Session Information
ERG SES G 04, Arts and Education
Paper Session
The topic of my PhD thesis is the development of a programme that focuses on the successful music learning and musical education of future pre-school educators (kindergarten teachers). For this, I found it important to place the curriculum on new and more modern foundations. I also wanted to see how it is possible to integrate elements of modern didactics (methods and strategies, e.g. portfolios, pair-work, group-work, projects, etc.) in a special field like teaching music to adults. The course I especially focused on (The Methodology of Singing and Music) combines cognitive, affective and psycho-motor dimensions of the learning process in a unique way.
In this paper I describe the preliminary research I carried out in connection with my PhD thesis. Before introducing new methods in the musical training at college level, the following questions must be asked:
1) What attitudes and views do students possess when they enter the college?
2) Does musical training in the college influence their attitudes and views?
3) Does the college develop their musical skills and competences sufficiently?
4) How do students assess their development in the field of music?
5) What should be done to ensure more efficient training in the field of musical education?
For a research like this, I have had to explore the most modern methods of musical education of adults, the process of becoming a teacher, and the reflective techniques that can be used in musical training. In addition to these theoretical foundations, I need to focus on the realities of the training: the three types of programmes at the college (full-time, evening and correspondence courses), and the different age-group of students (from 18 to 60). In every programme and for every age-group the purpose of training pre-school educators (kindergarten teachers) is the same: to train educators who are dedicated to musical education, capable of using a musical instrument, and like singing.
Expected Outcomes
• Barnett, R., Hallam S.(1999): Teaching for Supercomplexity: A Pedagogy for Higher Education. In: Mortimore, P. (ed.): Understanding Pedagogy and its Impact on Learning. Paul Chapman, London • Deli, I. & Podráczky, J. (2005): A tanítók gyakorlati képzésének problémái a szükségesnek tűnő korszerűsítés szempontjából. Képzés és gyakorlat. 3.2. 1-19. • Dudás, M. (2007): Tanárjelöltek belépő nézeteinek feltárása. In.: Falus, I. (ed.): A tanárrá válás folyamata. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest. • Falus, I. (2006): A tanári tevékenység és a pedagógusképzés új útjai. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest. • Gembris, H.(2002): The development of musical ability. In.: Colwell, R. & Richardson, C. (eds): The new handbook of research on music teaching and learning. Oxford University Press, New York, 487-509. • Golnhofer, E. (2006): Eltérő tanulási utak, változatos tanulói önképek. In: Tanul a társadalom. Tartalmi összefoglalók. VI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia. MTA Akadémiai Pedagógiai Bizottság, Budapest. • Hunyady, Gy. & M. Nádasi, M. (2007): ”Csak a szépre emlékezem”.Pozitív iskolai élmények vizsgálata. In.: Bollókné Panyik, I. (ed.): Gyermek-nevelés-pedagógusképzés. Trezor Kiadó, Budapest. • Lénárd, S. & Rapos, N. (2009): Fejlesztő értékelés. Gondolat, Budapest. • Mikita, I. (1995): Kretivitásra való ösztönzés a jövendő tanítók zenei nevelésében. In.: Óvóképző- és tanítóképző főiskolák tudományos közleményei XXVI., Debrecen. • Szivák, J. (2003): A reflektív gondolkodás fejlesztése. Gondolat, Budapest. • Wackenhut, S. (2011): Musikalische Erwachsenenbildung: Erlernen eines Instruments im Erwachsenenalter. Bachelorarbeit. Grin Verlag. • Webster, P. (2002): Creative thinking in music: Advancing a model. In: Sullivan, T. & Willingham, L. (eds): Creativity and music education. Canadian Music Educators Association, Edmonton, AB. 16-33.
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