Session Information
29 SES 12 B, Experiencing arts education
Paper Session
The paper aims to know the relationship between school spaces and the students identity process. We adopt three different kinds of approaches: The first is theprogressive recognition of twentieth-century thought, about the role of spaces in the identity process of students; the other, the current state of recentresearch thatfocusesthe immaterialityof spacesand its purposesin that processof identityand finally the thoughtexpressed byyoung peopleconcerning their space’s perception ofuse.
The prevailingthoughtof the twentieth centuryshowsa growinginterest in the relationshipbetween architectureofschoolsin education.On history ofarchitecture,theschool buildingsare designed andplannedaccording to theeducational prevailing conceptsand most of thearchitecturalchangesare directly relatedto currentways of thinkingeducation. There is inschool architecturea goalto meet,a kind ofdiscourse thatestablishesits materialityanda system ofvalues such asorder,disciplineand surveillance.
From the middleof the past century,school´sspacesare consideredas key places of culturalinculcationandreproduction ofdifferentrolesof social dominationand social practices.The greatimperativeof modernity isthe survival ofpersonby his identity;the worldis entirely made ofdifferences, and eachone of us,to survive, mustforgeits identity.Authorsalso recognize that,despite being"unreal", identity isnecessary torecognize ourbelonging:whatwe are,what we havein common, how different we are from others andwe would like tobe.
The present centurybrings, in turn,two newconsiderations:the identityas “a reflectiveself-position"that brings a personalself-identityandthe conceptof bodyreality now considered an objectthat we all havethe privilege of livingor we arecondemned to live.So,our ounship corporal reality is asystem of action, apraxis,andits practicalimmersionin the interactionsof everyday lifeis an essentialpart of maintaininga coherentsense of self-identity.
Other authors,in turn,emphasize ourpersonal role in this issue:the identitieswill never have thestrength of arock,is notensured overthe whole life,depending on our own decisions,the way we conductour livesand thethe way we dooursocialpractices.
In conclusion,these considerationshave a common proposal - the understanding that identityis a process ofcontinuous andarticulatedown construction and aset where social relationships andpersonalstoriesare immersed.
Presently, thediscursiveand spatialbasisof identities has acontractual basis,remarkedbyphysical structures ofschools and issource ofvaried meanings,anchoredandalways presentoveridentity practices.So,those identitiesare based on young activities,historiesof life,futureideas, dreamsand fantasies,a process in whichthey gaintheir self-awareness.In same sense ispointedthe question thatidentity as transactional process,growsfrom a provisional,challenged,disputedandasense of conflictualconnotation thatmaketheidentityprocessin order tocontribute toa feeling ofidentity.
This means that the discussion ofidentity asdiscursive processis a problem that is not yet studied enough.Isan emergingissueof new researchers who have a new agenda for school spaces in the century XXI. They claim now for the immateriality of school spaces and its special culture that can be accessed by studying the speeches of young people, who may, in certain circumstances, be taken on a new dimension: the sensitivity and emotional role that are actually produced by designers with experiences of spaces.
Expected Outcomes
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