Session Information
An increasing number of European universities are using coteaching as a model for student teaching, this paper will discuss how coteaching can provide professional development for supervising teachers.
What are the professional development opportunities for teachers when they supervise student teachers’ practicum?
Expected Outcomes
Clarke, A. (2006). The nature and substance of cooperating teacher reflection. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22, 910-921. Clarke, D., & Hollingsworth, H. (2002). Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18, 947-967. Feiman-Nemser, S. (2001). From preparation to practice: Designing a continuum to strengthen and sustain teaching. Teachers College Record, 103(6), 1013-1055. Gallo-Fox, J. (2010). Risk-taking as practice in a coteaching professional learning community. In C. Murphy & K. Scantlebury (Eds.), Coteaching in international contexts: Moving forward and broadening perspectives. (pp. 105-124). New York, Springer Publishing. Luft, J. & Hewson, P. (2014). Research on Teacher Professional Development Programs in Science. In N. Lederman & S. Abell (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education. Volume II (pp. 889-909). New York: Routledge. Loucks-Horsley, S., Love, N., Stiles, K., Mundry, S., & Hewson, P. W. (2003). Designing professional development for teachers of mathematics and science (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Opfer, V. D., & Pedder, D. (2011). Conceptualizing teacher professional learning. Review of Educational Research, 81(3), 376-407. Roth, W.-M., & Tobin, K. (Eds.). (2005). Teaching together, learning together. New York, NY: Peter Lang. Simon, S. & Campbell, S. (2012). Teacher learning and professional development in science education. In B. Fraser, K. Tobin & C. McRobbie, (Eds.) Second international handbook of science education. (pp. 295-306). New York: Springer. Smith, E. R. (2005). Learning to talk like a teacher: Participation and negotiation in co-planning discourse. Communication Education, 54(1), 52-71. Smith, E. R. (2007). Negotiating power and pedagogy in student teaching: expanding and shifting roles in expert–novice discourse. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 15(1), 87–106. doi:10.1080/13611260601037405. Tatel, E. (1996). Improving classroom practice: Ways experienced teachers change after supervising student teachers. In M. W. McLacughlin & I. Oberman (Eds.), Teacher learning: New policies, new practices (pp. 48-52). NY, New York: Teachers College Press. Webster-Wright, A. (2009). Reframing professional development through understanding authentic professional learning. Review of Educational Research, 79(2), 702-739. doi: 10.3102/00346543083309700 Whitcomb, J., Borko, H., & Liston, D. (2009). Growing talent : Promising professional development models and practices. Journal of Teacher Education, 60, 207-212. doi: 10.1177/0022487109337280 Wilson, S. M. (2013). Professional development for science teachers. Science, 340, 310-313. doi: 10.1126/science.1230725 Wilson, S. M., & Berne, J. (1999). Teacher learning and the acquisition of professional knowledge: An examination of research on contemporary professional development. Review of research in education, 24, 173-209.
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