Session Information
We present in this communication a work of inquiry carried our using the diaries of students participating an educational experience in a primary school. Along a semester, a group of 10 students was workomg with a community learning project. These students were engaged with a teacher training experience which is being developed in the Education College at the University of Málaga. In this experience some teacher students attended two subjects of his education as collaborators in this school. His experience was collected systematically in field diaries in which they reflected their everyday experience in the school, as well as his insights, assessments, feelings, etc. These diaries become into the working material to study the school functioning and their experience. For that, working meetings were held with teachers of their subjects at the university. Collaboratively, diaries were analyzed, categorized and interpreted in an attempt to understand the school practice, and thus, progress their training process.
Thus, two parallel processes is beomg developed: On the one hand, the research about a particular setting, and on the other hand, the education as primary school teachers.
Firstly, students involved in this experience become ethnographers of the school in which they are collaborating. Throug their presence as participant observers in it, the students recorded systematically what they are seeing and experiencing. Therefore, they were playing the role of researchers trying to understand the setting in which they were collaborating. This task was carried out through the diaries and their participation in the work of school. As students they are, this task was constantly monitored by teachers of the university, maintaining a continuous relationship of teaching - learning.
Secondly, this activity intended that students made progress in their education process, through the work of analysis and interpretation of the records of the diaries. For this, they should access to relevant academic references to help them in their process of interpretation. Also, they have to process this information based on the dimensions that emerged from the research. They had to ellaborate a report that reflects their learning in relation to the disciplines involved. This task is carried out in meetings with the faculty of the university in which the information is analyzed, problematic issues are selected and tutoring is offered in relation to the significant academic references for learning.
Thus student learning takes place from the research developed in the school and their participation in the different activities and task taking place in it. With this experience we are attempting to change the teacher education processes being carried out nowadys. We are trying to break with academicism, decontextualization, fragmentation and segmentation existing in the current model. From our point of view, relying on the proposals of Schön (1982), developed among others by Zeichner (2010) or Cochran-Smith and Lytel (2003), or the Holmes Group Report (1986), teacher training should be based in the relationship between school and university, based on research, education and educational innovation. Our proposal aims to take a step in this direction, in a system, the Spanish, with a strong academicism and historical separation between the two institutions.
Expected Outcomes
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