Session Information
18 SES 14 JS, Health, Gender and Citizenship
Paper Session Joint Session NW 08 and NW 18
The old PE discussions about best practice in co- or mono-educative settings didn’t lead to a general solution concerning gendered moving cultures at the moment. One special reason might be that there is no relevant practicing of an attractive androgynous moving style. What can be learned by the LBGTQ Vogueing practices in a more sensual perspective? Is it possible to materialize a gender transgression based bodily on movement? Dance oriented projects of Institute for Anthropology and Gender Studies (University Freiburg), Theater Freiburg and University of Education inquired the possibilities according to the idea of carnal sociology (Crossley) that you first have to do what you later can reflect. That is what we tried to do.
The relevance of the gender matter for PE has to be integrated in the lines of implementation of inclusion which determines actual pedagogical discussions since EU ratified the UN Disability Rights Convention (2008), Germany ranking among the top in educational exclusion. But there is no big research program on feminist and gender matters in face of obviously more pressing things to do, despite heterogeneity should cover gender transgressions. Our focus could be on the acquisition of bodily styles as the very basis of missing transcending gender dualisms. Vogueing-Videos and our own practice in the project will be analyzed and captured with a theoretical framework.
The material turn in feminism offers a chance to grasp the not reflected aspects of performative experimentation, associated with actor-network-theory (Latour, Barad), body sociology (Wacquant, Müller) and interaction studies, and offers the opportunity to focus upon interrelationships (intersectionality approach; e. g. Degele) between several disadvantages in practice. Butler asked in “Bodies that matter”: “Is there a way to link the question of the materiality of the body to the performativity of gender?” She argues that one cannot separate the realms of matter and cultural construction. Even sexual difference “is never simply a function of material differences which are not in some way both marked and formed by discursive practices”. Matter and discourse are intimately intertwined what materializes in Vogueing practices as mutual imitation of gendered styles. It is in danger to end up nowhere/in the margins when adapted by mainstream as is the case actually. The background of Vogueing will be described in close relation to selected video material of Vogueing Balls and students choreographies in relation to reflective approaches. The transitional outcome will be discussed in comparison e.g. to choreographies by Pina Bausch (‘Kontakthof’) and Martin Nachbar (human_animal_dance).
Expected Outcomes
Alaimo, S.; Hekman, S. (2008). Introduction: Emerging Models of Materiality in Feminist Theory, in: dies. (Hg.), Material Feminisms (1-19). Indiana: University Press. Alkemeyer, Th.; Pille, Th. (2012-2015). Die Körperlichkeit der Anerkennung. Subjektkonstitutionen im Sport + []. Appadurai, A. (1998). The Social Life of Things. Cultural Perspectives. Cambridge University Press. Barad, K. (2012). Agentieller Realismus. Über die Bedeutung materiell-diskursiver Praktiken. Suhrkamp. Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway. Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Duke University Press. Beressem, H. (2002). Matter that Bodies. Gender in the Age of Complex Materialism, in: Gender Forum (2 2002). []. Coole, D.; Frost, S. (eds.) (2010): New Materialism. Ontology, Agency, and Politics, Duke Univ. Press. Reckwitz, A. (2008): Der Ort des Materiellen in den Kulturtheorien. Von sozialen Strukturen zu Artefakten, in: ders., Unscharfe Grenzen. Perspektiven der Kultursoziologie (131-156). Bielefeld: transcript. Taylor, C. A. (2013). ‘Objects, bodies and space: gender and embodied practices of mattering in the classroom’. Gender and Education, Vol. 25, issue 6, pp. 688 – 703.
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