Session Information
10 SES 04.5 PS, General Poster Session
General Poster Session
The considerable bibliographic production in decades on concepts such as mediation and Zone of Proximal Development, allows us to afirm, without exaggeration, that Vygotsky has become an obligatory name not only in psychology but also in pedagogy and even in mathematics education. However, this intense movement, reflected in such productions and research does not necessarily mean a due appropriation of the foundations and methods of historical-cultural theory to which they are linked. The risk of vulgarization, the convenient interpretation of the theory, seems pronounced in the case of Marxist psychology, particularly in its interface with education. This is why the aim is to demonstrate how the foundations of cultural-historical theory, in content and form, can guide research in mathematics education within the teacher education. So it starts from the thesis of Vygotsky (2000), that a "new method" also defines "a new phenomenon", ie, the method is closely linked to the phenomenon in the same way that the phenomenon is "revealed" by the method.
In this work we demonstrate how the fundamentals of cultural-historical theory, in content and form, can guide research in mathematics education in teachers’ formation. In the case of research conducted the aim has meant to understand the teacher learning in the context of Teaching Guiding Activity (TGA) math. We develop the Research Guiding Activity (RGA) which, like the TGA, contains the synthesis of an educational project, has a collective need, must be the subject; have a coordinated plan of action; motive coincides with the object. We organize Research Guiding Activity that could, on the one hand, promote learning and teacher development and, secondly, to enable the researcher to understand the formation of teachers’ theoretical thought. The RGA thereby constituted as a unit formative research and teacher learning, acting as mediation between the researcher (research objectives) and the teacher (formative objectives).
Expected Outcomes
DAVIDOV, V. (1988) La enseñanza escolar y el desarrollo psíquico. Moscou: Progresso. ________. (2002) El aporte de A N. Leontiev al desarollo de la psicologia. In: GOLDER, M. Angustia por la utopía. Buenos Aires: Ateneo Vigotskiano de la Argentina. KOPNIN, P. (1978) A dialética como lógica e teoria do conhecimento. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira. LEONTIEV, A. (1983) Actividad, Consciencia, Personalidad. Habana: Editorial Pueblo yEducación. MOURA, M. O. (1996) A atividade de ensino como unidade formadora. BOLEMA, v. 12, p. 29-43, Rio Claro: UNESP. ________. (2001) A Atividade de Ensino como Ação Formadora. In: CASTRO, A. D. E CARVALHO, A.M P. Ensinar a Ensinar. São Paulo: Pioneira. MYNAYO, M.C.S, (2005) O desafio do conhecimento.São Paulo: Hucitec. VIGOTSKI, L. S. (2000) A Formação social da mente. São Paulo: Martins Fontes. VYGOTSKI, L.S (1995) Obras Escogidas, V. III. Madri: Visor.
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