Session Information
27 SES 08 B, Science Curriculum and Comparative Education
Paper Session
It can be stated that many German students do not see vocational opportunities for themselves after they finished school; this is true especially for those from non-academic high schools (in German: Hauptschule). However, in Germany there are many job vacancies in the chemical industry. According to prognoses, this will endanger Germany’s economic growth. Students are not aware of these opportunities in the science and especially not of those in the chemical industry. But even if they were they would not consider taking up a job in the scientific-technical field. (Bertels & Bolte 2009; in process).
Theoretical Framework
With this in mind we combined four different theoretical approaches: The first theory addresses the experience and the assessment of chemistry teaching: Most of us would not choose a career which deals mostly with a subject we did not enjoy at school. Bolte (2004) developed a questionnaire to investigate the “motivational learning environment (MoLE)” in different schools subjects. One of the MoLE-dimensions is the students’ satisfaction with their chemistry lessons.
The theoretical approach which promises to yield insights into what is relevant for students is the concept of the “developmental tasks” elaborated by Havighurst (1972). He states that people have to cope with different tasks in specific phases of their lives. The term “developmental task” was introduced by Havighurst as “a task which arises at or about a certain period in the life of the individual, successful achievement of which leads to his happiness and to success with later tasks, while failure leads to unhappiness in the individual, disapproval in the society, and difficulty with later tasks” (Havighurst 1981, p 2). Schenk (2005) defined six developmental tasks which should be dealt with in chemistry lessons (value, concepts, vocation, self, gender, body).
A further factor which could influence the career choice related to chemistry of students is the concept of the“self-to-prototype matching”. Work conducted for example by Chambers (1983) or Narayan (2009) show that students have negative stereotypes of scientists. Hannover and Kessels (2002, 2004) investigated this field in Germany. Whenever we choose a job, a university course or even a hobby, we compare our self-image with that of the prototype. If prototype and self-image match, it is likely that we will choose that job, university course or hobby. Hence, if the students’ prototype of people who work in chemical industry is rather negative (the picture of the ‘mad scientist’ comes to mind) then students are likely not to choose careers in science and technology.
The fourth approach, which explains (potential) influencing factors in making important decisions such as the choice of future profession, is the “self-concept” (eg. Eccles 1983, 1992, Marsh & Yeung, 1997, Köller et al. 2000). Taskinen (2010) shows that self-concept highly correlates with the likeliness of taking up a career in the sciences.
Previous findings
We have already shown that German Hauptschule students describe their motivational learning environment in science lessons as mostly bad – or not satisfying. We have also shown that all subject related developmental tasks mentioned by Schenk (2005) were considered as important by the students (Bertels & Bolte 2009). However, the students did not feel sufficiently supported in dealing with these developmental tasks. Regarding the self-to-prototype matching theory Hauptschule students’ self and their assessment regarding their prototype of a person who works in the field of chemistry do not really match at all (Bertels & Bolte 2009). Last but not least, the chemistry related self-concept of German Hauptschule students is negatively assessed by the majority of this group of students (85,5% of this group assessed their abilities in chemistry as rather bad; Bertels & Bolte, in process).
Expected Outcomes
Albertus, M., C. Bolte, N. Bertels (2012). Analyzing the Relevance of Science Education from Students’ Perspectives regarding Developmental Tasks, Self and Prototype Attitudes and Motivation. Bolte, C., Holbrook, J., & Rauch, F. (2012; eds.). Inquiry-based Science Education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES Project. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. Print: University of Klagenfurt (Austria), pp. 75-78. Bertels, N., & Bolte, C. (2009). Developmental Tasks, Stereotypes and Motivational Learning Environments in Science Lessons (in Germany). In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Research on Science Education (NARST), Los Angeles, USA. Bertels, N., & Bolte, C. (2010). Occupational Orientation – A Foreign Concept to Chemistry Lessons. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Research on Science Education (NARST), Philadelphia, USA. Bolte, C. (2004). Motivationales Lernklima im Chemieunterricht. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Chemie in der Schule, 53(7), 33-37. Dickhäuser, O., Schöne, C., Spinath, B., & Stiensmeier-Pelster, J. (2002). Die Skalen zum akademischen Selbstkonzept. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 23(4), 393–405. Eccles, J. S. (1983). Expectancies, Values and Academic Choice – Origins and Changes. In Spence, J. (Ed.), Achievement and Achievement Motivation. San Francisco, W. H. Freeman. Hannover, B., & Kessels, U. (2004). Self-to-prototype matching as a strategy for making academic choices. Why high school students do not like math and science. Learning and instruction, 14(1), 51–67. Havighurst, R. J. (1981): Developmental Tasks and Education (3rd ed.). New York and London: Longman. Kessels, U., & Hannover, B. (2002). Die Auswirkungen von Stereotypen über Schulfächer auf die Berufswahlabsichten Jugendlicher. Pädagogische Psychologie unter gewandelten gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen, 53–67. Köller, O., Daniels, Z., Schnabel, K., & Baumert, J. (2000). Kurswahlen von Mädchen und Jungen im Fach Mathematik: Zur Rolle von fachspezifischem Selbstkonzept und Interesse. Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie, 14(1), 26–37. March, H. W. & Yeung, A. S. (1997). Coursework Selection: Relations to Academic Self-concept and Achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 34, 691-720. Narayan, R., S. Park, D. Peker, B. Ding, J. Jang (2009). Students´ Embodied Images of Scientists: aSculptured by Culture? An International Study. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the aNational Association for the Research on Science Education (NARST), Los Angles, USA. Schenk, B. (2005). Entwicklungsaufgaben und Schule. In B. Schenk (Ed.), Bausteine einer Bildungsgangtheorie (275–289). Springer. Taskinen, P. H. (2010). Naturwissenschaften als zukünftiges Berufsfeld für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit hoher naturwissenschaftlicher und mathematischer Kompetenz: eine Untersuchung von Bedingungen für Berufserwartungen. Dissertation. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
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