Session Information
10 SES 09 B, Social Determinations: Applicants, Teacher Teams and Partnerships
Paper Session
This paper analyses some findings from the preliminary phase of a collaborative project exploring possibilities and challenges in using lesson study as a tool for professional development in partnership between schools and teacher education. Our research question is: How can cooperation about professional learning unite knowledge cultures of schools and teacher education?
Teacher professionalism is increasingly linked to the ablility to transcend existing practices in schools (Lund, Jackhelln & Rindal 2015). Overcoming the recurring dichotomy between theory and practice can be considered an important key in the development of future-oriented teacher education programmes and schools of the future (Ludvigsen 2015).
Theoretical framework and implications: Collaborative efforts in what is commonly described as a third space can provide valuable insights into how research-based and practice-based knowledge can play together to promote professional learning for teachers and teacher students (Zeichner 2010, Lillejord & Børte 2014).
Multiple studies document the need for constructive alignment between theoretical and practice-based knowledge when developing the teacher profession. Fewer studies unpack the transformation that takes place and the roles the different agents play in hybrid spaces for Professional development (Lillejord & Børte 2015). Findings in progress show potential to develop practice as a locus for multi-leveled transformation for all parties involved in teacher education (El Kadri & Roth 2015).
Lesson study is a tool for systematic collaborative learning. What differentiates lesson study from other approaches to professional development and collaborative learning is its emphasis on three fundamental elements (Bjuland & Mosvold 2015):
- Pupil learning
- Observation
- Research lessons
These features make the method interesting as an object for professional development in the interplay between teacher education and practice. Many studies both from teacher education and from schools indicate beneficial results from this method of development, however it also unveils some unresolved challenges concerning the use of research in practice (Bjuland & Mosvold).
Expected Outcomes
Bjuland, R. & Mosvold, R. (2015): Lesson study in teacher education: Learning from a challenging case. In: Teaching and teacher Education 52 (2015). p 83-90. El Kadri, M. S., & Roth, W.-M. (2015). The teaching practicum as a locus of multi-leveled, school-based transformation. Teaching Education, 26(1), 17-37. doi: 10.1080/10476210.2014.997700 Lillejord, S., & Børte, K. (2014). Partnerskap i lærerutdanningen: En forskningskartlegging. Oslo: Kunnskapssenter for utdanning. Ludvigsen, S. (2015): Fagfornyelse, dybdelæring og progresjon i lærerutdannin In: Rindal, Lund & Jakhelln (eds): Veier til fremragende lærerutdanning. Lund, A & Eriksen, T. M. (2016, forthcoming): Teacher Education as Transformation: Some Lessons Learned from a Center for Excellence in Education Munthe, E., Helgevold, N. & Bjuland, R. (2015): Lesson study i utdanning og praksis. Puchner, L. D. & Taylor, A. R. (2015): Lesson study, collaboration and teacher efficacy: Stories from two school-based math lesson study groups. In: Teaching and teacher Education 52 (2015). p 83-90. Zeichner, K. (2010): Rethinking the Connections between campus courses and Field experiences in college-and-university-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 61 (1-2), 89-99.
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