Session Information
ERG SES C 02, Education Policies
Paper Session
In Portugal, the policy measures which followed the April 1974 democratic revolution credited education the "mission" of guaranteeing the right to fair and effective equality of opportunity in school admission and success (Portuguese Educational System Law, 1986). Thus, it is pertinent to understand the influence of policy measures that have been implemented to accomplish these objectives and to promote educational improvement.
As examples of these measures, the TEIP program (in English ETPI - Educational Territories of Priority Intervention) was created in the 90’s involving schools linked to social inequality 'problems,' dropout and school failure (Leite, Fernandes & Silva, 2013). These schools joined this program with the main aim of dealing with these situations by being integrated within intervention projects. This policy measure, which may be considered as "compensatory education", has emerged associated to other international movements such as the "Head Start" and "Follow-Through" projects (United States); the Zones d'Education Prioritaire (France); and "Educational Priority Areas" and "Education Action Zones" (England). Another policy measure which started more recently, precisely in 2006, is the school external evaluation (SEE) process. Also influenced by international policies (Dale, 2007) and associating the evaluation of educational institutions to accountability (Afonso, 2009), this measure is related to the decentralization processes and the intention of improving education quality (Pacheco, 2000; OECD, 2012). Socio-economic, political-administrative, scientific-pedagogical and legal reasons have made the schools evaluation process a demand in many countries so as to justify the education system costs (Fialho et al, 2010). In addition, the SEE process in Portugal is justified in order to 'promote the progress of learning and student outcome'.
The SEE process takes place at all public schools, including those that have been integrated into the TEIP program. This means that each school handles their own self-assessment processes/monitoring of goals established by each one, i.e., TEIP schools subsist with the SEE process in addition to the process of establishing educational targets which are inherent to this program. It is with these two ideas, used as a reference, that this study has been developed to understand how the objectives of these two policy measures are being implemented, above all regarding the conditions that contribute to the adhering to the needs and characteristics of the different social groups present in different school contexts. In this way, we wish to understand how schools develop educational improvement processes based on curricular and social justice (Connell, 1995, 2012; Santomé, 2013).
This research project has the general objective of understanding the impact/effect of policy measures implementation to the promotion of school success and educational improvement, particularly concerning schools’ external evaluation and TEIP program. Therefore, our intention is to answer the following questions: What actions are taken by schools to achieve social justice principle, taking into account these two policy measures? What influence does the SEE process and TEIP program have in the different dimensions of daily school life and in what way they contribute to the promotion of participatory and inclusive education? It is in this context that this PhD research project will be developed.
Expected Outcomes
AFONSO, Almerindo Janela (2009). Políticas avaliativas e accountability em educação - subsídios para um debate ibero-americano. Sísifo. Revista de Ciências da Educação, 09, pp. 57-70. BOGDAN, Robert & BIKLEN, Sari (1994). Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. Porto: Porto Editora. BRYMAN, Alan (2012). Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press Inc., New York. CONNELL, Raewyn (2012). Just education. Journal of Education Policy, 27(5), pp. 681-683. CONNELL, Robert (1995). Estabelecendo a diferença: escolas, famílias, e divisão social. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. DALE, Roger (2007). Specifying globalization effects on national policy. A focus on the mechanisms in Bob Lingard and Jane Ozga (Eds.). The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Education and Politics. London and New York: Routledge. FIALHO, Isabel; LARANJEIRA, Ana; LAVADO, Anabela, & PAULINO, Zita (2010). Avaliação de escolas do Alentejo. O que dizem os relatórios da avaliação externa? XI Congresso da AEPEC: Da exclusão à excelência. Caminhos Organizacionais para a Qualidade da Educação, pp: 1-15. GANGNON, Yves-Chantal (2010). The Case Study as Research Method: A Practical Handbook. Presses de l'Université du Québec. GOODSON, Ivor (2013). Developing narrative theory: life histories and personal representation. London: Routledge. KRIPPENDORFF, Klaus (2004). Content Analysis. An Introduction to its Methodology. London: SAGE Publications. L’ÉCUYER, René (1990). Méthodologie de l’analyse développementale de contenu. Canadá: Presses de l’Úniversité. LEITE, Carlinda; FERNANDES, Preciosa; SILVA, Sofia Marques da (2013). O lugar da educação para a cidadania no sistema educativo português: perspetivas de docentes de uma escola TEIP. Educação, 36(1), pp. 35-43. OCDE (2012). Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools. OECD Publishing. PACHECO, José Augusto (2000). Políticas curriculares descentralizadas: Autonomia ou recentralização? Educação & Sociedade, 73, pp. 139-161. Portuguese Educational System Law, 1986 SANTOMÉ, Jurjo Torres (2013). Currículo escolar e justiça social: o Cavalo de Troia da Educação. Porto Alegre: Penso. SEIDMAN, Inving (2013). Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education & The Social Sciences. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. THOMAS, Gary (2011). How to do your Case Study: A Guide for Students and Researchers. SAGE Publications Inc. VILELAS, José (2009). Investigação: o Processo de Construção do Conhecimento. Lisboa: Edições Silabo. YIN, Robert (1994). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
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