Session Information
09 SES 14 A, Investigating Factors Underlying School Choice and Educational Transition
Paper Session
Use of beliefs as a determinant of certain behaviors is common in the literature. To illustrate, in his master thesis, Goh (2007) aimed to determine parents’ school choice behaviors through using the following theoretical frameworks: Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior. In this context, literature is rich in free school choice policies and its effects. Particularly, studies on parental school choice are mostly about how their reasons differ by family background characteristics, especially for ethnicity, what motivates parents to be involved in their children's education, and what choice and involvement factors influence school knowledge and satisfaction (Bauch, 1992; Bossetti, 2004; Weiher&Tedin, 2002). All of them are descriptive in nature. Similarly, when the studies in Turkey are examined, they mainly focus on perceptions of parents about school related topics (Ocak&Yamaç, 2011), predicting primary school students’ national level assessment test scores from parental involvement and attitudes towards school (İpek, 2011), parents’ perceptions in relation with school image (Bakioğlu&Bahçeci, 2010), and factors affecting parents’ private school choice (Hesapçıoğlu&Nohutçu, 1999). However, any study measuring parents’ beliefs that affect their school choice was found in the literature including studies in Turkey. Moreover, in both global and local studies, participants were mostly given a list of factors and expected to rank them according to order of importance (e.g. Bauch, 1992). These provide concrete reasons for preferring a specific school; however, beliefs behind those reasons that make them important for an individual are not studied. Therefore, the current study is significant in that it aims to develop a scale that measures parental beliefs on school choice.
School choice is a decision-making process parents go through and their decisions were affected by their perceptions of schools. In addition, parents’ engagement in their children’s learning at home and school offers an important pathway to improved academic and social outcomes for many students. Moreover, in the literature on beliefs, it is claimed that beliefs play a crucial role on people’s behaviors (Brown & Cooney, 1982; Eisenhart, Shrum, Harding, & Cuthbert, 1988). Therefore, within the context of present study, it was aimed to develop a scale about parents’ beliefs on school choice.
Expected Outcomes
References Bakioğlu, A. & Bahçeci, M. (2010). Review of parents’ perceptions in relation with school image. Atatürk Education Faculty Educational Science Journal, 31, 25-55. Bauch, P. A. (1992, April). Toward an ecologicalperspective on schoolchoice. Paperpresented at theannualmeeting of theAmericanEducationalResearchAssociation, San Francisco. Bossetti, L. (2004). Determinants of school choice: Understanding how parents choose elementary schoolsin Alberta. Journal of Education Policy, 19, 387-405. Brown, C. A. & Cooney, T. J. (1982). Research on teacher education: A philosophical orientation. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 15(4), 13-18. Eisenhart, M.A., Shrum, J.L., Harding, J.R., & Cuthbert, A.M. (1988). Teacher beliefs: Definitions, findings, and directions. Educational Policy, 2 (1), 51-70. Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics: Using SPSS for windows (3rd ed.). London – Thousand Oaks – New Delhi: Sage Publications. Goh, E. (2007). Primary school choice selection: examining parental school choice decision behavior using theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior. (Master thesis.) University of Wollongog, Australia. Hair, J., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C (2014).Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. Hesapçıoğlu, M. & Nohutçu, A. (1999). Factors affecting parents’ private school choice and private schools’ advertisement strategies.Atatürk Education Faculty Educational Science Journal, 11, 183-202. İpek, C. (2011). Predicting primary school students’ national levelassessment test scores from parental involvement and attitudes towards school. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 10(38), 114-135. Ocak, G. & Yamaç, A. (2011). The examination of teachers’ and caregivers’ attitudes towards resigtration areas application.Dumlupınar University of Social Science Journal, 31, 357-374. Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Weiher, G. R., & Tedin, K. L. (2002). Does choice lead to racially distinctive schools? Charter schools and household preferences.Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 21(1), 79–92.
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