Network: 10. Teacher Education Research
10 SES 01 A, School Based Teacher Education and University-School Partnerships (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 13:15-14:45, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- The Participation in Successful Educational Actions as an Opportunity for Excellent Initial Teacher Training
- Student development during intensive practical work in schools in the new “Academia-Class” training program
- • University within School: A University-School Partnership Model for Teacher Education and Examples from its Implementation
- A pilot project concerning the establishment of ‘advanced’ Education Training Schools - dilemmas and problems for the Swedish Teacher Education
Oriol Rios Vladia Ionescu Carme Garcia Yeste Regina Gairal Casadó
Smadar Galili
Mustafa Ozcan
Eva Leffler Gudrun Svedberg
10 SES 01 D, Opportunities To Learn in the Professional Lifecycle
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 13:15-14:45, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Ann MacPhail
- Opportunities To Learn In The Professional Lifecycle: Initial Teacher Education And Induction In Dialogue
- An exploration of high level practices in Irish school-university partnerships to support cooperating teachers and pre-service teachers
- School-university collaborative practices as a key for teachers’ professional development: The example of a physical education practicum
Ann MacPhail Emmanuel O'Grady Paula Batista Beth Dickson Paul Conway Amândio Graça Mariana Amaral Da Cunha
Emmanuel O'Grady Ann MacPhail Paul Conway
Paula Batista Amândio Graça Mariana Amaral da Cunha
10 SES 01 B, Student Teachers Voices and Perceptions
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 13:15-14:45, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: ML White
- Voice of the students the Teacher Degree in Primary Education about the adequacy of their studies to the professional performance
- Student’s Perspectives on Challenges in Teacher Education
- Pre Service Science Teachers’ Perceptions Related to Their Pedagogical Knowledge
Rocío Quijano López Inmaculada García Martínez Miguel Pérez Ferra María Teresa Ocaña Moral
Margareta Aspán Ylva Ståhle
Fulden Guler Meral Aksu
10 SES 01 C, Teaching Everyone
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 13:15-14:45, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Anna Beck
- Contributing to Change in Teacher Education? Assessing Student Teachers’ Attitudes Towards People with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- What are the Italian Teachers’ Sentiments, Attitudes, Concerns and Efficacy towards Inclusive Education?
- “How Can We Adapt Teaching To a Pupil Like Eric?” Student Teachers Meaning Making When Working With Conceptual Tools.
Anne Lindblom Susan Soan Katja Dindar Mark Carew Eija Kärnä Carin Roos
Paola Aiello Erika Marie Pace Diana Carmela Di Gennaro
Britt Oda Fosse
10 SES 02 B, Research and Practice in Teacher Education
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Milosh Raykov
- Thought and Action in Education: The Relationship Between Theory and Practice in Professional and Training Experiences of Novice Teachers.
- The Meaning Potentials Of Research-based Teacher Education In Sweden
- Teacher researchers as agents of change? A Scottish case study
Amalia Creus Patricia Hermosilla
Daniel Alvunger Ninni Wahlstrom
Anna Beck
10 SES 02 C, Teaching Identity, Teacher Learning
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
- Queering the Discourse – How Irish Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) primary teachers view their experiences of Initial Teacher Education
- Straddling The Boundary: Early Career Teachers Adapting To Teaching Across Subject Disciplines
- Transitions in Beginning Teachers Professional Learning
Declan Fahie
Chris Speldewinde Linda Hobbs Coral Campbell
Mark Hadfield James Snook Yvonne Barnes Mark Connolly
10 SES 02 A, School Based Teacher Education and University-School Partnerships (Part 2)
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Julia Planer
- Norwegian ECTE Students, Research And Teaching - Tools For Observation And Development Of Food Litracy Awareness.
- Using Primary Sources in Social Studies Method Course in Turkey
- University within School: Evaluation of a New Teacher Education Model
- The Changing Experiences Of Student Teachers On School Placement From Maynooth University: A Longitudinal Study- 2009-2016.
Elly Herikstad Tuset
Mehmet Açıkalın
Mustafa Ozcan Bengi Birgili
Sarah O'Grady Rose Dolan
10 SES 02 D, On Being a Teacher
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: NM-J112, Chair: ML White
- Fitting in: Narratives Of Beginning Teachers On Education For Social Justice
- Career Success of Preschool Teachers – The Significance of the Big Five Personality Traits, Internal Locus of Control, and Occupational Self-Efficacy
- The Value Of Game As A Didactic Tool In Initial Teacher Training
Orna Schatz Oppenheimer Nurit Dvir
Wilfried Smidt Susanna Roux
Lina Higueras- Rodríguez Enriqueta Molina- Ruíz
10 SES 03 B, Exploring Beliefs, Perceptions and Attitudes
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Pete Boyd
- Exploring Belief Systems: Student Teachers Design the School of Their Dreams
- Teachers' perception on teaching science and mathematics in English
Shosh Leshem Noa Zion Ariel Friedman
Ainur Seitinbetova
10 SES 03 A, Teacher Professional Learning: Collaboration, Communication and Partnership
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-G107, Chair: David Morris
- Thinking In Groups The Decision Making In Situation Within Teacher Training
- The Dynamic Approach to teacher professional development: effectiveness and sustainability
- The Social Representation of teachers in initial formation regarding "being a Chemistry Teacher”
Arnaud Dubois Patrick Geffard
Margarita Christoforidou Leonidas Kyriakides Anastasia Panayiotou
Daisy de Brito-Rezende Marcos Vogel
10 SES 03 C, Professional Development and Dispositions
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Rose Dolan
- A Collaborative Model for Identifying Key Professional Dispositions of Effective Teachers
- The Study of Teachers’ Perception of Research-Based Instructional Practices and its Influence on Their Professional Development
- Intercollegiate Communities for Professional Development of Teacher Educators: The Factors that Promote their Success
Mary Bair David Bair
Nazym Ospanova Botagoz Issabekova
Ainat Guberman Orit Avidov Ungar Orit Dahan Ruth Serlin
10 SES 03 D, Early Career Teachers’ Experiences with Research-Based Teacher Education
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Sandra Girbés-Peco
- Early career teachers’ experiences with the new research-based knowledge foundation developed in Norwegian teacher education
- Characterising Contemporary Communities of Teachers: Implications for Leading Research about Teacher Education and Induction for Pre-Service and Early Career Teachers
Rachel Jakhelln Gerd Stølen Kristin Bjorndal Unn-Doris Back
P. A. Danaher Marc Clarà Benjamin Kehrwald Nick Kelly
10 SES 03 E, Teacher Competencies and Professional Challenges
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-J112, Chair: Graeme Hall
- Comparing initial teacher competencies between beginning teachers from traditional and alternative pathways into teaching in a European context
- Classroom Management Strategies of Student Teachers on Their Practice
- Power Relations in Classes Taught by Student Teachers
Eva Anderson-Park Stefanie Morgenroth Hermann J. Abs
Katerina Vlckova Katerina Lojdova Lucie Škarková (Chaloupková)
Katerina Lojdova Katerina Vlckova Jan Mares
10 SES 04 A, Research Informed Teacher Education? Perspectives from Iceland, Turkey, Russia and the US
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Anna Beck
- When Research Informs Practice: Building on Beginning Teachers' Voices when Developing a Teacher Education Program
- Language Matters: How Differences in Target Language Affect Second Language Teacher Education Programs in China and the US
- Does Teacher Preparation Matter: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Effectiveness of Elementary Teacher Preparation Program
- Pre-service teacher student’s preference of pupil’s developmental competences - A critical examination of educational restructuring and OECDs impact on “the learner”
Lilja M. Jonsdottir
Lijuan Shi
Sibel Akin Ahmet Ok
Anna-Carin Jonsson Rita Foss Lindblad
10 SES 04 B, Professional Development and Phenomenology of Practice
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Aileen Kennedy
- Professionally developing as a teacher educator in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)
- The Contribution of a Phenomenology of Practice: Pre-service teachers, Placement Feedback and Professional Identity Formation
- Leading ethically- learning practically
Brigitte Moody Melissa Parker
Christine McKeown
Marita Cronqvist
10 SES 04 D, Teachers’ Work and Career Decisions
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Bruno Leutwyler
- Prospective Teachers’ Articulations of their Intentions to Teach: Implications for Recruiting Quality Candidates and Retaining Them in the Profession
- Exhaustion - Already a Matter for Beginning Teachers?
- Work, Professional Development And Teaching Commitment: Deconstructing Meanings
- Giving Up the Lottery Ticket - Why Do Finnish Novice Teachers Leave the Profession?
Sibel Akin Crystal Chen A. Lin Goodwin
Daja Preuße Olga Mater Susanne Schmidt
J. Ignacio Rivas_Flores Analía E. Leite_Méndez Pablo Cortés_González Ana Belén Medel_Navarro
Maija Lanas
10 SES 04.5 PS, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 12:00-13:30, Room: NM-Concourse Area, Chair: Rachel Shanks
- The competences in the training of Primary-School teachers
- The Relationship between Teacher's Curriculum Reconstruction and Teaching Efficacy
- Association between Teacher Professional Development and Multiple Assessment Processes: Principals’ Opinion About a MBA Subject.
- Development And Validation Of A Scale: Value Of Pedagogical Knowledge For Secondary School Teaching In Master Students
- Contributions from cultural-historical theory to research in mathematics education: Research Guiding Activity
Carmen Nuria Arvelo Rosales Remedios Guzmán Rosquete
Dajung Sohn
Esther Hermes Luck Ligia Gomes Elliot Fernando Igor Pinho
Ana Martin-Romera Enriqueta Molina Ruiz Estefanía Martínez-Valdivia
Elaine Araujo
10 SES 05 A, Preparing Teachers to Teach in Diverse Classrooms
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Ingrid Helleve
- Developing Initial Teacher Action Competence with Diverse Learners
- Pedagogical Approaches to Developing Student Teachers' Reflexive Practice for Inclusion
- Impact of Training on Teacher-Student Relationship on Teachers Working with Ultra-Orthodox Students at Risk
- Implementing Inclusion In The German School System – Effects On The Structures And Contents Of Teacher Education
Letitia Fickel Jane Abbiss Chris Astall
Órla Ní Bhroin
Ronli Rotem Dalia Ben Rabi
Christiane Ruberg Melanie Radhoff
10 SES 05 B, Teacher Education and the Professional Knowledge Base
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Teresa O'Doherty
- Initial Teacher Education: What is the Role of Research in Developing Professional Knowledge
- How Teachers Combine TheirStudent- and Content-related Notices of Teaching Practices in Attention Demanding Situations
- Building the Knowledge Base of Teacher Education: An Exploration of Successful Teachers’ Practices
Rita Sousa Amélia Lopes Pete Boyd
Iina Männikkö Jukka Husu
Denchai Prabjandee
10 SES 05 C, Becoming a Teacher
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-C214, Chair:
- Who's Becoming A Teacher In Switzerland? The Role Of Gender And Migration Background
- On motives for becoming a teacher in the post-Soviet context: Evidence from Kazakhstan
- Democracy for Social Justice: An Inquiry into the Perceptions of Prospective Teachers
Michael Beck
Natallia Yakavets
Gokhan Kilicoglu İlknur Şentürk
10 SES 06 A, Teacher Research
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Pete Boyd
- Research based Teacher Education as a challenge to bring results of educational research into municipal school development?
- Ideal and Ambivalence - Challenges for teacher educators in inquiry-based-learning and -teaching processes
- Mind the Gap: Linking Theories and Actions-in-Practice by Infusing N=1 Action Research Projects into Educational Psychology Courses
Anke Spies
Udo Gerheim
Noriyuki Inoue
10 SES 06 B, Professional Identity and Teacher Education (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- What a difference a year makes: Mapping the teacher identity development of preservice primary teachers across a graduate entry program
- Examining Preschool Teachers' Professional Identity As Socially Shared And Constructed
- Flipped Classroom In The Education Of Teacher Students In Mathematics
Denise Beutel Leanne Crosswell
Anitta Melasalmi Jukka Husu
Marianne Maugesten Monica Nordbakke
10 SES 06 C, Learning Communities and Professional Identities
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Milosh Raykov
- Technologically Reluctant Teachers. A TAM Based Study On Compatibility And Resistance To Change Among Pre-Service Teachers
- Developing Teacher Identity In A Knowledge Building Community
- The education professionals’ training in Spain and its basis on scientific evidence
José Carlos Sánchez-Prieto Susana Olmos-Migueláñez Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Kwok-Wing Lai
Carmen Alvarez-Alvarez Rocío Vejo Sainz
10 SES 07 A, The Role of Digital Technology in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Shosh Leshem
- Pedagogy On Demand: Evaluating A Multimedia Resource To Support Preservice Teachers Understanding Of Classroom Teaching.
- The Use of Skype as an Internet Collaborative Tool in Initial Teacher Education
- Fostering Primary Education Students’ Socio-scientific reasoning through Dialogue within a Virtual Learning Environment.
- Implementing the Do It Yourself in Education (DIYLab) Concept in Higher Teacher Education in the Czech Republic
James Watters Carmel Diezmann
Lorraine Harbison Marie Brennan Peter Roche Daniel Sellers
Stephen Day Hannah James
Tomas Jerabek Petra Vaňková Miroslava Černochová
10 SES 07 B, Professional Identity and Teacher Education (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: David Morris
- The Impact Of Life Phases On The Professional Identity Of The Art Teacher: A Life History Examination
- Second career teachers in Northwestern Switzerland: Motives, job satisfaction and professional identity
- Challenged Professional Identities Among VET Teachers; Is It Possible To Teach Math While Teaching Welding?
Dervil Jordan
Netkey Safi Carsten Quesel Diana Neuber Kirsten Schweinberger
Peder Hjort-Madsen Peter Koudahl
10 SES 07 C, Authority, Attitude and Care
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Anna Beck
- Perceptions of Students on the Authority of the Teacher in the Classroom
- Student Teachers’ Perspectives on The Significance of Care in Initial Teacher Education: Implications for ITE Praxis.
Gladys Merma Molina Diego Gavilán Martín
Maeve O'Brien
10 SES 07 D, Literacy, Citizenship and Physical Education
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Ratha Perumal
- Assumptions of Citizenship Education: a Case Study in Spanish Initial Teacher Education
- A Pedagogy of Literacy Teacher Education: Going Beyond a Generic Pedagogy
- An Examination of the Professional Journeys of Physical Education Teacher Educators
Marta Estelles Frade
Clare Kosnik Clive Beck
Eileen McEvoy Pilvikki Heikinaro-Johansson Ann MacPhail
10 SES 08 A, Using Video as a Tool to Support the Development of Pre-service Mathematics and Science Teachers
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Stella Mouroutsou
- Video as a Tool in Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Development
- From 'Microteaching' to 'Microlearning': What Do Pre-service Teachers Believe To Be Ideal Practice?
Siri-Malen Høynes Torunn Klemp Vivi Nilssen
John McCullagh Colette Murphy
10 SES 08 B, Role Change within Teacher Education and Beyond
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Ingrid Helleve
- Changing Identities and Practices? Transitioning from the Role of Supervisor to Placement Tutor in Initial Teacher Education.
- Exploring school placement within Initial Teacher Education (ITE): from campus to classroom
- From Academic Teacher to School Teacher: Motivational Factors for Transition and its Contribution to the School Teaching Practice
Rose Dolan Thomas Walsh
Denise Mifsud
Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak
10 SES 08 D, Research and Collaboration in Teaching Practice
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Stefan Müller-Mathis
- Research-Based Design For Teacher Education And Practices: Reflections On Key Barriers In Collaboration Between Researcher and Teacher Communities
- Enabling Education: A Model For Developing A Collaborative Pedagogical Culture That Impacts On Student Teacher Learning And Practice
- Overcoming ‘Roadblocks’ to Developing as an Effecting Cooperating Teacher: The Role of one Mentoring Community of Practice in Ireland
Francesco Arcidiacono Aleksandar Baucal Nevena Buđevac
Anna Logan Fiona King Ann Marie Farrell
Eimear Holland Kathleen Armour
10 SES 08 C, Paradigms, Agency and Knowledge
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Rachel Shanks
- The Significance of New Creativity Paradigms in Teacher Education
- Evidence-based Teaching and Teacher Agency: Initial Teacher Education Students' Conceptions
- Knowledge construction in student teachers’ practicum. The role of joint reflection on students’ written narratives about their classroom experiences.
Maeve O'Brien Andrew O'Shea
Carey Philpott
Rosario Cubero Mercedes Cubero Marc Clarà Rosa Colomina Agurtzane Martinez Nerea Agirre
10 SES 08.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 12:00-13:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: ML White
- Network Meeting
ML White
10 SES 09 A, Pedagogy and Programmes for Supporting the Development of Critical Thinking, Self-reflection and Wellbeing in Pre-service Teachers
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Stella Mouroutsou
- “Pedagogical concerns” for a reflective initial teacher training: innovating the practicum in the Spanish context.
- Intercultural Teacher Competence Profiler (ITCP) - Psychometric properties and validation of scales for assessing self-regulation dimension
- Exploring the Personal Factors Influencing Pre-Service Teacher Wellbeing (WiL Wellbeing) in their Experiences of Practicum
- Newly Qualified Teachers’ Experiences of the Research-Based Teacher Education in Finland
Ángela Saiz Linares Noelia Ceballos López Teresa Susinos Rada
Danijela S. Petrovic Bruno Leutwyler Milica Eric Tijana Jokic Blagica Zlatkovic
Jenna Gillett-Swan Deanna Grant-Smith
Gunilla Eklund Jessica Aspfors
10 SES 09 B, Social Determinations: Applicants, Teacher Teams and Partnerships
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: ML White
- Catholic missionaries for Irish schools? Exploring religious affiliations and convictions of teacher education applicants and entrants in Ireland
- Collective self-efficacy expectations in disciplinary teacher teams - What are the influencing factors?
- Interplay Between Knowledge Cultures: Lesson Study in Partnership Between Teacher Educators and Schools
Manuela Heinz Elaine Keane Kevin Davison
Mathias Krammer Angela Gastager Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera
Tone Malmstedt Eriksen Tove Seiness Hunskaar
10 SES 09 C, Inquiry, Research and Academics
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Aileen Kennedy
- Mentoring Teaching as Inquiry with a Focus on Priority Learners
- Views Of Dutch Teacher Educators And Their Deans On Professional Development Activities For Research
- The role of academics in action research. A Teaching Innovation Project led by the Faculty of Education of Segovia (Spain)
Lindsey Conner Judith Bennetts
Fer Boei Martijn Willemse
Raúl A. Barba-Martín
10 SES 09 E, Becoming a Reflective Teacher
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-F106, Chair: Gaele Macfarlane
- Reflecting on a ‘Lived’ Teaching Experience: Influences and Tendencies when Learning to Teach
- The researcher glance at teachers' practice reflections.Terms of teacher guidance
- Developing Professional Reflection with the Help of ePortfolios – A Quasi-Experiment with Student Teachers
Michelle Dillon Maura Hyland Hayley Fitzgerald
Kari Berg
Annette Busse Dorit Bosse
10 SES 09 D, Coteaching in Teacher Education: New Developments
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Colette Murphy
- Coteaching In Teacher Education: New Developments
- Are We Getting There? Identifying Developmental Stages In Reciprocal Learning During Coteaching
- Huddle Up: The In Situ Evaluation of Coteaching through the Development of Coteachers’ Adaptive Practices
- Coteaching And The Creation Of Ideal Practice
- Coteaching In “Music-Drama”: An Arena For Joint Creative Learning
Colette Murphy Marita Kerin Kathryn Scantlebury Susan Gleason John McCullagh Andrea Doherty Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson Ann Devitt Elizabeth Soslau Jennifer Gallo-Fox
Colette Murphy Marita Kerin
Kathryn Scantlebury Susan Gleason Elizabeth Soslau Jennifer Gallo-Fox
John McCullagh Andrea Doherty
Marie-Helene Zimmerman-Nilsson
10 SES 10 A, Non-traditional Approaches to Teacher Education: Dance, Narrative and Disruptive Pedagogical Approaches
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Sandra Girbés-Peco
- Dance in Teacher Education: Bodily Aesthetic Experience as described by Physical- and Music Education Student Teachers and their Teachers
- Professionality and Student Attendance on an Undergratuate Teacher Education Programme in Higher Education
Kristine Høeg Karlsen Birgitte Husebye Nina Torhaug
Ruth Wood Daniele Sartori
10 SES 10 C, Giving Voice to Teacher Educators
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-C214, Chair: ML White
- Teacher educators’ research: Whose counts? Whose does not? And what questions arise for the professions?
- Using Photos To Give Voice To Teacher Educator Professional Learning Experiences
- Uncovering the Unvoiced? A Study on Taboos in Initial Teacher Education
Alexandra Gunn David Berg Mavis Haigh Mary F. Hill
Déirdre Ní Chróinín Melissa Parker Maura Coulter Paul McFlynn Ciaran Walsh
Nadja Köffler Evi Agostini
10 SES 10 D, Teacher Professional Development and Lifelong Learning
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Marita Cronqvist
- Lifelong Learning in Applied Fields (LLAF Tempus Funded Project): Problem-Based Learning in a Multicultural Environment.
- Professional development by sharing and developing digital competences in upper secondary schools in Norway
- Exploring the History of Education to Establish Emergent Collaborative Communities of Practice in Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education.
Dorit Alt Nirit Raichel
Nils Ole Nilsen
Paul Flynn
10 SES 10 B, Experiences and Expertise in the Classroom
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Rose Dolan
- Designing, evaluating and researching the Effectiveness of Professional Learning for Teachers Teaching “Out of Field”
- Deconstructing adaptive teacher expertise for inquiry-based teaching in Japanese elementary classrooms: Neriage as inter-subjective pedagogy for social mind-storming
- Developing Professional Identity in Initial Teacher Education: Student Teachers’ Concerns and Aspirations in Adverse Times
John Kenny Linda Hobbs
Noriyuki Inoue Tadashi Asada Natsumi Maeda Shun Nakamura
Maria Assunção Flores
10 SES 11 D, Research in Teacher Education
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-Theatre P, Chair: Judith Harford
- Research in Teacher Education – A Topical and Methodological Network Profile
- Responsibility Among Future Primary Teachers: Where is it Formed, and What Form does it Take?
Julia Planer
Paola Dusi Antonietta De Vita
10 SES 11 B, Surveying Teacher Educators’ Professional Development Needs in Europe - and Beyond
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Mary O'Sullivan
- Surveying Teacher Educators’ Professional Development Needs in Europe - and Beyond
- Being a Teacher Educator in Norway
- Being a Teacher Educator in Ireland
- The Israeli Case
- The Professional Learning Needs of Teacher Educators in England
Jean Murray Marit Ulvik Ann McPhail Ainat Gubermann Mary O'Sullivan Lin Goodwin Kari Smith Paul Conway Michal Golan Gerry Czerniawski
Marit Ulvik Kari Smith
Ann McPhail Mary O'Sullivan Paul Conway
Ainat Gubermann Michal Golan
Jean Murray Gerry Czerniawski
10 SES 11 A, New Model Teacher Education in Europe and Russia; Continuity and Change in University Involvements
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Roza Valeeva
- New Model Teacher Education in Europe and Russia; Continuity and Change in University Involvements.
- Teachers’ Professionalism in the context of the emerging Russian teacher professional standards project
- Why become a teacher? A biographical qualitative approach to persuading student teachers to become successful teachers.
- Institutional Reformation and the Realignment of Professional Values; Teacher Education Reform in Ireland
Conor Galvin Sabine Maschke Anne McMorrough n. n. Roza Valeeva Ludwig Stecher
Roza A Valeeva
Sabine Maschke Ludwig Stecher
Anne McMorrough Conor Galvin
10 SES 11 C, Mentoring and Agency in Teacher Education
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Gaele Macfarlane
- Understandings of mentoring in school placement settings within the context of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland.
- Teacher Professional Development as a Means of Improving Learning Outcomes in Schools: the Case of Oman
- Teacher Educators’ Collective Agency in Re-negotiating Professional Identity - Transforming Marginality to Strength
Lorele Mackie
Heikki Silvennoinen Amira Al Shabibi Mahfouda Al Jabri
Päivi Hökkä Katja Vähäsantanen Salme Mahlakaarto
10 SES 12 B, Knowledge Regime and Performativity Discourses in Education
Friday, 2016-08-26, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
- A Critical Review OF A Knowledge Regime In Supervision Theory
- The Reform Agenda in Initial Teacher Education in Ireland: Challenges and Expectations inherent in Imagining and Developing new Partnerships
- Reflective practice in teacher education in Ireland and Norway: Exploring the reification of performativity discourses in educational policy.
- Problematizing coevaluation in coteaching: Shifting emphases and re-structuring stakeholder roles
Kaare Skagen
Judith Harford Teresa O'Doherty
Oliver McGarr Anne Berit Emstad
Kathryn Scantlebury Susan Gleason Elizabeth Soslau Jeniifer Gallo-Fox
10 SES 12 A, ‘Pedagogies of Preparation’: Teacher Educators’ and Mentors’ Perspectives on Teaching for and in the Practicum
Friday, 2016-08-26, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Paul Conway
- ‘Pedagogies of Preparation’: Teacher educators’ and mentors’ perspectives on teaching for and in the practicum
- Extensive Clinical Practice and Mentor Teachers’ Perspectives on Effective Teaching: A U.S. Case
- Shifting boundaries and new pedagogies of preparation: An Australian perspective
- Pedagogies of Space and Place
- Facilitating Practical Learning in the Pre-service Campus Programme
Jean Murray A. Lin Goodwin Simone White ML White Clive Beck Clare Kosnik Paul Conway Emilie Reagan Rachel Roegman
Lin Goodwin Emilie Reagan Rachel Roegman
Simone White
Jean Murray ML White
Clive Beck Clare Kosnik
10 SES 12 C, Perspectives on Education and Training
Friday, 2016-08-26, 09:00-10:30, Room: NM-F106, Chair: Milosh Raykov
- Learner Participation - Analyzing Argumentation On Socio Scientific Issues – Scientific And Deliberative Aspects
- The Contribution of Research for Understandings of Early Childhood Workforce Training
- 'I am what I do': A Study of Adult and Further Education Teacher Training in Ireland
- Predictive Utility of Short Videos For Teaching Performance Of Preservice Teachers
Anne Kristine Byhring Karl Henrik Flyum
Verity Campbell-Barr
Anne Graham Cagney Valerie Mannix Boyle Carol Yelverton-Halpin Ned Cohen
Ruth Geer Bruce White Graham Hardy
10 SES 13 B, Research Approaches: Effects, Validation and Relationship
Friday, 2016-08-26, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Julia Planer
10 SES 13 A, Mentoring in Differing Education Contexts: Perspectives from Norway, Ireland and Australia
Friday, 2016-08-26, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Denise Beutel
- Mentoring in Differing Education Contexts: Perspectives from Norway, Ireland and Australia
- Mentors’ Role in Preparing Student Teachers for High Quality Professional Practice
- Mentoring in Teacher Education: an Academic Practice for Knowledge Co-Construction where Context, Care and Productive Possibility Matter
- Preparing teachers as mentors to support beginning teachers: An Australian case study
Denise Beutel Marit Ulvik Ingrid Helleve Leanne Crosswell Geraldine Mooney Simmie Simone White Joanne Moles
Marit Ulvik Ingrid Helleve
Geraldine Mooney Simmie Joanne Moles
Leanne Crosswell Denise Beutel
10 SES 13 C JS, Developing the Assessment Capacity of Teachers and Intending Teachers: Theory and Practice (Part 1)
Friday, 2016-08-26, 13:30-15:00, Room: NM-F103a, Chair: Sandra Johnson
- Developing the Assessment Capacity of Teachers and Intending Teachers: Theory and Practice (Part 1)
- Developing Teacher Assessment Capacity: Establishing a Theoretical Basis for Assessment Education
- Which Pedagogical Competences are Crucial for the Teaching Profession in the Eyes of Student Teachers?
- Dynamic Assessment: Integrating Assessment for Learning Principles in the Teacher Education Programme at the University of Oslo
Sandra Johnson Christopher DeLuca Lisbeth Brevik Marte Blikstad-Balas Kirsti Engelien
Christopher DeLuca
Christoph Schneider Rainer Bodensohn
Lisbeth Brevik Marte Blikstad-Balas Kirsti Engelien
10 SES 14 B, Pre-service Teacher Selection: An Evidence-based Framework.
Friday, 2016-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-Theatre N, Chair: Janet Clinton
- Pre-service teacher selection: An evidence-based framework.
- Conceptual and Empirical Validation of Assessments used in the Selection of Candidates into Teaching Courses
- The Predictive Capacity of Cognitive Ability and Non-cognitive Characteristics of Preservice Teachers on Course Performance
- A selection framework: National and International perspectives
Georgia Dawson Janet Clinton Gerard Calnin Daniel Arifin John Hattie Joe Lewsey Larissa McLean-Davies Eeqbal Hassim
Georgia Kate Dawson Janet May Clinton John Hattie Daniel Arifin
Daniel Arifin Janet Clinton John Hattie Joe Lewsey
Janet Clinton Gerard Calnin Larissa McLean-Davies Eeqbal Hassim
10 SES 14 A, Learning Environments for Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classroom
Friday, 2016-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-G107, Chair: Timo Ehmke
- Learning Environments for Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classroom
- Opportunities to learn in teacher education and competencies of future teachers in the field of German as a second language
- Pre-Service Teachers Beliefs and Competences Regarding Working with Multilingual Learners in German Content Classrooms
- U.S. Perspectives on Linguistically Responsive Teaching: A Content Analysis of Online Professional Learning Digital Documents
- Finnish Teachers’ Knowledge about Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Teaching
Timo Ehmke Jennifer Paetsch Nele Fischer Emmanuel Acquah Ayo Mansaray Fränze Sophie Wagner Annkathrin Darsow Svenja Hammer Kara Viesca Jenni Alisaari Nancy Commins
Jennifer Paetsch Fränze Sophie Wagner Annkathrin Darsow
Nele Fischer Svenja Hammer Timo Ehmke
Kara Viesca Nancy Commins
Emmanuel O. Acquah Jenni Alisaari Nancy Commins
10 SES 14 C, The Role of Teaching Theories and Worldviews
Friday, 2016-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-C214, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- Impact of Primary Education Students Worldview on the Development of Scientific Reasoning through a Case-Based Discussion.
- The Leading Role Of Teachers´ Implicit Theories. A Cross-cultural Study
- Novices' Issues in Focus in Classroom Management – An Ecological Perspective
Hannah James Stephen Day
Horst Zeinz Masashi Urabe Henrike Kopmann
Liat Eyal Drorit Ram
10 SES 14 D JS, Developing the Assessment Capacity of Teachers and Intending Teachers: Theory and Practice (Part 2)
Friday, 2016-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: NM-F103a, Chair: Christopher DeLuca
- Developing the Assessment Capacity of Teachers and Intending Teachers: Theory and Practice (Part 2)
- Developing Assessment Capacity in Norway and Ireland Using the Assessment for Learning Audit Instrument (AfLAi)
- Developing Teachers’ Capacities in Assessment to Promote Pupil Learning in Scottish Schools through Career-long Professional Learning
Sandra Johnson Zita Lysaght Kay Livingston Christopher DeLuca Michael O'Leary Carolyn Hutchinson
Zita Lysaght Michael O'Leary
Kay Livingston Carolyn Hutchinson
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