Session Information
10 SES 06 C, Learning Communities and Professional Identities
Paper Session
Nowadays, the interest in improving educational outcomes is generating an international debate in which the teaching training is questioned and it is required to be based on international scientific evidence (Colucci-Gray, Sharmistha, and Donald 2013; Duchnowskia et al. 2006; Klimoski, and Amos 2012; Low, et al. 2012; Ludlow, et al. 2008; Slavin 2008a; Saville 2010; Zeichner 2012). The main premise of this approach is basing decisions on the explicit and judicious use of current best evidence available so far (Davies 1999).
In order to translate this into education, as Slavin proposes (2008a), the development of a substantial set of replicable programs and practices with strong evidence of effectiveness is needed. Educators and policymakers must have confidence that if they embrace evidence-based reform, they will be able to choose among many programs that have been developed, rigorously evaluated, and found to be effective.
Singapore is a pioneer in this field, by adopting a priority in the teacher training agenda that the professionals training is made based on evidences that have proved effectiveness (Low, et al. 2012). A similar policy is developed in countries like Finland, but in others, like Spain, it is a major challenge, because governments must have evidence and know the successful practices of the country after conducting rigorous evaluations to decide to focus their reforms on certain ideas and practices (Slavin 2008a) As this happens, researchers, professionals and innovation networks will have to make formative efforts based on evidence in their contextual frameworks of action until the situation is more favorable to policy change, both initial and ongoing training.
In the international educational landscape, nowadays there are significant efforts to bring about the teaching-learning practices based on evidences and “Evidences banks” exist, i.e. portals or databases where information is provided to teachers about scientific evidence that are being accumulated from research and experiences made in order to facilitate decision making with the aim to orientate and consolidate the educational innovation processes (Tejedor, 2008). There are several interesting initiatives in this regard, as they offer relevant information for the faculty when documenting on successful educational performances. Some of these are set out in Table 1:
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
Be a resource for informed education decision-making, identifying studies that provide credible and reliable evidence of the effectiveness of a given practice, program, or policy, and disseminates summary information and free reports.
The EPPI-Centre
Inform policy and professional practice with sound evidence. As such, it is involved in two main areas of work: systematic reviews and research use.
The EIPPEE Network from the European Commision
Provide training and support in research synthesis and evidence informed policy and practice
The Center for Evidence-Based Education (CEBE)
This center employs the evidence of inquiry, research, and analysis to assist schools, networks of schools, and school systems, in their efforts to improve performance, promote innovation, and sustain transformation.
Campbell Collaboration
Try to improve decision-making through systematic reviews on the effects of interventions within the areas of education, crime and justice, social welfare and international development.
The is a product of the Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE), a U.S. Department of Education-funded research center at Johns Hopkins University
Web of Science
It is a platform that includes references of the main scientific publications from all disciplines of knowledge, including education
Table 1. International “Evidence Banks”
Expected Outcomes
Colucci-Gray, L., D. Sharmistha, and G. Donald. 2013. “Evidence-based practice and teacher action-research: a reflection on the nature and direction of 'change'”. British Educational Research Journal 39 (1): 126-147. Davies, P. 1999. “What is evidence-based education?” British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (2): 108-121. Duchnowskia, A., K. Kutashb, S. Sheffielda, and B. Vaughnb. 2006. “Increasing the use of evidence-based strategies by special education teachers: A collaborative approach”. Teaching and Teacher Education 22: 838-847. Klimoski, R., and B. Amos. 2012. “Practicing evidence-based education in Leadership Development”. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11 (4): 685-702. doi: 10.5465/amle.2012.0018. Low, E., C. Hui, P. Taylor, and P. Tee. 2012. “Towards Evidence-based Initial Teacher Education in Singapore: A Review of Current Literature”. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37 (5): 65-77. Ludlow, L., J. Pedulla, S. Enterline, M. Cochran‐Smith, F. Loftus, Y. Salomon‐Fernandez, and E. Mitescu. 2008. “From students to teachers: using surveys to build a culture of evidence and inquiry”. European Journal of Teacher Education, 31 (4): 319-337. Slavin, R. E. 2008a. “Evidence-based reform in education”. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 54. Retrieved from: Saville, B. K. 2010. “Using evidence-based teaching methods to improve education”. Essays from Excellence in teaching, Vol. IX, In S. A. Meyers, and J. R. Stowell. 48-54. Retrieved from: Tejedor, F. J. 2008. Innovación educativa basada en la evidencia (IEBE). Bordón, 59, 2(3), 475-488. Zeichner, K. 2012. The turn once again toward practice-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 63 (5): 376-382. DOI: 10.1177/0022487112445789.
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