Session Information
ERG SES C 10, Health and Education
Paper Session
The Danish healthcare system is challenged by a differentiation between professions, units and sectors (1, 2), while increased coherence in patient pathways is a central requirement (3, 4). The challenges for the health care system are expressed when professionals point out deficiencies in the collaboration (5), and the patients expresses their insecurity, whether they get the right treatment (6-10). According to this, the challenges are about sharing knowledge, but also about inadequate cooperation across sectors, departments and units (11-14). Establishing coherent patient pathways is a necessary goal and coordination and collaboration between professions, units and sectors, is thus necessary. The development requires new knowledge on several organisational levels (15). Mono professional basic assumptions continue to challenge the collaboration among health professionals (14). Creating of coherence is based on the professional’s knowledge about each others tasks, competences and working conditions, and based on involvement of the patient’s resources and expressed wishes (16, 17).
The World Health Organisation documents that interprofessional collaboration contributes to improve the treatment of the patient (18). Current rapports indicate, that the strengthening of interprofessional collaboration in education and practice contributes to improve coherent patient pathway (19-21). The fact that reports can point out trends, but also on requirements and obstacles, sharpens the need for empirical studies and analyses of interporfessional and health care practice. According to KORA[1] there is a lack of empirical knowledge and theoretical frameworks, in terms of cross-sectorial collaboration. It is predominantly “cookbook instructions” that characterizes the field, and not knowledge about how the collaboration is handled (22).
This Industrial PhD Project’s starting point is both the current trends, and the specific development work, such as the concept InterTvaers, which is an ongoing collaboration project between Aarhus University Hospital, Municipality of Aarhus, Aarhus University and VIA University College, Faculty of Health Sciences. The purpose of InterTvaers, is to strengthen the coherence of patient pathway by strengthen the interprofessional skills of students in health education.
As a result of the projects preliminary experience, InterTvaers reports (23, 24) are pointing out, that despite the clinical educator’s central roles in the field, their competencies remain undescribed and undefined. The clinical educators is expected to act as role models, culture bearers, supervisors, and teachers, and thereby guide the students, while the joint activities refers to areas of knowledge and competencies that the health professionals and the organisation have not yet mastered. InterTvaes is as well as the organisation in general, depending on clinical educators abilities to supervise interprofessional and cross-sectorial.
Therefore the continuous accumulation of experience, internal evaluation and in the future more systematic exploration of the clinical educator’s competencies, and competence profile, required.
InterTvaers is developing study models and teaching concepts, where students in health educations develop competencies in interprofesssional and cross-sectorial collaboration.
Pilot projects has been conducted, where teams consisting of students in the end of their education from the physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing bachelor degree programme and a medical student, underwent clinical education and together focused on a patient pathway during hospitalisation. After discharge they followed the patient in their own home joining the primary care services in the municipality. This Industrial PhD Project focuses on InterTværs as an interprofessional course, and brings empirical focus on the course’s competency. How do clinical educators supervise students in the InterTvaers project?
- How do clinical educators plan and carry out the supervising course in InterTvaers?
- How does the clinical educators competence profile appears?
- What significance has clinical educator’s competence profile for the organisation?
- How does the organisation develop and where does the Danish Healthcare System evolve to?
[1] Nationale Institut
Expected Outcomes
(1) Glouberman, S.. Managing the care of health and the cure of disease. Part I: Differentiation, Health care management review, vol. 26,no.1, pp. 56-69.2001. (2) Wijngaarden van, J.D.H. Learning to cross boundaries: The integration of a health network to deliver seamless care. Health Policy, vol.79,pp.203-213.2006. (3) Institut for Kvalitet og Akkreditering i Sundhedsvæsenet. Den Danske Kvalitetsmodel.2012. (4) Ministeriet for Sundhed og Forebyggelse. Sundhedsloven.2010. (5) Siemsen I. Patientovergange. Et eksplorativt studie af faktorer der påvirker sikkerheden af patientovergange.2011. (6) Krag AM, Gut R, Freil M. Patienters oplevelser i overgange mellem primær og sekundær sektor.2007. (7) Martin HM. Er der styr på mig?2010. (8) Kjerholt M. Sammenhæng i ældre kronisk syges patientforløb - idealer og realiteter. UCN.2010. (9) Sundhedsstyrelsen. National strategi for kvalitets-udvikling i sundhedsvæsenet.2002 – 2006. (10) Sundhedsstyrelsen. Genindlæggelser af ældre i Danmark 2008. Monitorering og MTV.2009. (11) Wilhelmsson, M. Developing Interprofessional Competence. Theoretical and Empirical Contributions.2011. (12) Gittell JH editor. Effektivitet i sundhedsvæsenet – samarbejde, fleksibilitet og kvalitet. Munksgaard.2012. (13) Vinge S. Kontinuitet og koordination i sundhedsvæsenet. Ugeskrift for Læger;172:775-777.2010. (14) Meinertz L, Sørensen JK. En karruseltur rundt om patienten.2012. (15) Willumsen, E, Ødegård, A. Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid – et samfuunsoppdrag. Universitetsforlaget.2014. (16) D’Amour D, et al editors. Key elements of collaborative practice & frameworks: Conceptual basis for inter-disciplinary practice. Health Canada.2004. (17) D’Amour D, Oandasan I. Interprofessionality as the field of interprofessional practice and interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care:8-20.2005 (18) World Health Organization. Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice.2012. (19) Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education.2013. (20) Reeves S, Hean S. Why we need theory to help us better understand the nature of interprofessional education, practice and care. Journal of Interprofessional Care:27(1):1-3.2013 (21) Barr H. Toward a theoretical framework for interprofessional education. Journal of interprofessional care:27(1):4-9.2013 (22) Holm-Petersen. Litteratur om ledelse af samarbejde på tværs af sektorer i sundhedsvæsenet. KORA.2014. (23) Kramer T. Erfaringsopsamling: Interprofessionelle, tværsektorielle studieforløb- En model. Aarhus Universitetshospital.2013. (24) Kramer, T. Erfaringsopsamling. 2. pilotforløb. InterTværs– Aarhus Universitetshospital.2014. (25) Marcus, G.E. Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Etnography. Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol.24.95-117.1995. (26) Borgnakke K. Pædagogisk feltforskning og procesanalytisk kortlægninng (bd.1), Procesanalytisk metodologi (bd.2,Kap 3,s. 52-64): Akademisk Forlag.1996. (27) Hammersley M., Atkinson P. Etnography: principles in practice. London: Routledge.2007. (28) Hammersley M., Atkinson P. Feltmetodikk. Grunnlaget for feltarbejd og feltforskning. Gyldendal.1998. (29) Borgnakke K. Etnografiske metoder i uddannelsesforskningen– mellem klassiske traditioner og senmoderne udfordringer. Københavns Universitet.2013.
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