Despite academic integrity and ethical values represents basic principles in the educational systems and educational institutions, there is strong evidence indicating that fraudulent and dishonest practices are prevalent in education institutions worldwide (Hallak & Poisson, 2002; Poisson, 2010). Moreover, there exists some signals that reveal an expansion in this type of behaviour and practices (Hallak & Poisson, 2007), which denotes that the problem needs to be tackled firmly and bravely.
Whenever the topic of academic integrity it is addressed, a clear distinction should be done amongst three types of practices: a) academic dishonest practices linked to the actions (or omissions) of the teachers and researchers; b) academic dishonest practices linked to the actions (or omissions) of the education administration and management staff; and c) academic dishonest practices linked to the actions (or omissions) of students (Comas, 2009). The present contribution is focused on the third of the described collectives: students enrolled in secondary, upper secondary and university levels.
Based on Comas, Sureda, Casero and Morey (2011), the academic dishonesty practices perpetrated by students includes diverse conduct and/or behaviours that undermine the principles of integrity: a) misconduct that occurs during assessment tests and assignments (e.g., copying or allowing others to copy in written tests, plagiarising papers either wholly or partially or falsification of study data) and b) behaviours that take place within the framework of interpersonal relationships related to quotidian aspects of respect and harmony in the institution life (e.g., damaging an academic institution’s materials and/or furniture, damaging colleagues’ materials and/or possessions and disrespecting colleagues and/or teaching staff).
There is a quite large amount of empirical support and literature on the topic of academic plagiarism amongst university students (Comas, 2009), but if we look at other levels of the educational systems, the result is that the situation is completely different as reflects the literature review carried out by Comas, Sureda, Angulo & Mut (2011).
In the present contribution we communicate the results of a survey carried out in Spain in which students from secondary, upper secondary and university levels participated in order to describe and analyse, firstly, the prevalence of academic plagiarism practices amongst them. Secondly, the intention of the work is to determine whether exist significant differences of academic plagiarism commission amongst the students of the different levels.
Judging from the existing evidences, it seems like prevalence rates of plagiarism in secondary education are very similar to those given in higher education, although this affirmation should be formulated with some question marks, as there is no study that has used the same instrument to measure the academic prevalence rates in the different educational levels and this is the main added value of our contribution: the same instrument was used to calibrate the academic plagiarism prevalence amongst the students of the three education levels. Following the classification elaborated by Comas (2009), the present study can be included in the studies that attempt to measure the spread and frequency of the phenomenon of academic plagiarism amongst students.
The part of the study dedicated at analysing the prevalence of academic plagiarism amongst secondary education students was part of the activities included in the project «El plagio académico entre el alumnado de ESO de Baleares» [Academic plagiarism among CSE students in the Balearic Islands] (Reference EDU2009-14019-C02-01), funded by the Directorate-General for Research of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain.