Session Information
18 SES 06, Utilising Effective Pedagogies in Physical Education
Paper Session
The mermaid symbol is spread all over Europe. At ECER Meeting in Porto 2014 the Mermaid Project of University of Education, Freiburg had been introduced as suitable way to activate less active girls. Even some boys enjoy the practice which is originally connected to TV series and formerly tragic fairy-tails with ambivalent female role models. Since a German company started selling a fabric affordable for a mass public, mermaiding began to spread out globally. Imaginations are the key to understand the development of the desire to swim with a fish tail what comes out as much more demanding than regular swimming techniques and functional for transition processes.
Swimming with a tail that includes a mono fluke has become a worldwide trendy sport since 2010 and is now established in the south of Germany as in the state of culture-industrial penetration (Schwier). Meanwhile, first attempts to use it in therapeutic settings have been launched in Cham and Bremen (Adipositas, Anorexia; Hemiparalysis) recently.
The related body concept nowadays is built up in difference to the predominantly female archetype of the mythological tradition, which follows certain discursive changes in gender constructions. This enacted variation of the archetype becomes a condensed and empractical symbol typical for post-modern subjectivation as "being special". Sorts of body knowing will be figured out: discursive knowledge, imaginary knowing, reflected experience, knowing-in-doing. Our thesis that a girly activity might activate newcomers has to be differentiated.
Expected Outcomes
Caysa, V., 2010. Über empraktische Könnerschaft. Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie. Sonderheft Brot und Spiele. 4 (1), 65-72. Crossley, N. (2007). Researching embodiment by way of ‘body techniques’. Sociological Review. 55 (1), 80-94. Gugutzer, R., 2002. Leib, Körper und Identität. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag. Hietzge, M. (2012). Fundamental Corporal Competences. Practical Acquisition and Bodily Processes of Interaction and Subjectivation. In: A. Kraus (ed.), Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogical Practices. Münster: Waxmann. Hirschauer, S., 2008. Körper macht Wissen - Für eine Somatisierung des Wissensbegriffs. In: Wetterer, A. ed., 2008. Geschlechterwissen und soziale Praxis (pp. 82-95). Königstein: Helmer Keller, R. & Meuser, M. (2011). Körperwissen. Wiesbaden: VS. Neuber, N. (2009). Kreative Bewegungserziehung. Aachen: M & M. Otto, B., 2001. Unterwasser-Literatur. Von Wasserfrauen und Wassermännern. Würzburg. Villa, P., 2008. Habe den Mut, dich deines Körpers zu bedienen! Thesen zur Körperarbeit in der Gegenwart zwischen Selbstermächtigung und Selbstunterwerfung. In: dies. ed, Schön normal. Manipulationen am Körper als Technologien des Selbst (pp. 245-272). Bielefeld: transcript. Waldenfels, B., 1980. Der Spielraum des Verhaltens. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
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