Session Information
10 SES 04 D, Teachers’ Work and Career Decisions
Paper Session
The paper we present is part of the research project "The professional identity of teacher studies", that we are development for last 3 years. The third phase of this research put the focus on the experience of job placement of novel teachers, graduated no more than 5 years. We work with focal groups and professional experience and teacher education accounts of teachers implied in this research. Also, for any teachers, we do biographical interviews to deepen on processes of construction of professional identity. In this paper we present the Ana Belen History, a female teacher of pre-school education with an experience of 4 years in school, working in a urban school with students in risk of exclusion. This school have a educative project, commitment with the neighbourhood, joint with the community and other social groups.
Ana Belen story, from professional perspective, is linked with the social politic and educational commitment of this school. Our interest is focused in the comprehension of professional identity that Ana Belen has gone forging along her personal story and how her education and job placement has contributed for it. Also we are interested in knowing how early professional experiences have influenced in her professional development as teacher. Specifically we ask ourselves about what influence have for her professional identity, that her career starts in this particular school. In consequence, this paper leads us to question the current teacher education model. In particular we are interested on the kind of professional experience that have place and, so, the kinds of commitments that enables. We understand that frameworks in which professional education and experience have place are relevant to enable more or less transformer understandings about teaching.
From conceptual perspective this paper adopts a socio-critical point of view (Gergen, 1985; Kincheloe, 2001; Wenger, 1988, etc.). We understand that teaching has to be analysing according work contexts and personal stories of teachers, because we face processes historical and collective building. Teaching is the result of action of their actors, over time, and in specific stage. So, with this research we intend to break with the old gap between pre and in-service education. We think that both of them are part of the same process and are formed according similar logical; although scenes change. We understand that they are part of a continuous process in which is giving sense to different and complex settings where teaching profession is built, but they are not differenced and independent stages. The teacher work, so, is subject to particular conditions, generated from such different fields as institutional, corporative, cultural, social, political, moral, etc. It displays a kaleidoscopic view on space, time, context, ... These are the axis in which the teaching is formed, from the complexity and heterogeneity.
How this complexity is articulated results in different ways to face the teacher work, according different personal and professional stories. The teacher acts with subjects in instituted contexts from relationships he has with them, which gives a situated and contingent character. But, these contexts are strongly structured and ruled according centralized and generalized positions; which is, at the very least, paradoxical. Possibly, from our point of view, same of the crisis of teaching have to explain from this paradoxical perspective and the conflict, which characterize this job (Rivas, Leite y Cortés, 2011)
Expected Outcomes
BRUNER, J. (1997). La educación puerta de la cultura. Madrid:Visor. CONLE, C. (1996). Resonance in preservice teacher inquiry. American Educational Research Journal, 33(2), 297–325. CORTES GONZALEZ. P., LEITE MENDEZ, A.E., RIVAS FLORES, J.I. (2014). “Un enfoque narrativo de la identidad profesional en profesorado novel”. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 24: 199-214 CLANDININ, D. (2013). Engaging in narrative inquiry. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. DUBAR, c.(2002). La crisis de identidades. La interpretación de una mutación.Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra. LEITE, A. E. (2011), Historias de Vida de Maestros y Maestras. La interminable construcción de las identidades: Vida personal, trabajo y desarrollo profesional. Málaga: Spicum LEITE, Analía (2012): “Historias de vida docentes: recuperando, reconstruyendo y re significando identidades”, Praxis Educativa núm. 1, vil. XVI, pp. 13-21. RICHERT, A. (2003). La narrativa como texto experiencial: incluirse en el texto. En A LIEBERMAN y L. MILLER, La indagación como base de la formación del profesorado y la mejora de la educación (193-208). Barcelona: Octaedro. Rivas Flores, J.I., Leite Mendez, A. E. y Cortes Gonzalez P. (2014) ¿Dónde me he metido?. Las condiciones profesionales del profesorado novel, en Sancho, J. M., Correa, J. M., Giró, X. y Fraga, L. (Coord.) (2014). Aprender a ser docente en un mundo en cambio. Simposio internacional. Barcelona: Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona. Pág.439-445. RIVAS, J. (2010). Descolonizar la educación. Transformar la práctica docente desde una perspectiva crítica. En P.Aparicio, El poder de educar y de educarnos. Transformar la práctica docente desde una perspectiva crítica (págs. 57-72). Xátiva, Valencia, Ediciones del Crec. RIVAS, J.I. Y LEITE, A.E. (2013). “Aprender la profesión desde el pupitre”. Cuadernos de pedagogía, 436: 34-37 RIVAS, J. I. (2014). Nuevas identidades en la formación del profesorado: la voz del alumnado. nternational Journal of Development and Educational Psychology. INFAD Revista de psicología , 7 (1), 487-494. RIVAS, J. (2004). ¿Cómo enseñar a los que enseñan? Introducción a la evolución de la deformación y formación del profesorado. In J. y. Guerrero, La Pizarra Mágica. Una visión Diferente de la Historia de la Educación (pp. 265-281). Archidona, Málaga: Aljibe. SENNETT, R. (2012). Juntos. Rituales, placeres y política de cooperación. Barcelona: Anagrama.
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