Session Information
10 SES 12 B, Knowledge Regime and Performativity Discourses in Education
Paper Session
Within the last five years Teacher Education in Ireland has become a significant focus of policy change and development; influenced by a multiplicity of external and internal factors, the reform of the nature, content, duration, and structure of teacher provision and providers in recent years, provides an interesting case study of change in teacher education.
Following a long period of stability where the structure of teacher education had remained unchanged for many decades, the establishment of the Teaching Council, the statutory body with responsibility for regulating the teaching profession, in 2006, was a significant development on the education landscape. Traditionally universities and colleges exercised high levels of institutional autonomy in relation to the content and nature of teacher education programmes with little state intervention or regulation, and teacher education was almost invisible within the higher education landscape with a resultant low public profile. This situation has changed considerably within a short period of time, and teacher education has become the object of state intervention and regulation, at a period when the government is seeking to recapture economic prosperity and competitiveness.
This paper examines how international research and literature on good practice in initial teacher education has been reflected and refracted within a national policy. Influenced by Global Education Reform Movement, control of teacher education curriculum has shifted from the higher education institutions to the Teaching Council and government agencies. Reflecting the turn to practice within the literature, the role and place of school placement and partnership with schools is now a dominant feature within ITE programmes. In parallel, influenced by the need to achieve critical mass to support and maintain educational research, partnership between institutions has also been mandated, resulting in further loss of institutional autonomy for ITE providers. Within this paper partnership in Irish education is reviewed from two specific aspects:
- The reconceptualised curriculum of ITE, where university- schools partnerships are now a mandated requirement for accreditation/recognition of programmes, and significant portions of ITE programmes must be school-based;
- The revision of the infrastructure of ITE provision, where in a bid to reduce fragmentation, create a critical mass and thereby sustainable and research led and driven high quality ITE provision, traditionally autonomous institutions are currently engaged in a process of amalgamation, incorporation or creating strategic ‘partnerships’ and alliances.
The emphasis on and visibility of ITE on the policy landscape is a relatively recent development, resulting from the confluence of a number of factors described as ‘the perfect storm’ (Conway 2013). Ireland’s poor national performance in PISA, and influenced by economic regeneration and international competitiveness the Department of Education and Skills’ (DES) decision to extend the duration of ITE programmes to provide additional time for the development of teachers skills in teaching literacy and numeracy, allowed for the reconceptualisation of ITE (DES, 2011, July). Led by the then reform-oriented Minister for Education and Skills (Ruairí Quinn), supported by a vigorous Department, building on the foundation established by the Teaching Council, and facilitated by a period of austerity and financial rectitude, the time was ripe for the reform of long established processes and institutions.
This paper provides an overview of the recent reform agenda, delineates the various drivers, both national and international for the unprecedented scale and scope of reform, synthesising developments and identifying key challenges in the road towards partnership.
Expected Outcomes
Conway, P.F. and R. Murphy (2013) A rising tide meets a perfect storm: New accountabilities in teaching and teacher education in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies. 32:1, 11-36. Department of Education and Skills [DES] 2011.Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and for Life: The national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people 2011-2020. Dublin: DES. Harford, J. (2010) ‘Teacher education policy in Ireland and the challenges of the 21st century’, European Journal of Teacher Education, 33 (4). pp. 349-360. Harkin, S and Hazelkorn, E. (2015) ‘Institutional Mergers in Ireland’. In Curai, A. Georghiou, L., Harper, J.C., Pricopie, R. and Ergon-Polak, E. (Eds) (2015) Mergers and alliances in higher education: international practice and emerging opportunities. pp 105-121. Hinfelaar, M. (2012) ‘Emerging higher education strategy in Ireland: amalgamate or perish’, Higher Education Management and Policy, Vol. 24 (10) pp 1- 16. Higher Education Authority. 2012. Towards a Future Higher Education Landscape. Dublin: The Higher Education Authority. Hyland, A. 2012. A Review of the Structure of Initial Teacher Education Provision in Ireland: Background Paper for the International Review Team, May 2012. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills. Long, F., Hall, K., Conway, P., & Murphy, R. (2012). Novice teachers as ‘invisible’ learners. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18, pp. 619–636. Maandag, D. W., J. F. Deinum, A. W. H. Hofman, and J. Buitink. 2007. ‘Teacher Education in Schools: An International Comparison.’ European Journal of Teacher Education 30 (2): pp. 151– 173. OECD, 2011 Robinson, Wendy (2008) ‘England and Wales’. In O’ Donoghue, T. and Whitehead, C. (eds). Teacher Education in the English-Speaking World: Past, Present and Future. USA; Information Age Publishing. pp. 45-60. Sahlberg, P., Munn, P. and Furlong, J. (2012) Report of the International Review Panel on the structure of initial teacher education provision in Ireland: Review conducted on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills. Teaching Council (2011a) Policy on the Continuum of Teacher Education. Maynooth: Teaching Council. Teaching Council. (2011b) Initial teacher education: Criteria and guidelines for programme providers. Maynooth: Teaching Council Teaching Council (2013) Guidelines on School Placement. Maynooth: Teaching Council. Young, Ann-Marie, O'Neill, Amy and Mooney Simmie, Geraldine, (2015) Partnership in learning between university and school: evidence from a researcher-in-residence, Irish Educational Studies, 34:1, pp. 25-42.
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