Session Information
The rapid changes occurring in the information society and the current profiles of the students we teach require new pedagogical models that can help to improve learning. In this sense, initial teacher training plays an important role, and it must take into account the necessary cognoscitive, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions (Mendívil Trellez, 2009) in order for it to be complete.
As the teaching strategy par excellence (Bañeres, Bishop et al., 2008), we find that games are effective tools that allow the educator to be of help at all the educational levels. We understand the use of games to be a teaching strategy that facilitates an active pedagogy rather than a passive and verbal one. Moreover, games improve the intellectual and affective processes, the exchange of attitudes and points of view, active participation, team work, creativity, and imagination (Afari, Aldridge & Fraser, 2012).
Moreover, when we focus on studies that investigate educational tools and resources, and especially the use of games as a pedagogical tool, we observe that games are approached from different perspectives. Thus, Gros (2008) mentions that the most studied aspects are related to the capacity of games to foster motivation and student involvement, and as an element of digital literacy; Queiruga, Fava, Gómez and Brown (2014) use games to bring programming into Secondary Education; Bañeres et. al (2008) talk about games as a didactic strategy to be used at the different educational levels. However, most studies focus on the areas of Physical Education (Rivero, 2011) and Mathematics (Fernández Bravo, 2010).
Although a high percentage of studies refer to games as a didactic resource, fewer studies focus on the presence of games in pre-service teacher training. Some investigations, such as those by Holgado (2011) and Yot and Martínez (2013), among others, deal with games as a teaching strategy that should be addressed in initial teacher training. All of the studies are based on psychological theories, such as multiple intelligences, significant learning, and the constructivist approach to learning (Levis, 2005; Marín, 2012).
In this study, we consider the relevance of games as didactic tools in the teaching activity and the fundamental role of preparing to apply teachers in the classroom. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to contribute to improving the initial training of Elementary School teachers in the Spanish context.
The objectives we pursue are:
- Find out how games are approached and evaluated as a didactic resource in teachers’ communications through social networks.
- Analyse teaching and training experiences that view games as a didactic resource to facilitate learning, highlighting their fundamental elements and characteristics.
- Discover the situation experienced by teachers regarding the use of games as a didactic resource in their classroom practice, deriving influential aspects of their application and development.
- Evaluate the training received by teachers (future and practicing) in using games as a didactic resource.
- Derive and offer orienting guidelines and patterns that serve to reinforce teachers’ pre-service training in the use of games in daily classroom practice.
Expected Outcomes
Afari, E., Aldridge, J. & Fraser, B. (2012) Efectiveness of using games intertiary- level mathematics classrooms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 6 (10), 1369-1392 Bañeres, D. Bishop, A. Cardona, M. Comas I Coma, O. Garaigordobil, M. Hernández, T. Lobo, E. Marrón, M. Ortí, J. Punill, B. Ruíz de Velasco, A. Soler, M. y Vida, T. (2008) El juego como estrategia didáctica. Claves para la innovación educativa. Grao: Barcelona Creswell, J. W. (2008). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications Fernández-Bravo, A. (2010). La resolución de problemas matemáticos: creatividad y razonamiento en la mente de los niños. Madrid: Grupo Mayeútica educación. Flick, U. (2011). Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project. Thousand Oaks, Ca.; Nueva Delhi; Londres: Sage Publishers. Gros, B. (coord.) Bernat, A; Catalá, A. Feixa, C; Grupo F9, Jaén, J; Lacasa, P; Martínez, R; Méndez, L. Mocholí, J. y Moreno, I. (2008) Videojuegos y aprendizaje. Barcelona: Graó Guba, E. (1990) The paradigm Dialog. London: SAGE Huberman, M.A., y Miles, M.B. (1994). Data management and analysis methods. En Denzin N.K. y Lincoln Y.S. (Eds), Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 428-444). London/New Delhi: SAGE Publications Kvale, S. (2011). Las entrevistas en investigación cualitativa. Madrid: Morata. Levis, D. (2005) Videojuegos: espacios simbólicos de juego y encuentro. En Aparici, R. (coord) Comunicación educativa en la Sociedad de la Información. Madrid: UNED Marín, V (2012) Los videojuegos y los juegos digitales como materiales educativos. Madrid: Síntesis Mendívil Trellez, L. (2009) Razones para jugar: hacia la comprensión del rol del juego en el proceso de formación de docentes de educación inicial. Revista de Educación, 8 (35), 7-21 Queiruga, C.; Fava, L.; Gómez, S.;Miyuki, I. y Brown, M.(2014) El juego como estrategia didáctica para acercar la programación a la escuela secundaria. Comunication of Workshop de investigadores en Ciencias de la computación, 358-362. Rivero, I (2011) El juego en las planificaciones de educación física: intencionalidad educativa y prácticas docentes. Buenos Aires: Noveduc Ruíz, J.I. e Ispizua, M. A. (1989). La decodificación de la vida cotidiana: métodos de la investigación cualitativa. Universidad de Deusto: Bilbao. Valles, M. (2009). Técnicas cualitativas de investigación social. Reflexión metodológica y práctica profesional. Síntesis: Madrid. Yot, C. y Martínez, R. (2013) Los profesores también juegan. El aprendizaje basado en juegos en la formación inicial docente. Congreso Internacional Re-conceptualizing the professional identity of European Teacher: sharing experiences.
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