Session Information
ERG SES H 02, Education and Research
Paper Session
Universities have to be regarded as core science organizations in the academic field, which are shifting and transitioning from a traditional Humboldtian model of the university into an entrepreneurial mode of international competitive research institutions (Weber 2013a). While competitiveness in research and academic success is a clear norm in the academic field (Bourdieu 1992; Weber 2013b), the relation between research and teaching seems to be shifting into a contested terrain, playing out in the daily routines of researchers and academics. The article highlights the question, how research and teaching plays out under the conditions of the mass-university, teaching – at least in Europe - still being a central task for most academics. What do reform processes like Bologna, expansion in Higher Education and the establishment of the European Higher Education Area mean for institutional differentiation on the one hand – and the daily practices of academics on the other hand? How do scientific institutions on the one hand – and academics on the other hand - balance these multi-faceted and multi-dimensional relations between research and teaching (Hattie & Marsh 1996)?
Even if the unity of research and teaching may have been a myth anyway (Ash 1999; Hattie & Marsh 1996), the relation between “excellence” and “expansion” is becoming structurally dilemmatic in the shifts and transitions described (Schimank 1995; Münch 2007; Kreckel 2011). Intentions to solve this dilemma lead into structural differentiation and different strategies like an internal differentiation of functions – like dividing up into “teaching -” and “research professorships”. A second strategy can be identified in institutional externalization, where research is outsourced into non-university research institutes (Kreckel 2011). Both structural differentiations imply possible shifts and splits regarding the structural dimensions of career development in the academic and scientific field. In an inequality perspective, vertical as well as horizontal shifts in research and teaching capital are to be expected (Angervall & Gustafsson 2014).
In a Bourdieuian perspective, the dilemma between excellence and expansion implies a symbolic order of “teaching” and “research” - and accordingly between perceived “researchers” and “teachers” in the academic field. As Angervall and Gustafsson (2014) have analyzed for the Swedish higher education system and careers within, the two career profiles of the “successful” and the “supportive” researchers were identified. What is the role, supervisors play within this process? The paper argues, that in a practice theoretical perspective, the structures of science organizations, self-concepts of supervisors and of doctoral candidates interweave into a daily practice of “doing academia”. What are the relevant dimensions in the self-concepts of young and experienced researchers? What is the relevance of institutional settings like universities or external (non-teaching) research institutions like Max-Planck Societies or others? How does the relationship between supervisor and doctoral candidate become relevant for the transitioning phase of young researchers into “becoming an academic”?
Expected Outcomes
Angervall, Petra; Gustafsson, Jan (2014): The Making of Careers in Academia: split career movements in education science. q. In European Educational Research Journal 13 (6), pp. 601–615. Ash, Mitchell G. (Ed.) (1999): Mythos Humboldt. Vergangenheit und Zukunft der deutschen Universitäten. Wien: Böhlau. Beaufaÿs, Sandra (2003): Wie werden Wissenschaftler gemacht? Bielefeld: Transcript. Bohnsack, Ralf; Nentwig-Gesemann, Iris; Nohl, Arnd-Michael (Eds.) (2007): Die dokumentarische Methode und ihre For-schungspraxis. Grundlagen qualitativer Sozialforschung. 2., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Bourdieu, Pierre (1992): Homo academicus. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp. Bourdieu, Pierre (1993): Sozialer Sinn. Kritik der theoretischen Vernunft. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp. Bourdieu, Pierre (2004): Science of science and reflexivity. Cambridge: Polity. Bourdieu, Pierre (2012): Die feinen Unterschiede. Kritik der gesellschaftlichen Urteilskraft. 22nd ed. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhr-kamp. Bourdieu, Pierre; Wacquant, Loïc J. D. (1996): Reflexive Anthropologie. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp. Brake, Anna (2006): Der Bildungsort Familie. Methodische Grundlagen der Untersuchung. In Peter Büchner, Anna Brake (Eds.): Bildungsort Familie. Transmission von Bildung und Kultur im Alltag von Mehrgenerationenfamilien. 1st ed. Wies-baden: VS Verlag, pp. 49–79. Engler, Steffani (2001): "In Einsamkeit und Freiheit"? Zur Konstruktion der wissenschaftlichen Persönlichkeit auf dem Weg zur Professur. Techn. Univ., Habil.-Schr.--Darmstadt. Konstanz: UVK. Glaser, Barney G.; Strauss, Anselm L. (1973, c1967): The discovery of grounded theory. Strategies for qualitative research. 1st ed. Chicago: Aldine Pub. Hattie, J.; Marsh, H. W. (1996): The Relationship between Research and Teaching. A Meta-Analysis. In Review of Education Research 66 (4), pp. 506–542. Hofbauer, Johanna (2012): Neue Geschlechterordnungen an Hochschulen? Zur theoretischen Fundierung einer empirischen Untersuchung im Sinne der Bourdieu'schen Feldtheorie. In Stefan Bernhard, Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg (Eds.): Felda-nalyse als Forschungsprogramm 1. Der programmatische Kern. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 427–451. Kreckel, Reinhard (2011): Zwischen Spitzenforschung und Breitenausbildung. Strukturelle Differenzierungen an deutschen Hochschulen im internationalen Vergleich. In Heinz-Hermann Krüger, Ursula Rabe-Kleberg, Rolf-Torsten Kramer, Jürgen Budde (Eds.): Bildungsungleichheit revisited. Bildung und soziale Ungleichheit vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. 2nd ed. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 237–258. Schimank, Uwe (1995): Hochschulforschung im Schatten der Lehre. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus Verlag. Weber, Susanne Maria (2013a): Imagining the Creative University. Dispositives of Creation, Strategies of Innovation, Politics of Reality. In Michael Peters, Tina Besley (Eds.): The Creative University. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 161–192. Weber, Susanne Maria (2013b): Transforming the Academic Field. In: Tina Engels-Schwarzpaul, Michael A. Peters (Eds.): Of Other Thoughts: Non-traditional Approaches to the Doctorate. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 115–130.
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