulya Kula
Vuslat Şeker Yeşim Çapa-Aydın
09 SES 11 C, Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 2): Relating Achievement to Individual, Home and School Factors
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Monica Rosén
- Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 2): Relating Achievement to Individual, Home and School Factors
- Achieving Against the Odds: Examining Academically Resilient Students Cross-Nationally
Martin Goy David Miller Withdrawn . Withdrawal . Monica Rosén Sarah Howie Ebru Erberber Maria Stephens Saida Mamedova
David Miller Ebru Erberber Maria Stephens Saida Mamedova
09 SES 12 A, Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Tests and Assessments (Part 2)
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Jan-Eric Gustafsson
- Investigating stability of item parameters in one and two-parameter Partial Credit models on PISA Science cognitive data
- Can We Identify Guessing in Student Response Patterns? – a Preliminary Analysis of a Field Trial Design.
- Exploring Variability Sources in Student Evaluation of Teaching via Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Luc Le
Chris Freeman
Bengu Borkan
09 SES 12 C, Formative Assessment In Science And Mathematics Education (FaSMEd)
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: David Leat
- Formative Assessment In Science And Mathematics Education (FaSMEd)
- England: Formative Assessment in Mathematics
- Ireland: Formative Assessment In Science
- The Use Of Connected Classroom Technologies To Enhance Research-informed Teaching Materials For Formative Assessment: Our Experience Within The FaSMEd Project
- FaSMEd Case Studies from France
David Wright Jill Clark Majella Dempsey Niamh Burke Annalisa Cusi Francesca Morselli Gilles Aldon Monica Panero David Leat Alf Coles Lucy Tiplady Cristina Sabena Michele Prieur Karine Robinault
David Wright Jill Clark Lucy Tiplady
Majella Dempsey Niamh Burke
Annalisa Cusi Francesca Morselli Cristina Sabena
Gilles Aldon Monica Panero Michele Prieur Karine Robinault
09 SES 12 B, Assessing Citizenship and Cosmopolitanism
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Julian Fraillon
- The Role of Assessment in Facilitating Student Transition to ‘Active’ Citizenship
- Assessing National and Supranational Identities in 8th Grade. A Study on Multiple Identities Perceptions in Italy.
Simon Child Prerna Carroll Ellie Darlington
Valeria Damiani
09 SES 12 D, Assessing Students' and Teachers' Roles and Perceptions
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 3002. [Main], Chair: Jelena Radišic
- The Validity of Student Ratings of Teaching Quality across Subjects and Sequences
- International Comparisons of Student Perceptions on Teacher’s Classroom Management: Improving Comparability with the Anchoring Vignettes Method
- Learning Intentions and Success Criteria: Learners’ and Teachers’ Views
Sabine Gruehn Jessika Bertram Sylvia Rahn Marius Diekmann
Hana Vonkova Gema Zamarro Vera DeBerg
Hazel Crichton Ann McDaid
09 SES 12 E JS, Long Paper Session
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 336. [Main], Chair:
09 SES 13 B, Assessments and Surveys in Adult and Higher Education
Friday, 2015-09-11, 11:00-12:30, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Chris Freeman
- Adult Reading and Writing Skills: What Levels Are Considered a Suitable Minimum? A Critical View on an International Debate
- The German Research Program “Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education” (KoKoHs) - Results, Challenges and International Perspectives
Caroline Euringer
Corinna Lautenbach Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Hans Anand Pant Miriam Toepper Christiane Kuhn
09 SES 13 A, Evaluations and School Improvement
Friday, 2015-09-11, 11:00-12:30, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Jan Van Damme
- Self-evaluation And School Improvement: The Issemod Model To Develop The Quality Of School Processes And Outcomes
- Experimental Evidence of Effects of Interim Assessments on the Achievement Gap
- Evidence-Based School Counseling: An Analysis of the Student Success Skills
Davide Capperucci
Spyros Konstantopoulos Wei Li Shazia Miller Arie van der Ploeg
Brett Zyromski John C. Carey Jennifer Stansbury Koenig
09 SES 13 C, Teachers’ Conceptions and Uses of Assessments
Friday, 2015-09-11, 11:00-12:30, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Ramona Palos
- Teachers’ Conceptions About A Fair Student Assessment
- The Team Plan As A Tool For Self-regulation Of Learning
- Cooperative Structure Of The Activity: Improving Performance And Improving The Quality Of Learning
Nina Hidalgo Farran F. Javier Murillo Torrecilla Cynthia Martínez-Garrido Haylen Perines Véliz Reyes Hernández-Castilla
Verónica Jiménez MariaTeresa Segués José Ramón Lago Martínez Mila Naranjo Jesús Soldevila
Mila Naranjo José Ramón Lago Verónica Jiménez
09 SES 13 D JS, Educational Goals and the PISA Assessments
Friday, 2015-09-11, 11:00-12:30, Room: 336. [Main], Chair: Pádraig Hogan
- Educational Goals and the PISA Assessments
- The Struggle for the World Curriculum: The Attraction of PISA and How to get Beyond
- The Unquantifiable as a Measure of Good Education
- PISA: Is it Really Possible to Test All Educationally Significant Achievements with High Levels of Reliability?
Pádraig Hogan Gert Biesta Francesca Lorenzi Andrew O'Shea Andrew Davis Eugenio Gonzalez
Gert Biesta
Francesca Lorenzi Andrew O'Shea
Andrew Davis
09 SES 14 B, Developing and Scrutinizing Tests in the Domains of Finance, Accountancy and Economics
Friday, 2015-09-11, 15:30-17:00, Room: 328. [Main], Chair: Luc Le
- Lessons Learnt from Applying the OECD Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy
- Computer Adaptive Testing in the Vocational Training Domain ‘Accountancy’
- Validating the Interpretations of University Students' Mental Processes in Business and Economics using a Mixed-Methods Approach
Bettina Fuhrmann
Christoph Helm
Sebastian Brückner
09 SES 14 A, Investigating Factors Underlying School Choice and Educational Transition
Friday, 2015-09-11, 15:30-17:00, Room: 326. [Main], Chair: Plamen Mirazchiyski
- Development of Parents’ School Belief Scale
- Mathematics Competencies and Patterns Of School Choice At The Transition From Lower To Upper Secondary Education in Austria
Ozlem Fatma Yildirim Yesim Capa Aydin
Michael Bruneforth Ursula Itzlinger-Bruneforth
09 SES 14 C, Education-Based Program Modeling, Implementation and Modification – Defining Systematic Methods and Strategies
Friday, 2015-09-11, 15:30-17:00, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Catherine Darrow
- Education-based Program Modeling, Implementation, and Modification – Defining Systematic Methods and Strategies
- Developing Logic Models and the Systematic Measurement of Implementation Fidelity in Evaluation Research
- Refining Implementation Measurement: The Evaluation of Citizen Schools Expanded Learning Time
- Curriculum Development in Hungary
Catherine Darrow Alyssa Rulf Fountain Judit Remenyi Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir Barbara Goodson Beth Boulay Beth Gamse Zsuzsa Bankuti Judit Lukacs
Catherine Darrow Barbara Goodson Beth Boulay
Alyssa Rulf Fountain Beth Gamse
Judit Reményi Zsuzsanna Bánkúti Judit Lukács
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