Session Information
10 SES 03 A, Teacher Professional Learning: Collaboration, Communication and Partnership
Paper Session
The proposal comes under Research Network number 10 on “Teacher Education Research” and also under Research Network number 32 on “Organizational Education”.
One of the origins of the research regarding this proposal is the creation in the 90th, by one of the author, of a Teacher Training Seminar at the “Pädagogische Hoschule” in Karlsruhe university, Germany. In this seminar dedicated to secondary schools teachers in training, a work on their subjective involvement (Penot, 1994) in the professional situation was proposed to the students. Along with this training, a correspondence between a class in a French elementary school and a class of a German middle school was organized. A more or less informal network had been set up during two years, involving academics in charge of the seminar, students, elementary or secondary schools teachers and their pupils. This partnership work and the organization of the training were inspired by previous cooperative practices of the two academics, based on the work of the French pedagogue Célestin Freinet, more specifically the correspondence (initiated by Freinet in 1926), and also to the practice of the institutions of the institutional pedagogy (Vasquez, Oury, 1967).
More recently, the authors of this proposal, both senior lecturers in French universities, have organized training courses for beginning teachers. Using the already mentioned methods, and more recent works of authors forming part of the same approach (Imbert, 2005; Laffitte, 2006), each has established a group device for the development of professional practice aimed to students who are in their professional debuts.
Four groups of trainee teachers are involved in our research. First, a group of future teachers of elementary school corresponding with a group of future education advisors in secondary schools and, secondly, a group of undergraduate degree students corresponding with another group of future education advisors. The teachers in training from elementary school and the future school advisors are in a part-time professional situation, in the form of internships during their training. Some are working in groups with pupils, others, the education advisors, are in a group situation too, but with other professionals (teachers, administrative staff, etc.). All are required to take decisions in their professional practice, whether in situation or after a time of reflection. The question that regularly arises for these professional beginners is how to articulate their understanding of the institutional demand with what they subjectively feel in the situation?
The working devices in groups and partnerships established in our courses are designed to help young professionals to find adequate answers both on a personal level and towards the institutions in which they work. But those same devices are also the opportunity to collect materials to produce a theoretical reflection on the processes involved in their use.
The concepts at stake in our work (affect, Green, 2002; didactic transference, Blanchard-Laville, 2001; resonance phenomenas, Blanchard-Laville, 2013; maternal reverie, Bion, 1962) are now partially influenced by the cooperation conducted in a network Erasmus+ which started in 2014 and involves researchers of five European universities (Institute of Education, University of London; Università di Milano Biccoca ; Université du Luxembourg, Université Paris 8; Université Paris Ouest). The network is in the phase of a “strategic partnership”, first step in the project of an European Master. The network main theme is “Crisis of the contemporary educations within the European societies” and one of the subtheme in link with our proposal is the question of “the subjective appropriation of the professional position”. A part of our attention will focus on how a work in partnership may lead to some advancement in the way we use our theoretical references.
Expected Outcomes
Bion, W.R. (1997). Taming Wild Thoughts. London: Karnac. Bion, W.R. (1965). Transformations. Change from Learning to Growth. London: Heinemann. Bion, W.R. (1962). Learning from Experience. London: Karnac. Blanchard-Laville, C. (2013). Au risque d’enseigner. Paris: PUF. Blanchard-Laville, C. Chaussecourte, P. Hatchuel, F. Pechberty, B. (2005). Recherches cliniques d’orientation psychanalytique dans le champ de l’éducation et de la formation. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 151, 111-162. Bulletin officiel de l’Éducation Nationale (2013). Référentiel de compétences pour professeurs, professeurs documentalistes et conseillers principaux d'éducation. Dubois, A. (2011). Des premières monographies du courant psychanalytique de la pédagogie institutionnelle à la formation des enseignants aujourd’hui. Thèse de doctorat. Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Dubois, A. (2015). Écrire des monographies : une modalité d’analyse clinique de situations d’enseignement pour les enseignants débutants. Dans A.-C. Giust-Ollivier et F. Oualid (dir.) Les groupes d'analyse des pratiques (p. 243-266). Toulouse : Érès. Dubois, A. et Geffard, P. (2015). Fernand Oury, les groupes de la classe coopérative et l’approche psychanalytique (1955-1958). Cliopsy, 14, 183-195 Dubois, A., Geffard, P. (2013). Monographies et approche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique en sciences de l’éducation. Communication dans le symposium Réflexions épistémologiques actuelles à propos des recherches cliniques d’orientation psychanalytique en sciences de l’éducation, Congrès international d’actualité de la recherche en éducation et formation, AREF, Montpellier. Freinet, C. (1964). Les techniques Freinet de l’École moderne. Paris: Armand Colin Geffard, P. (2014). Le groupe de pairs de la pédagogie institutionnelle : un espace psychique partagé ? Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe, 62, 183-195 Geffard, P. (2010). Geschichte der Institutionellen Pädagogik, ein kurzer Abriss. Fragen und Versuche, 131, 54-58. Geffard, P. (2010). Le tissage des liens professionnels dans la classe coopérative. Dynamiques psychiques en classe et en groupe de praticiens de la pédagogie institutionnelle. Thèse de doctorat. Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Green, A. (2002). Idées directrices pour une psychanalyse contemporaine. Paris : PUF. Honneth, A. (2005). La réification. Petit traité de Théorie critique. Paris : Gallimard. Imbert, F. (2005). L’inconscient dans la classe : Transferts et contre-transferts. Paris : ESF. Laffitte René & VPI (2006). Essais de pédagogie institutionnelle. Nîmes : Champ social. Oury, F. et Vasquez, A. (1967). Vers une pédagogie institutionnelle. Paris: Maspero. Penot, B. (1994). L’implication subjective de l’analyste est-elle soluble dans le contre-transfert ? Revue française de psychanalyse, LVIII, 1593-1596.
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