Network: 27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching
27 SES 01 A, School Students’ Views of Learning Space in Educational Processes
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Ulrike Stadler-Altmann
- School Students’ Views of Learning Space in Educational Processes
- Schoolyards and Outdoor Areas of German Schools
- Physical environment for learning. Students ideas about good space for learning in upper secondary schools
- Formal and Informal Learning Spaces: redesigning schools’ buildings
- 'Playtime': The Use of UK Primary School Outdoor Space between Lessons
Ulrike Stadler-Altmann Ann Kristín Sigurdardottir Luisa Veloso Pamela Woolner Peter Hilger Gonçalo Moniz
Ulrike Stadler-Altmann Peter Hilger
Ann Kristín Sigurdardottir
Luisa Veloso Gonçalo Canto Moniz
Maria Mroz Pamela Woolner
27 SES 01 B, Role of Semiotics into Teaching Designs
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Jérôme Santini
- Impact of Culture on Teachers’ classroom use of representations
- The Sun, the Earth and the Moon: Young Students’ Grappling With an Illustration of the Lunar Phases
- The Influence of Classroom Design on Classroom Communication
Bruce Waldrip Sutopo Sutopo Joe Timothy
Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson Karl Göran Karlsson Torgny Ottosson
Anna Maria Hipkiss
27 SES 02 A, The Student's Perspective on Learning and Achievment
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Ingrid Maria Carlgren
- Flemish Students’ Wellbeing and the Relationship with Self-Regulated Learning
- “I feel pretty good”: Perception of male and female elementary students on their achievement in terms of key competences
Valérie Thomas Ankelien Kindekens Koen Lombaerts
Lourdes Meroño García Antonio Calderón José Luis Arias-Estero Antonio Méndez-Giménez
27 SES 02 B, Contents in Teaching and Learning: Religion, Citizenship and Democracy
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Carol Taylor
- A Narrative Approach to Teaching and Learning Democracy in Formal Education: a Theoretical Exploration
- Discussing Religion - Discourses in Plans for Thoughtful Dialogues
Isolde De Groot
Ann S Pihlgren Malin Pihlgren
27 SES 03 A, Teaching Practices in Literacy, Language Arts and Mathematics
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Georg Breidenstein
- Teachers’ Instructional Practices During Students’ Seatwork In Primary School - Individual Guidance In Norwegian Language Arts
- Contrasted Teaching Activity And Learning Condition : A Comparative Study Of Internal Didactic Transposition
- The Study Of Teaching Tasks As A Way Of Understanding Classroom Practices: Initial Literacy
Ingvill Krogstad Svanes Kirsti Klette
Mylene Ducrey Monnier
Inés Rodríguez Elena Ramírez Jorge Martín María Clemente
27 SES 03 B, Teacher Professional Developement in Didactics of Science
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Ingrid Maria Carlgren
- A Model For Professional Knowledge Acquisition By Science Teachers
- Preschool Teachers Talk about Science – Positioning Themselves and Positioning Science.
- Improving an Inquiry-Based Science and Literacy Teaching Model Through Professional Development Courses
Alain Jameau Jean-Marie Boilevin
Britt Tellgren
Marianne Odegaard Sonja Merethe Mork Berit Synnøve Haug Gard Ove Sorvik
27 SES 04 B, Contrasted Approaches to Learning
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Anke Wegner
- The Practices of Child-Centred Teaching and Learning in German Primary Schools
- Comparative Analysis of Teachers' Approaches During Education Process in Upper Secondary Education
- Approaches to learning in Portuguese elementary school students: Relations with the learning context.
Georg Breidenstein
Tina Vrsnik Perse Milena Ivanuš Grmek
Ana Isa Figueira António Manuel Duarte
27 SES 04 A JS, Bildung and Educative Practices
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Carol Taylor
- Bildung And Educative Practices
- Formation and Transformation – On Theories of Bildung Beyond Fragmentation
- Forms of Knowledge and Forms of Practices. The Construction of a Bildung Curriculum in Line with the Epistemological Practice Turn
- Wondering Without Confirmation: Reflecting on the Ontological Turn in Higher Education
Carol A. Taylor Meinert A. Meyer Ingrid Carlgren Helmut Johannes Vollmer
Meinert A. Meyer
Ingrid Carlgren
Carol A. Taylor
27 SES 05 A, Innovative Teaching Designs in Science Classrooms
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Jonas Almqvist
27 SES 05 B, Multimodality and Digital Resources in the Classroom
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Carol Taylor
- Tablets and Methodological Change. Teachers, Students and Parents Perspective in Spanish Secondary Schools
- Teachers’ Digital Didactical Design: Towards Maker Movement Pedagogies In Tablet Mediated Learning
- Multimodal Transition for Language Developing Purposes
Juan Luis Fuentes Jesus Albertos
Peter Bergström Eva Mårell-Olsson Isa Jahnke
Anna Lyngfelt
27 SES 06 B, Didactics and Curriculum : A Theoritical Perspective
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Helmut Johannes Vollmer
- Bildung and Teacher Education in a Time of New Public Manegement
- Didactics In Transition – Towards Laboratories For Comparative General And Disciplinary Didactics
- Toward a Common General Framework Bridging Curriculum Theory / Didaktik and Educational Leadership Studies: Discursive Curriculum Leadership
Silwa Claesson
Ane Qvortrup
Michael Uljens Rose Ylimaki
27 SES 06 A, Didactic Approaches to Physical Education, History and Music
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Kirsti Klette
27 SES 07 B, Teaching and Learning in Multi-grade Classes
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer
- Teaching and Learning in Multi-grade Classes
- What Can Be Learned from Spanish Rural Schools? Conclusions from an International Project
- The Multi-grade Classroom as a Site of Peer Learning
- Assessment Literacy for Mixed-Age Teaching
- Teaching and Learning Practices in Small Schools in Austria and Switzerland – Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer Laura Domingo Peñafiel Roser Boix Andrea Raggl Robbert Smit Michaell Corbett Tina Hascher
Laura Domingo Roser Boix
Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer Tina Hascher
Robbert Smit
Andrea Raggl
27 SES 07 A, Teaching Practices in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Alain Jameau
- Academic In-depth Supervision On Master's Level
- Active Learning, Teaching for Understanding, and Learning Approaches in University Students
- A Interdisciplinar Proposal: Teachers From University And Secondary Levels Working In A Collaborative Way For Relevant Learning Development
Kaare Skagen
Bernardo Gargallo López Miguel Ángel Jiménez Sergio Navalón Oltra Carmen Campos Jesús Suárez Rodríguez Benjamín Sarriá Chust
Elena Zapatero Cristina Canabal García
27 SES 08 A, The Enactment of Practice in Teacher Education – Comparing Teacher Preparation in Multiple Countries
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Kirsti Klette
- The Enactment of Practice in Teacher Education – Comparing Teacher Preparation in Multiple Countries
- Guided Reflection Procedure: A Way to Enhance Student Teachers’ Enactment and Learning from Practice
- Opportunities to Enact Practice in Campus Methods Courses
- Opportunities to Enact Practice, Taking a Student Perspective
- Student Teachers' Perceptions of Opportunities to Develop Core Practices in a Chilean Teacher Education Program
Esther Canrinus Ole Kristian Bergem Inga Staal Jenset Äli Leijen Magdalena Müller Kirsti Klette Ingrid Maria Carlgren Karen Hammerness Auli Toom Jukka Husu Juan-José Mena Marcos Pilar Álamos Anita Sanyal Lorena Meckes
Äli Leijen Raili Allas Auli Toom Jukka Husu Juan-José Mena Marcos
Inga Staal Jenset Kirsti Klette Karen Hammerness
Ole Kristian Bergem Esther Canrinus Kirsti Klette Karen Hammerness
Magdalena Müller Pilar Álamos Anita Sanyal Lorena Meckes
27 SES 08 B, Science Curriculum and Comparative Education
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Jérôme Santini
- The Relationship Between Science Achievement and Learning Styles of Turkish Elementary Students
- Contours of Scientific Literacy in Europe based on Insights from the PROFILES International Curricular Delphi Study
- Models to Explain the Impact of Chemistry Education on Chemistry Related Vocational Orientations of Young Adults (in Germany)
Gamze Tezcan Hülya Güvenç
Claus Bolte Marlies Gauckler
Claus Bolte Nina Bertels
27 SES 09 A, Teaching and Learning Ethics, Literature and Rhymes
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Ilmi Willbergh
- What May be Learnt in Ethics? Varieties of Conceptions of Ethical Competence to be Taught in Compulsory School
- Two Problematic Issues Relating to Literature Didactics
- Investigation of Nursery Rhymes According to the Classification of Conceptual Field and Values
Olof Franck Annika Lilja
Greger Andersson
Betül Keray Dinçel
27 SES 09 B, Teachers Activities and Epistemologies
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Chantal Amade-Escot
- Secondary School Teachers' Documentation Systems
- Communication Strategies of Educational Research Among Teachers: Dissemination Articles v/s. Acedemic Articles
- Teaching’s concept of learning
Carole Le Hénaff Alain Jameau Jean-Marie Boilevin Brigitte Gruson Ghislaine Gueudet Marie-Pierre Lebaud
Haylen Perines F. Javier Murillo Nina Hidalgo Farran Reyes Hernández-Castilla Cynthia Martinez Garrido
Ane Qvortrup Tina Bering Keiding
27 SES 09.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 12:45-13:45, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Network Meeting
Meinert Arnd Meyer
27 SES 10 A, Didactics in Europe beyond Fragmentation? Analyses of Teaching-Learning Practices through Case Studies: Part 1
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Anke Wegner
- Didactics in Europe beyond Fragmentation? Analyses of Teaching-Learning Practices through Case Studies: Part 1
- Space beyond fragmentation and Jan Amos Comenius, founding father of didactics
- Learning the Aesthetic Qualities of Epistemic Relations in Physical Education and Sloyd
- Between Savant Oeuvre and Oeuvre of Students in Dance: Example of the Tales in Choreographic Practice in College
Monique Loquet Meinert A. Meyer Joacim Andersson Anke Wegner Carol Taylor Leif Östman
Meinert A. Meyer
Joacim Andersson Leif Östman
Monique Loquet
27 SES 10 B, Serious Games, Imitation, Enterprise Education
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Brian Hudson
- Is Winning A Serious Game Gaining New Knowledge? A Case Study At Grade 6.
- Enterprise Education In Classroom Tandem
- Imitation as a Way of Learning Professional Vision
Jérôme Santini Nicole Biagioli Lozi René Torterat Frédéric Quilio Serge
Janne Elo Michaela Pörn
Camilla Gåfvels
27 SES 11 A, Didactics in Europe beyond Fragmentation? Analyses of Teaching-Learning Practices through Case Studies: Part 2
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Monique Loquet
- Didactics in Europe beyond Fragmentation? Analyses of Teaching-Learning Practices through Case Studies: Part 2
- Classroom research from the perspective of Bildungsgang didactics
- Investigating the Meaning of Knowing in Moving - How Phenomenography can Contribute to Theorizing Knowing
- Butterflies and Moths in the Amazon: Developing Mathematical Thinking through the Rainforest
Monique Loquet Anke Wegner Matthias Trautmann Ingrid Carlgren Gunn Nyberg Brian Hudson Kirsti Klette Meinert A. Meyer
Anke Wegner Matthias Trautmann Meinert A. Meyer
Ingrid Carlgren Gunn Nyberg
Brian Hudson
27 SES 11 B, Inclusive Education and the Quality of Classroom Activities?
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Florence Ligozat
- When Learning Activity Becomes Pseudoactivity
- An intervention for Specific Learning Disorders-Dyslexia through the Development of Multisensory Teaching Method.
- Inclusive Education And Teacher´s Professional Development In Teachers Of Allgemeinbildenden Höheren Schulen (AHS) in Vienna, Austria
Jelena Joksimovic
Aggeliki Bastea Giannis Papadatos
Judith ´t Gilde
27 SES 12 A, Analysing Effects of Different Learning Environements
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Action Research as a Means to Transform Student Participation in Classroom Discourse
- Adaptive classroom interaction. Matching of teaching and learning competencies in individualized learning environments
- Creating effective environments of learning – Polish perspective.
Klara Sedova Zuzana Salamounova Martin Sedlacek
Matthias Martens
Hanna Gemza
27 SES 12 B JS, Teaching Traditions and Learning in Physical Education and Science Education (Part 1)
Friday, 2015-09-11, 09:00-10:30, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Jonas Almqvist
- Teaching Traditions and Learning in Physical Education and Science Education, Part I
- Comparative Didactics: Some Tools for Modelling the Manners of Teaching in Physical Education and Science Classrooms
- Cooperative Engineering, Comparative Didactics, and Joint Action Theory in Didactics. Some Reflections on a Case Study
Jonas Almqvist Chantal Amade-Escot Florence Ligozat Gérard Sensevy Dominique Forest Withdrawn . Kathleen Armour Francia Leutenegger Eva Lundqvist Serge Quilio Nathalie Vigot
Chantal Amade-Escot Florence Ligozat Francia Leutenegger Eva Lundqvist
Gérard Sensevy Dominique Forest Serge Quilio Nathalie Vigot
27 SES 13 B JS, Teaching Traditions and Learning in Physical Education and Science Education (Part 2)
Friday, 2015-09-11, 11:00-12:30, Room: 202.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Jonas Almqvist
- Teaching Traditions and Learning in Physical Education and Science Education, Part II
- Comparative Didactics and Teaching Traditions in Science Education in Switzerland, Sweden and France
- Teaching Traditions in Physical Education in Sweden, France and Switzerland: A Case Study of Curricula for Gymnastics and Fitness
- Is there (Any)Body in Science Education
Jonas Almqvist Laurence Marty Benoît Lenzen Emmanuelle Forest Florence Ligozat Patrice Venturini Adrián Cordoba Marie Öhman Mikael Quennerstedt
Laurence Marty Patrice Venturini Jonas Almqvist
Benoît Lenzen Emmanuelle Forest Adrián Cordoba Marie Öhman
Jonas Almqvist Mikael Quennerstedt
27 SES 13 A, Teaching English as a Second Language
Friday, 2015-09-11, 11:00-12:30, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
27 SES 14 A, Wondering About Waves: Putting Material Feminist Pedagogies In Motion
Friday, 2015-09-11, 15:30-17:00, Room: 201.Oktatóterem [C], Chair: Carol Taylor
- Wondering About Waves: Putting Material Feminist Pedagogies In Motion
Carol Taylor Anita Hussenius Kristina Andersson Helene Götschel Ana Mouroz Kathryn Scantlebury
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