Session Information
10 SES 05 A, Preparing Teachers to Teach in Diverse Classrooms
Paper Session
The purpose of the study was to explore the use of reflexive practice as a pedagogical approach in the education of student teachers and to explore any changes or developments in their understanding of special educational needs (SEN), disability and inclusion and of their role as teachers for inclusion, in order to inform the development of a special and inclusive education (SIE) specialism in an initial teacher education (ITE) programme.
Research Questions:
- Why have the student teachers chosen the SIE specialism and what do they hope to gain from it?
- What understanding of and attitudes to SEN do they bring with them to the specialism?
- What changes or developments, if any, occur in the student teachers’ understanding of SEN, disability and inclusion and of their role as prospective teachers for inclusion over the course of their engagement with this specialism?
- Do the reflexive practices of student teachers contribute to their understanding of SEN, disability and inclusion and of their role as prospective teachers for inclusion?
- How is the pedagogy of the specialism designed to enable development of student teachers’ reflexive practice?
Internationally, there is a policy commitment to the inclusion of children with SEN in mainstream schools. In Ireland, the EPSEN Act (Government of Ireland, 2004) mandates the creation of inclusive learning environments and enshrines in law the right of all students to attend mainstream schools. Teachers and schools are increasingly involved in creating and sustaining inclusive learning environments. Equipping teachers to undertake these challenges, to be inclusive teachers, has had implications for teacher preparation across the continuum. Regarding teacher preparation, a decision made by Minister for Education to extend the length of all ITE programmes (DES, 2010) led to the restructuring of the BEd programme from a three-year to a four-year fulltime programme. Additionally, ITE programmes were required to align with criteria set out by the Teaching Council. These developments presented an opportunity to staff of the Special Education Department of one College of Education to develop and deliver core, integrated and specialist components of special and inclusive education as part of the BEd programme and a major specialism in SIE was developed. This context provided the rationale for research investigating the pedagogical approaches to developing student teachers' reflexive practices for inclusion.
The study was set within the theoretical framework of critical social constructivism. Constructivist approaches were a pedagogical feature of the SIE modules undertaken by course participants, recognising the transformative potential of constructing understandings. The critical stance of this framework was integral to the questioning of assumptions, self-monitoring and continuous reflection towards deeper understandings underpinning the pedagogical experiences of teaching and learning which contributed to methods of data generation for the study.
Literature forming the backdrop for the study was conceptually organised to review attitudinal research, research on the impact of the special school practicum and research on impact of course work combined with field experience. Attitudinal research indicates that the period of pre-service education represents an ideal time for altering negative attitudes and addressing concerns that student teachers may have in relaiton to inclusive education (Jordan et al., 2009; O'Toole & Burke, 2013; Sharma et al., 2006). Research on special school practicum indicates that this has value for pre-service teachers provided that it incorporates supervised opportunity to practise teaching with support in planning and reflection, and feedback on pedagogy (Lambe & Bones, 2006; Walton & Rusznyak, 2013). Regarding impact of course work combined with field experience, research indicates the critical importance of structure of course programme and placement with instructional and reflection opportunities (Bentley-Williams & Morgan, 2013; Peebles & Mendaglio, 2014; Swain et al., 2012).
Expected Outcomes
Bentley-Williams, R., & Morgan, J. (2013). Inclusive education: pre-service teachers' reflexive learning on diversity and their challenging role. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 173-185. Department of Education and Skills. (2010). Better literacy and numeracy for children and young people. Dublin: Government of Ireland. Government of Ireland. (2004). Education for persons with special educational needs act. Dublin: The Stationary Office. Jordan, A., Schwartz, E., & McGhie-Richmond, D. (2009). Preparing teachers for inclusive classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, 535-542. Lambe, J., & Bones, R. (2006). Student teachers' perceptions about inclusive classroom teaching in Northern Ireland prior to teaching practice experience. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 21(2), 167-186. O,Toole, C., & Burke, N. (2013). Ready, willing and able? Attitudes and concerns in relation to inclusion amongst a cohort of Irish pre-service teachers. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 28(3), 239-253. Peebles, J.L., & Mendaglio, S. (2014). The impact of direct experience on preservice teachers' self-efficacy for teaching in inclusive classrooms. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(2), 1321-1336. Sharma, U., Forlin, C., Loreman, T., & Earle, C. (2006). Preservice teachers' attitudes, concerns and sentiments about inclusive education. International Journal of Special Education, 21, 80-93. Swain, K.D., Nordness, P.D., & Leader-Janssen, E.M. (2012). Changes in preservice teachers' attitudes towards inclusion. Preventing School Failure, 56(2), 75-81. Walton, E., & Rusznyak, L. (2014). Affordances and limitations of a special school practicum as a means to prepare pre-service teachers for inclusive education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(9), 957-974.
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