Session Information
11 SES 11 A, Adults’ Training and Promotion of Values for Integrated Societies
Paper Session
As some research has explained, peaceful-coexistence is a problem in Europe (Peiró, 2012; EC,2014). Those cause schoolars’ problems (Salmivalli, 2014; USA, 2014).Some of the consequences of this situation are school violence and other conflicts that occur in the classroom (Debarbieux, & al.1999), because social jogs are incorporated into those (PD, 2014), with consequences ranging from the disorientation of learners to the generation or “urban violence” (Trong, 2000, 32). The problem is that the moral personality is molded between a wide range of agents (Osorio, 2008, 47), and often good coexistence will depend on whether the person has grown in contexts that has promoted values in an appropriate manner. So, the values education provided by school and family must be supplemented by other social agents (Perrenoud, 2000).
To counteract and prevent this negative influence, it should teach in educational values (Robb, 1998; Peiró, 1983). So, learning to live together (peaceful-coexistence) is a priority on education (Audigier, 2000, 16-17), but also taking into account human and citizen values, as well as the necessary skills to live them democratically (Marco -Stiefel, 2002, 27)
For researching, it is necessary to grasp by teachers that values are not only observed, but also implemented, leading to be assumed as valid by the learner: value judgments and behaviours (Peiró, 2013). This means we mustn’t just rely on imitation in order to assure they will be effectively internalized.
We count, regarding this fact, with some theoretical guidelines which relate teaching areas to axiological fields (Peiró, 1982-a), some integrative models (Ballester, 2007, 11-14) and even some global experiences for schools (Peiró, 1982-b). However, it should be noted that the whole process of teaching and learning values should never fall into the indoctrination of interested values by the teachers, far from the values in a school’s educational project (PEC). On the contrary, it must always follow the guidelines outlined by the PEC (Ballester, 2007). It’s important to specify clearly the values which help to define “the peaceful-coexistence into schools” (Peiró, 2012).
We have strengths that make it possible to investigate. Namely: To educate on values, concretely, in Perú, a multicultural and bilingual country, this is mainly in the subjects-values of religión and civic education (Ministry of Education,2014). On the other hand, Berrios and Buxarrais (2013) found that adolescents scarcely value faith and spirituality. An education of intercultural values is most effective when provided from a separate subject, instead of carrying it out in several subjects transversely (Tomé, Berrocal & Buendia, 2014).It is intended that the lessons learned in the classroom become part of the personal experience of the learner with the hope that he will be able, from there, to build his life plan (Touriñán, 2006). Families expect their teenage children will be valued by their responsibility and solidarity (Berrios & Buxarrais, 2013).
Such assumptions involve heuristic questions as: What priority values to counter the asociality ?, It’s appreciated values education for teachers ?, Match both states?
Expected Outcomes
Audigier, F. (2000). Basic concepts and core competencies for education for democratic citizenship. Council for cultural cooperation. Sw. Strasbourg: University of Geneva. Ballester, F. (2007). Educación en valores y mejora de la convivencia. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Barreda, A. & Gutiérrez, A. (2013). Attitudes of the family toward the values of the curricular project in the educational institution.XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. University of Athens, Greek Philosophical Society & FISP, 55-56. Berríos, Ll. y Buxarrais, M. R. (2013). Educación en valores: análisis sobre las expectativas y los valores de los adolescentes. Educación y Educadores. 16(2), 244-264. Debarbieux, E. et alii (1999). La violence aumilieu scolaire. París: ESF. EC (2014 ). EU Children of Peace. Recuperado de Hamel, J., Dufour, S., & Fortin, D. (1993). Case study methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Lipka, J. (1991). Toward a Culturally Based Pedagogy: A Case Study of One Yup'ik Eskimo Teacher. American Anthropological Association. Marco-Stiefel, B. (Coord.). (2002). Educación para la ciudadanía. Madrid: Narcea. Ministerio de Educación del Perú. Dirección de Educación Secundaria. Ministry of Education. (2014). Recuperado de Osorio, F. (2008). Violencia en las escuelas. Análisis de la subjetividad. Buenos Aires: Noveduc. PD (2014). Recuperado de Robb, (1998). What is values education and so what?. Recuperado de Peiró, S. (1982-a). Valores para la educación. Valencia: AC de Maestros. Peiró, S. (1982-b). El ideario educativo. Axiología e interdisciplinaridad. Madrid: Narcea. Peiró, S. (1983). La educación en el aula escolar. Valencia: Nau-llibres. Peiró, S. (Coord.) (2012). Convivencia en educación: Problemas y soluciones. Perspectivas Europea y Latinoamericana. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante. Peiró, S. (Director) (2013). Los valores en la educación. Modelos, procedimientos y técnicas. Madrid: Dykinson. Perrenoud, P. (2000). Construire dès competences dès l‘école. Paris: ESE. Polit, D. F. & Humgler, B. P. (1995). Nursing Research: Principles and Methods. En J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia. (1997). Investigación científica en ciencias de la salud; México, MaC-Graw-Hill. Salmivalli, C. (2014). Recuperado en Tomé, M., Berrocal, E. & Buendía, L. (2014). Intercultural Values Education in Europe. A Comparative Analysus of Norwegian and Spanish Reality.Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. (132), 441-446. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.334 Trong, B. (2000). Violences urbanaines.París: Bayard. Touriñán, J.M. (2006). Educación en valores y experiencia axiológica: el sentido patrimonial de la educación. Revista Española de Pedagogía, (234), 227-248. . USA (2014). Recuperado de Vázquez, G. (1981) N = 1. Un nuevo paradigma de investigación pedagógica. Revista Española de Pedagogía, (39).
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